    Once published, Zhang Liyong's book The Cook with Fluent English immediately caught the public's eye. Telling the true experiences of a common man, this book has encouraged and stimulated many English-learners.
    Born the eldest son of a poor family, Zhang quit school early. His first job was a worker in a toy factory, where his experiences made him see the English language in a new light. He found out how important English was in communication with foreigners. So, with the realization that learning English was the only way to better his lot in life, and a ticket to step onto the campus of Qinghua University as well, he began to pursue the life he wanted.
    After reading The Cook with Fluent English, Daisy Dai comments, "First of all, I think his university was quite helpful for him to study English, because there are a lot of resources ava
ilable on campus. Also, I believe that his passion for studying English should be encouraged. Because he was working full-time as a cook, he must have studied English in his spare time. Now that time for intensive study, like in schools or in universities is quite limited, we all have to form the habit of teaching ourselves. I think we should learn by his examples."
Which of the following is NOT mentioned by Daisy Dai as the reasons why Zhang succeeds in studying English?
A.He has developed the habit of self-study.    B.He is passionate for studying English.
parisinthespring怎么读C.He is talented in studying English.    D.He made good use of campus resources.
【解析】 根据最后一段Daisy Dai针对这本书的评论可知,清华大学有许多教学资源,以及他的学习热情,还有自学习惯使他英语学习有所成就。但C项“他有学英语的天赋”没有提到。故选C。
    The big fire in April that tore through the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris (巴黎圣母院) is still fresh in people's minds. The 800-year-old landmark suffered great damage to its top, but thankfully the most valuable religious relics and cultural treasures were undamaged.
    So a US publishing company GoArchitect organized the People's Design Competition to invite designers, worldwide to share their ideas of rebuilding the French landmark. In the end, Chinese architects Cai Zeyu and Li Sibei won the competition with their striking design.
    Named "Paris Heartbeat", the design replaces the old top with a kaleidoscope (万花筒) of multifaceted mirrors, which is combined with a mirror roof, reflecting the ever-changing urban environment.
    The kaleidoscope is the floating "time capsule", at the top using magnetic levitation (磁悬浮) technology, which is meant to open every half century.
    "I believe that the 'time capsule' can be achieved with present technology," Cai told the Global Times.
    Though people still don't know what kind of design the French government will choose, it's clear that people around the world hope that the lost beauty of Notre Dame will come back.
Which of the following is true according to the text?
A.Two thirds of the Notre Dame Cathedral was damaged in the big fire.   
B.The French government organized the People's Design Competition.
C.The kaleidoscope is designed using traditional architecture technology.
D.It remains to be seen whether "Paris Heartbeat" will be adopted.
【解析】 根据最后一段中的Though people still don't know what kind of design the French government will choose可知,政府还没有决定采用什么样的设计,说明“巴黎心跳”是否会被采用尚不清楚。故选D。
    Back in 2012, Dylan Mayer was 19 years old. He was a few years into a new passion: scuba (水肺) diving. He says spending time under water is like visiting an alien planet full of strange creatures.
    Dylan grew up in Maple Valley Washington, just outside of the liberal blue bubble of Seattle. Dylan learned young how to hunt and do farm work. On October 31, 2012, he decided to marry his love of scuba diving with his desire to be self-sufficient and harvest his own food. That gray morning, the goal was to pull a giant pacific octopus from its den, wrestle it to the surface and take it home for dinner.
    He and a friend headed to the popular dive site at Cove 2 in West Seattle. With his bare
hands, Dylan caught an 80-pound cephalopod (头足类动物). "The key is to stay calm. Once you start to panic, you'll drown," said Dylan, recalling his 45-minute hand-to-tentacle (触须) battle with the octopus.
Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.Dylan went to Cove 2 alone.   
B.Dylan spent 54 minutes catching the octopus.
C.Dylan attached great importance to keeping calm.   
D.Dylan caught a cephalopod with some equipment.
【解析】 根据第三段中的The key is to stay calm.可知,他认为最重要的是保持冷静。故选C。
                          New movies set holiday eve record
    Chinese moviegoers set a box office (票房) record for the eve of the week—long National Day holiday. By 9: September 30, new movies had brought in 630 million yuan.
