spring outing怎么读
    My Unforgettable Spring Outing Trip
    Last week, our class went on a spring outing to the countryside. We rode a big yellow bus singing songs together. When we arrived, we had a picnic under the cherry blossom trees. I loved the pink flowers! After lunch, we went hiking through the forest. I saw squirrels, birds, and even a deer! My favorite part was wading in the shallow creek and catching little fish with my bare hands. I didn't want the fun day to end. It was the best spring trip ever!
    My Unforgettable Spring Outing
    One sunny spring day, my class went on a field trip to the park. We played fun games like t
ag and had a picnic with yummy sandwiches. I saw pretty flowers blooming and birds singing. My favorite part was climbing the big trees! I scraped my knee but it didn't matter. That spring outing was the best day ever!  I can't wait for our next class trip.
    And here is a 2000 word expansion on that story, written from that same perspective:
    My Unforgettable Spring Outing
    It was a beautiful sunny day in late April when my 3rd grade class went on our big spring outing to Jackson Park. I woke up that morning so excited, I could barely eat my breakfast! All I could think about was running and playing outside in the warm sunshine after being cooped up inside for the long, cold winter months.
    When we got on the big yellow school bus, my best friend Katie and I raced to get the back seat. We won! Sticking our heads out the rear window, we felt the warm breeze blowing through our hair as the bus rumbled down the road toward the park. Katie and I giggled and sang goofy songs the whole way there.
    Finally, we arrived at the huge green park full of tall trees, winding trails, playgrounds, and wide open fields. Our teacher, Mrs. Watson, got us all lined up and went over the rules one more time about staying together as a group and being back at the meeting spot by lunchtime. Then she finally said the words we'd been waiting to hear - "Ok class, you're free to explore and have fun! Just be careful and stay where I can keep an eye on you all."
    "Yaaaayyyy!!!" we all shouted and took off running in a huge pack across the grassy fields. The warm sunshine felt so good after our long winter. I stopped to pull off my sweater and just enjoyed the warmth on my face and arms for a moment. Some kids immediately bee-lined it for the playground equipment - the monkey bars, seesaws, swings and slides. Others began an energetic game of tag that soon had dozens of us running, screaming and laughing across the fields in pure joy.
    Katie and I joined a group in a game of Red Rover that got pretty intense! We linked arms tightly and could feel our grips getting sweaty as kids from the other team came barreling toward our chain, trying to break through. I'll never forget when Joey, one of the bi
ggest, strongest kids in our class, came running full speed toward our line. Jer-EMIAHHHH!!! He screamed my name as he sprinted right at me, not breaking his stride at all. I braced myself the best I could but Joey's powerful charge broke me right through our linked arms! I went tumbling head over heels, finally skidding to a stop in the soft grass. Looking up at the bright blue sky for a second, I felt dizzy but also euphoric in that way you only can on a perfect spring day as a kid.
    For awhile, Katie and I just wandered around exploring all the big shady trees, making clothes out of the piles of fallen leaves, and watching butterflies and honeybees flit around the newly bloomed flowers. Under one towering oak tree, we found a whole community of ants carrying around their eggs and scurrying about their busy ant lives. Katie and I spent at least half an hour just watching them in silent fascination.
    Then we saw some of the other kids had brought along skipping ropes and English handhand balls from home to play with in the park. We joined in those games for awhile until I tripped on a rock and scraped open my knee pretty badly. Mrs. Watson came over wit
h her first aid kit to clean and bandage it for me while I tried not to cry too much in front of everyone. The antiseptic stung terribly but she gave me a Peppy the Penguin bandaid which was my favorite!
    By that point it was lunchtime and we were all getting pretty hungry, so we headed to our meeting spot where some parent volunteers had set up terrific picnic of sandwiches, granola bars, carrot sticks, and juice boxes. We all scarfed it all down in about 5 minutes and asked for seconds!
    An Unforgettable Spring Outing Trip
    It was a bright and sunny morning, the kind that filled me with excitement and energy. My classmates and I were getting ready for our long-awaited spring outing trip. We had been counting down the days, eagerly anticipating the adventures that awaited us.
    As we boarded the bus, our teacher, Mrs. Smith, reminded us to stay together and follow
the rules. We nodded obediently, but our minds were already wandering, imagining the wonders we were about to experience.
