Mum: Hurry up, Helen! It’s eight o'clock. It’s time for school.
Helen: I can’t go to school today, Mum.
Mum: What’s the matter, dear?
Helen: I feel cold.
Mum: Oh. You have a fever. Drink some warm water, dear.
Helen: No. I don’t want to drink any water, Mum.
Mum: Let’s go to see the doctor.
Helen: OK. I want to drink some orange juice, Mum.
1、Where is Helen now? (     )
A.In the park.    B.At home.    C.In class.
2、What time is it? (     )
A.Seven forty.    B.Seven.    C.Eight o'clock.
3、Is it Monday today? (     )
A.Yes, it is.    B.No, it isn’t.    C.Sorry, I don’t know. (我不知道)
4、Helen wants to ________. (     )
A.go to school    B.drink some water    C.drink some orange juice
5、What's the matter with Helen? (     )
A.She is happy.    B.She is ill.    C.She is hungry.
Hello! I’m Amy. It is Saturday today. It’s warm outside(外面). I have a friend. He is Tom. We don’t have any lessons on Saturday. I want to go to the park with my friends. But Tom can’t go with us. Because his mother is ill. She has a cold. So Tom has to stay at home and looks after(照顾) his mother.
6、Today is ________. (cold怎么读    )
A.Sunday    B.Saturday    C.Monday
7、It is ________ outside. (    )
A.cold    B.warm    C.cold
8、Amy and her friends ________ on Saturday. (    )
A.go to the party    B.go to the park    C.go to the library
9、Tom’s mother ________. (    )
A.has a cold    B.has a fever    C.is hungry
10、Tom is Amy’s ________. (    )
A.brother    B.friend    C.sister
Hello! My name is Mike. I’m from Canada. I am ten years old. I have a big family. My grandparents, my parents, my baby sister and me. My grandparents and my mother are farmers. My father is a driver. My baby sister is two years old. She is very cute. I have a new friend. He is from China. He is a boy. He is friendly. He has brown glasses. What’s his name? Can you guess? Yes. He is Wu Yifan.
11、Where is Mike from? (    )
A.He is from China.    B.He is from Canada
12、What’s Mike’s mother job? (    )
A.She is a farmer.    B.She is a driver.
13、How old is Mike’s baby sister? (    )
A.She is ten.    B.She is two.
14、How many people are there in Mike’s family? (    )
A.Six.    B.Five.
15、Is Wu Yifan friendly? (    )
A.Yes, he is.    B.No, he isn’t.
Letˈs have a look at some studentsˈ clothes in Class Five today.
New or old
Qin Gang
a skirt
Chen Hong
a dress
a shirt
16、What color are Qin Gangˈs trousers? (  )A.Blue.    B.Green.    C.Red.    D.Pink.​
17、What does Jenny wear today? (  )
A.Old blue shorts.    B.Green trousers.
C.A new red skirt.    D.An old dress. ​
18、Who wears a pink dress today? (  )
A.Danny.    B.Qin Gang.    C.Jenny.    D.Chen Hong. ​
19、What class are these students in? (  )
A.Class One.    B.Class Three.
C.Class Five.    D.Class Seven. ​
20、Whose clothes are in the same (相同的) color? (  )
A.Dannyˈs and Mikeˈs.    B.Dannyˈs and Jennyˈs.
C.Qin Gangˈs and Mikeˈs.    D.Jennyˈs and Chen Hongˈs. ​
Hello, boys and girls. My name is Amy. I am a student. My mother is in the kitchen. My father is in the living room. I am in the bedroom. Where is my brother? Oh, he is in the study. He is reading an English book. I would like a cup of juice, some chicken and a bowl of rice for dinner. My mother would like some beef and vegetables. Dinner is ready! We have a good time.
21、Amy is a ________. (   )
A.student    B.teacher    C.cook
22、There are ________ people in Amy’s family. (   )
A.three    B.four    C.five
23、Amy’s mother is in the ________. (   )
A.living room    B.kitchen    C.bedroom
24、Amy has some ________, some juice and some rice for dinner. (   )
A.beef    B.vegetables    C.chicken
25、Amy’s brother is reading a(n) ________ in the study. (   )
A.English book    B.Chinese book    C.storybook
Liu Tao: What day is it today?
Helen: It’s Wednesday. What lessons do you have this afternoon?
Liu Tao: We have Science, English and Art.
Helen: Oh, I like Music very much. But we don’t have Music today.
Liu Tao: We have a Music lesson tomorrow(明天).
Helen: Great! Do you like Music?
Liu Tao: No, I don’t. I like English.
26、This afternoon Liu Tao has ______lesson. (   )
A.an English    B.a Maths    C.a PE
27、Today is ______. (   )
A.Tuesday    B.Wednesday    C.Thursday
28、Liu Tao has a Music lesson on ______. (   )
A.Saturday    B.Wednesday    C.Thursday
29、 ______like(s) Music very much. (   )
A.Liu Tao    B.Helen    C.Liu Tao and Helen
30、Liu Tao likes ______. (   )
A.Art    B.Music    C.English
