1.—________ you cold? (    )
—No, I’m not.
A.Do    B.Is    C.Are
2.I usually play football ________ four ________ the afternoon. (    )
A.at; in    B.at; on    C.in; at
3.—I’m very _______. (    )
—Here’s a fan _______ you.
A.cold; for    B.hot; for    C.cold; to
4.I have a _______ lesson today. I can _______ well. (    )
A.skating; skate    B.skating; skating    C.skate; skating
5.—What’s the matter with ________? (    )
—She has a cold.
A.you    B.her    C.him
6.We don’t have ________ Chinese lessons ________ Friday afternoon. (    )
A.any; on    B.some; in    C.a; on
7.She can ________ cakes. (    )
A.makes    B.making    C.make
8.—_______ that man? (   )
—_______ my English teacher.
A.What's; He's    B.Who; His    C.Who's; He's
9.—_______ I speak to Jim? (   )
—Yes, this is Jim _______.
A.Do; speaking    B.Am; speaking    C.May; speaking
10.—_______ subjects do you have this term? (   )
A.What    B.How much    C.How many
11.—_______ do you have breakfast every day? (   )
—I have breakfast _______ 7:30.
A.Where; on    B.When; at    C.What; in
12.—Can I have _________ juice? (    )   
—OK, here you are.
A.any    B.some    C.a
13._________ summer, he can _________.  (    )
A.In; swimming    B.At; swim    C.In; swim
14.The Science book is ________ the bedroom, ________ the chair. (   )
A.on; in    B.in; on    C.at; on
15.I ______ six robots and she ______ two robots. (   )
A.have; has    B.have; have    C.has; has
16.It’s nine o'clock. It’s time ________ (go) to bed.
17.The jeans _______ (be) my _______ (brother), _______ (Mike).
18.There are fifty _______ (student) in my class.
19.Can you go _______ (fish) in winter?
20.Look at the jeans. They're _________ (David).
21.I'm hot. I want _________ (eat) an ice cream.
22.It’s time to have a ______ (draw) lesson.
23.She _____ (like) Music and Science.
24.This is Su Hai _____ (speak). May I _____ (speak) to Nancy?
25.I don’t have ______ (some) stickers.
26.—Whose ______ (毛衣) are these?  —They’re Tim’s.
27.I can’t see ________ (some) birds in the tree.
28.Mike ________ (have) a ________ (swim) lesson on Sunday.
29.Mary can _____ (have) lunch at school every day.
30.This is Mrs Green _________ (speak).
31.Mike is ________ (口渴的), he wants to drink some water.
32.—_______ scarf is this? 
—It's Yang Ling's.
33.The first day (第一) of a week is _____.
34.I ______ (通常) draw some ______ (花) in the park.
35.I can see some birds over there. Can you see t_________?
36.—______ do you like, Alice?
—I like Maths and Music.
37.A: What _______ do you ________ on Monday morning?
B: I have Art and PE.
38.Look at the _________. They are cool.
39.It’s ten o'clock in the morning. It’s time for _________.
40.—What _____ (课) do you have?
—I have _____ and _____.
Mum: Hurry up, Helen! It’s eight o'clock. It’s time for school.
Helen: I can’t go to school today, Mum.
Mum: What’s the matter, dear?
Helen: I feel cold.
Mum: Oh. You have a fever. Drink some warm water, dear.
Helen: No. I don’t want to drink any water, Mum.
Mum: Let’s go to see the doctor.
Helen: OK. I want to drink some orange juice, Mum.
41、Where is Helen now? (     )
A.In the park.    B.At home.    C.In class.
42、What time is it? (     )
A.Seven forty.    B.Seven.    C.Eight o'clock.
alice spring怎么读43、Is it Monday today? (     )
A.Yes, it is.    B.No, it isn’t.    C.Sorry, I don’t know. (我不知道)
44、Helen wants to ________. (     )
A.go to school    B.drink some water    C.drink some orange juice
45、What's the matter with Helen? (     )
A.She is happy.    B.She is ill.    C.She is hungry.
One day, a monkey rides his bike near the river. He sees a lion under a tree. The lion runs to him. He is afraid and falls in the river. He can’t swim. He shouts(呼喊).
When the rabbit hears(听见) him, he jumps into the river and swims to the monkey, but he can’t help him.
Luckily(幸运地), an elephant comes. He is very strong. He helps the rabbit and the monkey.
The three of them are very happy. They go to the elephant’s home. And they become good friends.
46、The monkey sees a(an) ______ under a tree. (    )
A.lion    B.rabbit    C.elephant
47、The ______ can swim. (    )
A.lion    B.rabbit    C.monkey
48、The elephant is very ______. (    )
A.smart    B.afraid    C.strong
49、They go to the ______ home. (    )
A.elephant’s    B.rabbit’s    C.monkey’s
50、What can we learn from this story(从故事中学到了什么)? (    )
