1.My parents and I _______ at home yesterday. We _______ to have a picnic. (      )
A.were; wanted B.was; wanted C.are; want
2.In China, spring comes ______ March, April and May. (        )
A.at B.on C.in
3._______ can catch flies. (        )
A.Frogs B.Turtles C.Butterflies
4.—Who is she  (      )
A.She is my sister. B.Her name is Lucy. C.He is my friend. D.His name is Tom.
5.She _________ the bus. Then she goes to the shop. (        )
A.goes to B.gets off C.by bus
6.There are two new bicycles in the window. Kitty likes _____ bicycles. (      )
A.all the B.both C.two
7.Look! Kitty is telling her classmates _________ her new home. (      )
A.about B.with C.of
8.We can walk ________ Spring Lane. (      )
A.along B.long C.away
9.The boy wants ________ pure milk.  (        )
A.some B.a C.an
10.Maria wants _________ a postcard in the science museum this afternoon. (        )
A.buy B.buying C.to buy
11.It was an egg. Now it is a            / d kl  /
12.Look at the footballs. One is big, one is small. They’re d      .
13.We can stick the paper on the book with the g    .
14.The robots are          the second floor.
15.—Look at the shoes. How              are they
—Eighty yuan.
(        ) (1). The ancient Olympic Games began in 776 BC, about 3000 years ago.
(        ) (2). My sister is a singer. Look, she wears pretty dresses on stage.
(        ) (3). Mr. Bell invented the telephone. It makes our life easy and comfortable.
(        ) (4). I hurt my right leg when I played football yesterday.
(        ) (5). Guoguo finished the piano lessons last Thursday and she was happy.
A.That’s a good idea.  B.They are on the desk.  C. Yes, I do.  D.Here you are.  E. They are dictionaries.
17.Pass me the box, please. (    )
18.Let’s make a home party. (    )
19.What are these books  (    )
20.Where are the books  (    )
21.Do you like reading books  (    )
(    )Wait for the flower.alice spring怎么读
(    )Then, water it and put it in the sun.
(    )Wait for the sprout.
(    )Wait for the plant.
(    )First, put the seeds in the soil.
23.in, weather, how, the, Canada, is ( )
24.four, there, in a year, are, seasons (.)
25.do, eat, lions, What ( )
26.her, show, of, to, your, a, friend, photo (.)
27.like, and, Tom, both, dolphins, Alice (.)
A: Do you have any friends
B: Yes, I have two. They’re Sam and Helen.
A: Great!    28
B: Sure! Sam likes sports (运动).
A: What sport does he like
B:    29
A: Cool!    30
B: Oh, she doesn’t like sports.
A:    31
B: She likes animals.
A: Animals
B:    32
A: Pandas and parrots.
B: Oh, pandas are cute and parrots can talk.
A.What does she like
B.What animals does she have
C.Do you like them
D.Do they have any hobbies
E.What about Helen
F.Basketball and jumping.
Tom is seven years old. He goes to school every day. The school is far from his home. So he goes there by taxi and comes back home on time (准时). But today he is late. His mother asks him, “Why are you late today ” “I am in the headmaster’s (校长) office.” “Why do you go to the headmaster’s office ” “Because my teacher asks us a question in class, and nobody (没人) can answer it, but I can.” “It’s good to answer the teacher’s questions.” “But the question is ‘Who puts glue on my chair ’”
