    My Favorite Season
    My favorite season is autumn. I love autumn because of the beautiful colors all around. The leaves on the trees turn red, yellow, orange and brown. It's so pretty! It's like nature is putting on a colorful show just for us.
    Autumn is also when we get to celebrate Halloween! I love dressing up in a funny or spooky costume and going trick-or-treating with my friends. We get so much candy! My favorite is the chocolate bars.
    The weather in autumn is perfect too. It's not too hot and not too cold. I can play outside without getting too sweaty or too cold. Sometimes my family has a bonfire in our backyard and we roast marshmallows. It's so cozy sitting by the fire pit when the air is crisp.
    I'm a little sad when autumn ends because that means winter is coming. But I try to enjoy every minute of the autumn season while it lasts. The colors, the Halloween fun, and the amazing weather make autumn the absolute best!
    My Favorite Season
    My favorite season is summer! I love summer because school is out, and I can play all day long. During the summer, the weather is warm and sunny. It's the perfect time to go swimming at the pool or beach. I also enjoy having picnics with my family in the park. We pack delicious sandwiches, fruits, and snacks to enjoy outside.
    Another reason I love summer is that there are so many fun activities to do. My friends and I spend hours riding our bikes around the neighborhood. We also have lemonade stands and try to earn some extra money. In the evenings, we catch fireflies in jars and watch movies together.
    The best part of summer is going on vacation with my family. Last year, we went camping and roasted marshmallows over the campfire. We told scary stories and slept in a tent under the stars. Summer is truly the most exciting season ever! I can't wait for school to end so summer can begin again.
    My Favorite Season
    My favorite season is summer! I love summer because the weather is warm and sunny. School is out for summer break, so I can sleep in late and have so much free time. During summer, I get to go swimming at the pool or beach. Splashing in the cool water feels so refreshing on a hot day. Another great thing about summer is going on vacation with my family. We always take a fun trip, like going to an amusement park or visiting relatives. Summer means lots of outdoor activities like riding my bike, having picnics, and catching fireflies at night. There are also fun summer holidays like the 4th of July with fireworks and cookouts. The best part is not having any homework! I can play outside all day without worrying about schoolwork. Those are the reasons why I love summer the most out of all the seasons.
    My Favorite Season 我最喜欢的季节
    My favorite season is spring! 春天是我最喜欢的季节! When spring comes, the cold winter is over and everything starts becoming green and colorful again. 当春天来临时,严寒的冬天结束了,万物开始重新变绿变亮。
    I love seeing the new baby animals that are born in spring, like little lambs and chicks. 我最喜欢看到春天出生的小动物,比如小羊羔和小鸡。They are so cute and fluffy! 它们太可爱太蓬松了!
    Spring also means no more winter coats - I can wear shorts and t-shirts again. 春天也意味着不用再穿冬装了 - 我可以再穿短裤和T恤了。Playing outside is much more fun when it's nice and warm. 天气暖和的时候在外面玩耍更有趣。
    The spring flowers are beautiful too, like daffodils, tulips, and cherry blossoms. 春天的鲜花也非常漂亮,比如水仙花、郁金香和樱花。I'm so happy when spring is here! 春天到了我就很开心!
    My Favorite Season
    My favorite season of the year is summer! I love summer because it means no more school and lots of time to play outside. 暑假太棒了,我可以玩很多游戏!
    In the summer, the weather is nice and warm. I can wear shorts and t-shirts instead of big coats and boots. 夏天很暖和,我可以穿短裤和T恤,不用穿大大的外套和靴子了。 My friends and I spend all day riding our bikes, playing at the park, and swimming at the pool.
    Another fun thing about summer is that my family sometimes goes on vacation! We've gone to the beach and to visit my grandparents a few times. 夏天还有一件很棒的事情,就是我们有时会去旅行!我们去过海滩,也去看过外公外婆。
    While I enjoy the other seasons too, summer will always be my favorite. Between the warm weather, fun activities, and time off from school, those few months are the best of the year! 虽然我也喜欢其他季节,但夏天永远是我最喜欢的。因为天气暖和,可以做很多有趣的活动,而且还有暑假,那几个月是一年中最棒的时光!
