Spring couplets, also known as Chunlian in Chinese, are a traditional custom during the Chinese New Year celebration. 贴春联是中国农历新年庆祝活动中的一种传统习俗,又称为春联。
The origin of spring couplets can be traced back to ancient China. 春联的起源可以追溯到古代中国。
It is believed that the custom of pasting spring couplets started during the Northern and Southern Dynasties period AD). 据信贴春联的习俗始于南北朝时期(公元年)。
Spring couplets are typically put up on both sides of the door or on walls to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits. 春联通常贴在门的两侧或墙上,以求好运和驱邪。
The couplets often contain auspicious and motivational phrases, such as "福" (good fortune), "寿" (longevity), "财" (wealth), and "禧" (happiness). 春联通常包含吉祥和激励性的短语,如“福”、“寿”、“财”和“禧”。
In addition to the blessings and wishes, spring couplets are also considered an art form that showcases calligraphy skills. 除了祝福和祝愿,春联也被认为是展示书法技巧的艺术形式。
Many people enjoy the process of writing or selecting spring couplets as it adds to the festive atmosphere of the Chinese New Year. 很多人喜欢写春联或选择春联的过程,因为这增添了农历新年的节日氛围。
The tradition of pasting spring couplets has been passed down through generations and remains an integral part of Chinese culture. 贴春联的传统已经代代相传,仍然是中国文化不可或缺的一部分。
Moreover, spring couplets serve as a means of expressing gratitude, respect, and good wishes towards family members and friends. 此外,春联也是一种表达对家人和朋友的感激、尊重和美好祝愿的方式。
In recent years, there has been a revival of interest in traditional customs like pasting sprin
g couplets, reflecting a renewed appreciation for cultural heritage. 近年来,贴春联等传统习俗受到越来越多人的重视,反映出对文化遗产的重新认可。
Whether it is the intricate calligraphy, the auspicious phrases, or the act of pasting them, spring couplets embody the spirit of hope and renewal that comes with the start of a new year. 无论是复杂的书法、吉祥的短语还是贴春联的行为,春联体现了随着新年的开始而来的希望和重生的精神。
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