Hi, Mary! How are you? I miss you very much. I'm in Sydney now. It is raining today. And it will be warm and sunny tomorrow. Then (然后) I can swim outside, because the water is warm. What's the weather like in Beijing? Is it windy or snowy? Can you make a snowman?
Hi, Peter! I am fine. I miss you, too. It's winter in Beijing. It's cold and snowy. The snow is very beautiful. I can play in it and I can make a snowman. It's fun.
1.It's __________ today in Sydney. (   )
A.rainy    B.sunny    C.cloudy
2.Peter can __________ outside tomorrow. (   )
A.play    B.swim    C.make a snowman
3.Mary is in __________. (   )
A.Sydney    B.Shanghai    C.Beijing
4.It's __________ today in Beijing. (   )
A.hot and sunny    B.cool and windy    C.cold and snowy
5.Can Mary play in the snow? (   )
A.Yes, she can.    B.No, she can't.    C.We don't know(知道).
I’m Mike. I am ten years old. I live in Shanghai. It’s warm now. I get up at 6 o'clock. I eat breakfast at 6:40. It’s 7:20 now. I go to school. My classroom is on the second floor. There are forty students in my class. I have Chinese and English in the morning. I love my teachers and classmates. I have lunch at school. After school, I go home. I like my school.
6.Mike is ______ years old. (       )
A.8    B.9    C.10
7.Mike gets up at ______. (       )
A.5:00    B.6:00    C.7:00
8.Mike ______ at 7:20. (       )
A.gets up    B.eat breakfast    C.goes to school
9.There are ______ students in the class. (       )
A.40    B.42    C.50
10.There are ______ classes in the morning. (       )
A.one    B.two    C.three
Mum: Let’s put away our clothes.
Chen Jie: OK! Whose coat is this?
Mum: It's mine.
Chen Jie: And those? Whose pants are those?
Mum: They're your fathers.
Chen Jie: Mum, where are my new shorts?
Mum: What colour are they?
Chen Jie: Blue.
Mum: They are on the bed.
11.—Whose coat is this? (    )
A.Chen Jie    B.Chen Jie’s mums    C.Chen Jie’s
12.—Whose pants are those? (    )
A.Chen Jie's    B.Chen Jie’s mum’s    C.Chen Jie’s fathers
13.Chen Jie has new__________.(    )
A.shoes    B.pants    C.shorts
14.What colour are the shorts? (    )
A.Blue    B.White    C.Green
Today is a sunny day. John is going on a school trip. Now he is packing some clothes. Look, this is John’s bule jacket. These are John’s black pants and those are his white socks. Whose T-shirt is that? Oh, it’s John’s brother’s.
15.What’s the weather like today? (    )
A.It’s warm.    B.It’s sunny.    C.It’s rainy.
16.John’s jacket is ________. (    )
A.blue    B.black    C.white
17.What colour are John’s socks? (    )
A.Black.    B.Yellow.    C.White.
18.Whose T-shirt is that? (    )
A.It’s John’s.
B.It’s John’s father’s.
C.It’s John’s brother’s.
cold怎么读19.Is John going home? (    )
A.Yes.    B.No.    C.I don’t know.
20.Shanghai is sunny. (      )
21.Urumqi is very hot. (      )
22.Xi’an is warm. (      )
23.Harbin is rainy and it is very cold. (      )
24.Haikou is sunny and it is hot. (      )
Salesgirl(售货员): Can I help you, Miss White?
Miss White: Yes. I want a pair of shoes, please.
Salesgirl: What size do you take?
Miss White: Size 9.
Salesgirl: How about this pair?They are black. They are good.
Miss White: How much are they?
Salesgirl: They are 60 yuan.
Miss White: Oh, they are too expensive.
Salesgirl: These brown shoes are cheaper(较便宜的). They're 30 yuan.
Miss White: OK. I will take them.
25.Miss White wants a pair of shoes. (    )
26.Miss White takes a size 9 in shoes. (    )
27.The black shoes are 60 yuan. (    )
28.The brown shoes are 60 yuan. (    )
29.Miss White takes the black shoes. (    )
Dear Xiaowei,
Thanks for your present(礼物). It is very beautiful. What's the weather like in Guangzhou now? Is it very cold? It's now winter(冬天)in Guangzhou. But in Australia, it is summer(夏天). So it is quite hot here. The temperature is from 34C to 37C today. And it rains a l
ot. I have to stay at home. The weather report says it will be much hotter next week. And the typhoon(台风)is coming, too. I don't like the rainy days. What about you? The winter holiday(寒假)is coming in Guangzhou. What are you going to do?
Please write to me soon.
Best wishes.
30.It is winter in Guangzhou but summer in Australia. (      )
