Unit 5 The seasons知识点
season/`si:zn/        spring/sprIŋ/      summer/`s۸mə/      autumn/`כ:təm/
winter/`wIntə/      weather/`weðə/      next/nekst/          best /best/                     
1.go to New York 去纽约    2.next season/week/year/month 下一个季节///
3.work there for one year 在那里工作一年          4.weather in New York纽约的天气
5.want to know about the weather there    想知道那里的天气     
6 ask some questions about 问有关……的问题.
7. in spring/summer/autumn/winter在春季/夏季/秋季/冬季   
8. as hot as in Nanjing和南京一样热
9. the best season 最好的季节                  10. go to farms去农场
11. in the countryside 在乡下   
12. pick apples/pears/grapes/bananas/oranges/mangoes/ 摘苹果/……
13. Sounds great ! 听起来太棒了!              14. most of the time 大部分时间         
15. make snowmen/make a snowman 堆雪人      16. colder than in Nanjing比南京冷
17.need some warm clothes 需要一些保暖的衣服  18.a lot of (lots of)rain/snow许多雨/
19. turn green (指植物)变绿                20. go rowing去划船  go fishing去钓鱼
go swimming去游泳  go climbing去爬山  go walking=go for a walk去散步 go jogging去慢跑go skating去滑冰    go skiing去滑雪  go running去跑步go camping    去野营
21. get longer/shorter变得更长/更短      22.stay at home待在家 
23.wait for spring等待春天              24.swim a lot 经常游泳
----Which season do you like best?  你最喜欢哪个季节?
  ----I like …(best).                    我最喜欢
  ----Why?                            为什么?
  ----Because it’s … I can …            因为天气我能
----What’s the weather like there in spring?在那里春天天气怎么样?
  ----It’s (usually) …Sometimes it’s …      天气(通常)…有时
What’s the weather like today?(同义句:How is the weather today?)今天天气怎么样?
It’s usually very hot, as hot as in Nanjing.天气通常很热,和南京一样热。
It’s colder than in Nanjing.            天气比南京更冷
Autumn is the best season in New York. 秋季是纽约最好的季节。
Does it often rain there in spring?      在那里春天经常下雨吗?
It often rains./It’s often rainy.          天气经常下雨
It often snows./It’s often snowy.        天气经常下雪。
The days get shorter and the nights get longer in autumn/winter.
The days get longer and the nights get shorter in spring/summer.
ow-/aʊ /  flower  how  town  down  cow  now  brown
How many brown cows did you see just now?
ow-/əʊ/  know  yellow  low  slow  row  grow  window  Halloween  follow
1.It is the __________(good) season in Nanjing.
2.There _________ (be) a lot of __________ (snow) in Harbin.
3.What subject do you like ___________ (well), English or Maths?
4.Su Yang’s dad read a newspaper and ___________(watch) TV.
5.It’s often __________(rain) here in summer.
6.What’s the weather like today? It’s ________(sun).
7.Does it often ________(rain) in spring? Yes, it often _________(rain) here in spring.
8.I told him ____________(take) bus No. 5 in front of the History Museum.
9.Mr Smith comes from _____________(澳大利亚), he speaks ____________.
10.Sam skates as ________(good) as Yang Ling.
11. My father __________ (be) in Beijing last weekend. 
12. What’s the weather like today?  It’s _________(snow).
13. I often go ___________ (row)with my friends.
14. How many __________ (season) are there in a year?
15. Mary often ___________ (go) jogging after school.
16. There __________ (be) a lot of snow in winter.
17. It often __________ (rain) in Kunshan in spring.
18. It’s  ________ (rain) in spring here.
19. The weather in summer here is as______  (hot) as in Nanjing.
20. Summer always   _________ (come) in June.
21. They_______(go) walking and _______(have) a chat yesterday evening.
22. I’m as_______(strong)as you, but I jump ________(far) than you.
23. In spring, the weather_____ warmer and the days_____ longer. (get)
24. Jim is very ______(fat), so he wants to do ______(much) exercise.
(    )1. Nancy is going to _______ a running race on Sunday.
      A. watched        B. watch            C. watches            D. watching
(    )2. The days get _____ and the nights get _____ in autumn.
A. longer; shorter    B. shorter; longer      C. short; longer        D. long; short
(    )3. Which season do you like _____, spring or autumn?
A. well            B. good              C. better                D. best
(    )4. Liu Tao _______ know about the weather in Guangzhou.
      A. want            B. wants            C. want to            D. wants to
