The Snowdrop
by Hans Christian Andersen(1863)
IT was winter-time; the air was cold, the windwas sharp, but within the closed doors it was warmand comfortable, and within the closed door lay theflower; it lay in the bulb under the snow-coveredearth.
One day rain fell. the drops penetrated throughthe snowy covering down into the earth, andtouched the flower-bulb, and talked of the brightworld above. Soon the Sunbeam pierced its way through the snow to the root, and within theroot there was a stirring.
“Come in,” said the flower.
“I cannot,” said the Sunbeam. “I am not strong enough to unlock the door! When thesummer comes I shall be strong!”
“When will it be summer?” asked the Flower, and she repeated this question each time anew sunbeam made its way down to her. But the summer was yet far distant. The snow still layupon the ground, and there was a coat of ice on the water every night.
“What a long time it takes! what a long time it takes!” said the Flower. “I feel a stirringand striving within me; I must stretch myself, I must unlock the door, I must get out,and must nod a good morning to the summer, and what a happy time that will be!”
And the Flower stirred and stretched itself within the thin rind which the water hadsoftened from without, and the snow and the earth had warmed, and the Sunbeam hadknocked at; and it shot forth under the snow with a GREenish-white blossom on a greenstalk, with narrow thick leaves, which seemed to want to protect it. The snow was cold, butwas pierced by the Sunbeam, therefore it was easy to get through it, and now the Sunbeamcame with greater strength than before.
“Welcome, welcome!” sang and sounded every ray, and the Flower lifted itself up overthe snow into the brighter world. The Sunbeams caressed and kissed it, so that it openedaltogether, white as snow, and ornamented with GREen stripes. It bent its head in joy andhumility.
“Beautiful Flower!” said the Sunbeams, “how graceful and delicate you are! You are thefirst, you are the only one! You are our love! You are the bell that rings out for summer,beautiful summer, over country and town. All the snow will melt; the cold winds will be drivenaway; we shall rule; all will become GREen, and then you will have companions, syringas,laburnums, and roses; but you are the first, so graceful, so delicate!”
cold怎么读 That was a GREat pleasure. It seemed as if the air were singing and sounding, as if rays
oflight were piercing through the leaves and the stalks of the Flower. There it stood, so delicateand so easily broken, and yet so strong in its young beauty; it stood there in its white dresswith the green stripes, and made a summer. But there was a long time yet to the summer-time. Clouds hid the sun, and bleak winds were blowing.
“You have come too early,” said Wind and Weather. “We have still the power, and youshall feel it, and give it up to us. You should have stayed quietly at home and not have run outto make a display of yourself. Your time is not come yet!”
It was a cutting cold! the days which now come brought not a single sunbeam. It wasweather that might break such a little Flower in two with cold. But the Flower had more strengththan she herself knew of. She was strong in joy and in faith in the summer, which would besure to come, which had been announced by her deep longing and confirmed by the warmsunlight; and so she remained standing in confidence in the snow in her white garment,bending her head even while the snow-flakes fell thick and heavy, and the icy winds sweptover her.
“You'll break!” they said, “and fade, and fade! What did you want out here? Why didyou let yourself be tempted? The Sunbeam only made game of you. Now you have what youdeserve, you summer gauk.”
“Summer gauk!” she repeated in the cold morning hour.
“O summer gauk!” cried some children rejoicingly; “yonder stands one—how beautiful,how beautiful! the first one, the only one!”
these words did the Flower so much good, they seemed to her like warm sunbeams. In herjoy the Flower did not even feel when it was broken off. It lay in a child's hand, and was kissedby a child's mouth, and carried into a warm room, and looked on by gentle eyes, and putinto water. How strengthening, how invigorating! The Flower thought she had suddenlycome upon the summer.
the daughter of the house, a beautiful little girl, was confirmed, and she had a friendwho was confirmed, too. He was studying for an examination for an appointment. “He shallbe my summer gauk,” she said; and she took the delicate Flower and laid it in a piece ofscented paper, on which verses were written, beginning with summer gauk and ending withsummer gauk. “My friend, be a winter gauk.” She had twitted him with the summer. Yes, allthis was in the verses, and the paper was folded up like a letter, and the Flower was folded inthe letter, too. It was dark around her, dark as in those days when she lay hidden in thebulb. The Flower went forth on her journey, and lay in the post-bag, and was pressed andcrushed, which was not at all pleasant; but that soon came to an end.