Good morning. This is the weather report. It’s rainy in Shanghai. You must take your raincoat. It’s cold in Beijing. Please put on your coat. It’s snowy in Harbin, you can make a snowman outside. It’s sunny and warm in Hong Kong. You can play football. So much for that. Goodbye.
1. It’s _______ in Shanghai. (  )
A. sunny    B. cloudy    C. rainy
2. You can make a snowman outside in ______. (  )
A. Harbin    B. Beijing    C. Hong Kong
3. It’s _______ in Hong Kong. (  )
A. snowy    B. sunny    C. sunny and warm
4. You should __________ in Beijing. (  )
A. take an umbrella
B. put on your coat
C. play football
5. You can play football in _______. (  )
A. Shanghai    B. Hong Kong    C. Harbin.
【答案】1. C    2. A    3. C    4. B    5. B
句意:上海的天气很______。根据It’s rainy in Shanghai.可知是多雨的,故选C
句意:你可以在____的外面堆雪人。根据It’s snowy in Harbin, you can make a snowman outside.可知是哈尔滨,故选A
句意:香港的天气____。根据It’s sunny and warm in Hong Kong.可知是晴朗和暖和的,故选C
句意:在北京你应该______。根据It’s cold in Beijing. Please put on your coat.可知是穿上外套,故选B
句意:你可以在____踢足球。根据It’s sunny and warm in Hong Kong. You can play football.可知是在香港,故选B
本篇内容考察学生对题干关键信息定位。可以引导学生做题之前可先大概看一下题目,再去阅读文章,根据题干的重要信息,如地点信息:ShanghaiBeijingHarbinHong Kong。以及所对应的活动信息:take your raincoatput on your coatmake a snowmanplay football。有了大致的概念后,带着问题去短文中答案。明确不同地方的天气情况及可以做的事情。
There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. In spring, the weather is warm and sunny. There are many beautiful flowers everywhere. The trees are green. We can go for a walk with our family. We can go on a picnic, too. In summer, it’s hot and sunny. We can swim in the lake. In autumn, it’s always windy and cool. The leaves are colourful. The weather is cold and snowy in winter. We can play in the snow. But we like summer best because Children’s Day is in it.
6. —How many seasons are there in a year? (      )
A. Three    B. Five    C. Four
7. In spring, the trees are _____. (      )
A. green    B. yellowcold怎么读    C. colourful
8. In summer, the weather is _____. (      )
A. warm and sunny    B. hot and sunny    C. windy and cool
9. —What can we do in winter? (      )
We can _____.
A. pick pears    B. play in the snow    C. swim in the lake
10. —When is Children’s Day? (      )
A. In October    B. In spring    C. In summer
【答案】6. C    7. A    8. B    9. B    10. C
题干句意:一年有多少个季节?根据There are four seasons in a year. 可知是四个季节,故选C
题干句意:春天,树是____。根据The trees are green.可知树是绿的,故选A
题干句意:夏天,天气是____。根据 In summer, it’s hot and sunny. 可知是热的和阳光充足的,故选B
题干句意:—我们冬天可以做什么?—我们可以____。根据We can play in the snow. 可知可以在雪里玩,故选B
题干句意:儿童节在什么时候?根据But we like summer best because Children’s Day is in it.可知儿童节在夏天,故选C
It’s warm in spring. The trees turn green and the flowers start to grow. I often go boating in the park. In summer, the weather is very hot and it often rains. I often go swimming with my friends. In autumn, the days get shorter and the nights get longer. It is often sunny, but not too hot. I often take a walk in the countryside. In winter, the days are short and the nights ar
e long. It is windy. I often go jogging after school.
11. The trees turn green in autumn. (      )
12. The weather is very hot in summer. (      )
13. The days get longer and the nights get shorter in autumn. (      )
14. It is often rainy and windy in winter. (      )
15. I often go swimming with my friends in summer. (      )
【答案】11. F    12. T   
13. F    14. F   
15. T
题干句意:树在秋天变绿。根据“It’s warm in spring. The trees turn green…”可知树在春天变绿,题干与原文不符。故答案为F
题干句意:夏天非常热。根据“In summer, the weather is very hot and it often rains.”可知题干与原文相符。故答案为T
题干句意:秋天白天变长,晚上变短。根据“In autumn, the days get shorter and the nights get longer.”可知秋天白天变短,晚上变长,题干与原文不符。故答案为F
题干句意:冬天经常下雨刮风。根据“In summer, the weather is very hot and it often rains.”可知夏天经常下雨,题干与原文不符。故答案为F
题干句意:我经常夏天的时候和朋友一起去游泳。根据“In summer, the weather is very hot and it often rains. I often go swimming with my friends.”可知题干与原文相符。故答案为T
It’s winter. It is cold and we must wear(穿) more clothes(更多衣服) to keep warm. Tod
ay I’m wearing two shirts and a sweater. For warmer, I wear long underwear. I am also wearing thick socks and warm shoes. When I go out, I will wear a hat and a scarf(围巾) to keep my head and my neck(脖子) warm. I will wear a warm, heavy jacket to keep my body warm, and to keep the wind out. If I don’t wear gloves, my hands will get very cold. I will walk to the bus stop today, so that I can go to visit my friend. I must walk quickly to keep warm. If I walk slowly, I will get cold. When it’s cold outside, it’s nice to stay inside where it’s warm.
