班级_______________  座号______  姓名_______________  分数_______________
1. 当别人帮助了你,你要说:(    )
A.Thank you.
B.You're welcome.
2. 读一读,选择相应的图片。
(    )1. question 
(    )2. tiger
(    )3. sun
(    )4. rabbit
3. 起立(    )
A.Sand  up            B.Sand
4. 你想告诉别人自己的T恤衫是橙的,可以说:______
A.Look at my skirt. It’s orange. 
B.This is my orange T-shirt. 
C.This is an orange T-shirt.
5. How many _________ can you see? I can see one
A. rulers    B. ruler
6. This is _____ new skirt.
A.I              B.an              C.my
7. Hi!    Micky.
A.My name    B.I'm    C.name's
8. Welcome ________ our house.
A.in    B.to    C.on
9. What does _______ look like ?
A.his    B.he    C.him
10.Are these your        ?           
A. toy                                              B. toys
11.What can you?(    )
A.do        B.does      C.doing
12.Who is she?________
A. She is a girl.                                   B. She is my sister.
A. Hello!                       B. What's your name?                       C. My name's Chen Jie.
14.Let’s _____a puppet!
A. read          B.make          C. say
15.______ my brother.           
A. This's                                       B. This is                                       C. This
1. Pour the blue     .          2. Smell the brown   ____.
3. Taste the yellow       .    4. Drink the orange     .
1. am  I  Liu Xia
2. Zoom Are  you
3. is  there Who
4. your Close  book
5. me  your Show    ruler
6. my  can I    ABCs  say
1________       cool/warm   
2________          hot/cold   
3________             happy/sad   
4________            cold/hot   
5________           warm/cool   
20.请在横线上按照顺序,正确书写五个元音字母。  ________   
21.Is it a apple?
cough  fly  make    build  turn
1. Spring is the best time _________ kites.
2. My dog is good at _________ camps out of sticks.
3. Who ________ breakfast for you every morning?
4. You’d better give up smoking, or you’ll keep ________ day and night.
5. It’s said it __________ colder in the late afternoon.
1.  Guess.
2.  Hello, Kate! I have a new pencil-box.
3.  No, it’s pink. Look.
4.  Wow, how nice!
5.  Really? What colour is it?
6.  Red?
1one, three, ________ fourfive, seven
2two, four, __________ fivesix, eight
3three, ___________ foursix, nine
4ten, ________ onenine, eight, seven
5one, _________ twofive, nine
25.alice spring怎么读模仿写短语
例:dog      a dog        dogs
1. apple ______________  ______________
2. cat ______________  ______________
3. boy ______________  ______________
4. girl ______________  ______________
5. hen ______________  ______________
6. egg ______________  ______________
nine            4
seven          7
six            6
four            3
three          9
1.Where is your finger?              A  Good afternoon.
2.Good morning.                  B  Nice to meet you, too.
3.Nice to meet you!                C  Here it is.
4.Good afternoon.                  D  Good idea.
5.Let’s play with the dog.            E  Good morning.
1How old are you?                      A.生日快乐。
2I’m seven.                            B.这是你的蛋糕。
3Here’s your cake.                      C. 你多大了?
