外研版英语七年级下册Module 10  A holiday journey
◎第1课时 What did you do?

holiday move  take  meet  excite
1. He _____ to Los Angeles two years ago.
2. It ________ me two hours to dance yesterday.
3. What are you going to do on ________?
4. Childrens Day is coming. Children are very _____.
5. My parents ______ me at the airport .
1. They _____ (spend) two weeks on the model plane.
2. It’s really _____(excit) to surf (冲浪) in the sea.
3. It took us two hours _____ (find) out the answer.
4. Would you like to go _____ (ride)?
5. He _____(leave) his watch in the hotel yesterday.
1. — Alice, _____? I won the game.
— Congratulations.
A. do you know        B. can you guess
C. what happened        D. guess what
2. —______did you go to Paris?
—Two years ago.
A. When            B. How soon
C. How long        D. What is time
3. This is an ______ story so I am very______.
A. exciting; excited        B. exciting; exciting
C. excited; excited        D. excited; exciting
4. —Why did you come to school late?
—I ______ an old friend at the station just now.
A. think        B. thought    C. meet    D. met
5. Will you be _____ holiday soon?
A. on a    B. on the    C. on    D. in a
1. 修车花了多长时间?
_____ ____ did it ____ to repair the car?
2. 昨天晚上做作业花了我们很长时间。
  It ___ us a long time ____ ___homework last night.
3. 下周我父母要去大连度假。
  We are going to Dalian _____ ____ next week.
4. 昨天我的朋友开车送我去机场。
My friend ______ ______ _____ the airport yesterday.
5. 你猜怎么着!上星期天我遇见姚明了。
_____ _____! I met Yao Ming last Sunday.
A. How many days are you going to stay there?
B. Who will go with you?
C. How are you going there?
D. How many students are going there?
E. What are you going to do then?
A: Are you going to have any classes next week?
B: No, we aren’t.
A:   1           
B: We’re going to Buckingham Palace.
A: Oh! That’s great.          
B: Forty.
B: Our teacher, Ms Song.
B: By plane.
A:   5           
B: Ten days.
A: I’m sure you’re going to have a great time.
Jim was traveling around the country in his car. In the evening he wanted to find a small hotel. At this time he saw an old man walking along with difficulty, he stopped his car and said to the old man, “Where is the Sun Hotel? Would you like to tell me how go get there? ” “Yes, ” the old man answered, “I’ll show you the way. ”
He got into Jim’s car, and they drove for about twelve kilometers. When they came to a small house, the old man said, “Stop here. ” Jim stopped and looked at the house, “But this isn’t a hotel, ” he said to the old man. “No, ” the old man answered, “This is my house. And now I’ll show you the way to the Sun Hotel. Turn around and go back nine kilometers. Then you’ll see the Sun Hotel on your left(左边). ”
1. Jim took a taxi to travel.
alice spring怎么读2. Jim wanted to find a hotel in the evening.
3. The old man knew where the Sun Hotel was.
4. The old man’s house was nine kilometers away from the Sun Hotel.
5. The old man took Jim to the Sun Hotel at last.
