年级:八年级下  科目: 英语  备课人:张庆娟
章节:Unit1 课题:Lesson4 The Spring City. 课型:新授课   
1. We started _____________() the hill as soon as we got to __________________(山脚).
2.The ___________(山坡) has been washed away.
3. Is wind blowing strongly or g__________?
4. Let us discuss these problems __________(一个接一个的).
5.This kind of plant _______ in spring. There is no ________ at this time of the year.(开花)
6. Many ___________(变化)have taken place since then.
7.In fall the leaves c________ from green to brown.
8.You'll have to change planes in New York.(汉译)
9.Let me change the dollar bill for coins. (汉译)
10. "Here's your change," said the saleswoman. (汉译)
1. 单词bud, nearly, milimetre, plenty, anytime
2. 词组:long for spring, around the world, all year round, neither too hot nor too cold, plenty of, because of the spring-like weather, hundreds of , anytime of the year
3. 句子:⑴Would you like to live in a place where there are no winters? When we think of spring, we think of a season of fine, warm weather and clear, fresh air. Eve
ryone longs for spring. But in my hometown, it feels like spring nearly all year round. There’s plenty of sunshine too, with about 2250 hours of sunshine every year. Because of the spring-like weather, you can find hundreds of beautiful flowers and trees anytime of the year.
1. 重点单词练:
Would you like to live in a place where there are no winters? 你想要住在一个没有冬天的地方吗? (教材第8)
would like 意为“希望,想要”,主要用来婉转地提出请示、建议、邀请或某种看法;在意思上相当于want,但语气比want委婉。其常见用法是:
would like sth. 想要某物
I would like ____________________. 我想要一杯咖啡。
would like to do sth. 想要做某事
Danny would like _____________ an MP5. 丹尼想要买一个MP5
would like sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事。
He would like _______________ to London with us. 他想要你和我们一起去伦敦。
——Would you like a cup of tea? 你想要一杯茶吗?
——Yes, please. / No, thanks. 是的,请来一杯。/不,谢谢。
This is the room __________ I ever lived. 这就是我曾经住过的房间。
When we think of spring, we think of a season of fine, warm weather and clear, fresh air. 当我们想起春天时,我们想起了一个天气晴朗温暖、空气清新的季节。 (教材第8)
think of “想起;记得”,相当于动词remember
The teacher can’t _______________/_______________ his name at the moment.
【拓展】think of 还有以下意思:
Let’s ______________ another way of opening the door. 让我们想出打开门的另一种方法。
⑵“认为;考虑”,常用于句型What do you think of…?,相当于How do you like?
Everyone longs for spring. 每个人都盼望春天。 (教材第8)
long for 意为“渴望;向往”。
They _______________ good weather. 他们盼望好的天气。
But in my hometown, it feels like spring nearly all year round. 但是在我的故乡,感觉好像差不多一年到头都是春天。 (教材第8)
⒈句中的feel like 意为“感觉好像”,后可接从句、名词、动名词等。
I _______________ I live in a palace. 我感觉我好像住在宫殿里。
They made me _____________ one of the family. 他们使我感觉我像是这个家庭中的一员。
It ____________________ in the sky. 这就感觉像是在空中飞一样。
【拓展】feel like 还可表示“想要”,后接名词、代词或动名词形式,相当于want to do sth.
I am tired. I feel like __________ to bed. = I’m tired. I want __________ to bed.
all year round=all the year round 意为“一年到头”。
They work hard _______________. 他们一年到头努力工作。
【拓展】year after year=year by year 年复一年  the year after next 后天
There’s plenty of sunshine too, with about 2250 hours of sunshine every year. 这儿也有充足的阳光,每年大约有2250小时的日照。 (教材第8)
plenty of 意为“充足的,足够的;相当多的”,前面没有冠词。后接可数名词复数或不可数名词,且只能用于肯定句中,否定句和疑问句中通常用enoughplenty of 修饰名词作主语时,谓语动词的单复数与其后的名词保持一致。
We have _______________ food. 我们有许多食物。
_______________ students have come. 许多学生已经来了。
Because of the spring-like weather, you can find hundreds of beautiful flowers and trees anytime of the year. 因为春天般的天气,你能够在一年当中的任何时候到成百上千的美丽的鲜花和树木。 (教材第8)
⒈辨析:because of because
because of because 都可意为“因为”,但用法不同。
because of
I didn’t go to Beijing because of illness. 因为生病了,我没有去北京。
I didn’t go to Beijing because I had a cold. 因为感冒,我没有去北京。
hundreds of 意为“成百上千的”。英语中当表示确切数时结构为“数字+单位(hundred,thousand…)+名词”;当表示模糊数时结构为“单位(hundred,thousand…)s+of+
There are ____________________ in our school. 我们学校有800名学生。
There are ____________________ in the sky. 天上有成千上万颗星星。
2. 听力写:
Everyone __________ spring.
The weather here is __________ too hot __________ too cold.
There’s __________ sunshine too.
