
工作负荷 Specified load
极限负荷 Ultimate load
试验负荷 Test load
压并负荷 Load at solid position
压并应力 Stress at solid position
变形量 Deflection
极限负荷下变形量 Deflection at ultimate load
试验负荷下变形量 Deflection at test load
弹簧特性 Spring characteristic
弹簧刚度 Spring rate
弹簧动刚度 Dynamic spring rate
弹簧柔度 Spring flexibility
spring怎么读中文什么意思初拉力 Initial tension load
工作扭转角 Working torsion angle
极限扭转角 Ultimate torsion angle
试验扭转角 Test torsion angle
自由高度(长度) Free height (length)
自由角度 Free angle
工作高度(长度) Working height (length)
极限高度(长度) Ultimate height (length)
试验负荷下的高度(长度)Height (length) at ultimate load
压并高度 Solid height
总圈数 Total number of coils (turns)
有效圈数 Number of active coils (turns)
支承圈数 Number of end coils (turns)
弹簧中径 Mean diameter of coil
弹簧外径 Outer diameter of coil
弹簧内径 Inside diameter of coil
线径 Diameter of line
间距 Space
节距 Pitch
旋向 Direction of coils
旋绕比 Spring index
高径比(细长比) Slenderness ratio
作用长度 Active length
弧高 Camber
单片弧高 Camber of a leaf
静载弧高 Camber under static leaf
自由弧高 Free camber
弦长 Span
自由弦长 Free span
负荷弦长 Span under load
伸直长 Flat span
主片 Main leaf
副片 Auxiliary leaf
弹性变形 Deflection
预压负荷 Setting load
吊耳平行度 Eye parallelism
吊耳垂直度 Eye perpendicularity
吊耳孔径 Diameter of eye
吊耳宽度 Width of eye
总成夹紧宽度 Assembly clamp breadth
应力 Stress
比应力 Stress rate
衬套 Bush
中心螺栓 Center bolt
弹簧卡箍 Spring buckle
弹簧垫片 Spring insert
索径 Diameter of wire cord
索距 Pitch of wore cord
索拧角 Twist angle of strands
支承面宽度 Width of contract surface
碟簧自由高度 Free height of disc spring
碟簧厚度 Thickness of disc spring
碟簧内径 Inner diameter of disc spring
碟簧外径 Outer diameter of disc spring
组合碟簧自由高度 Free height of combined disc spring支承面宽度系数 Coefficient for width of contact surface
径向节距 Radial pitch
轴向节距 Axial pitch
初始触合变形量 Deflection of first bottoming
初始触合负荷 Load at first bottoming
自由面积 Free area
内压 Internal air pressure
工作压力 Working pressure
有效面积 Effective area
有效直径 Effective diameter
设计高度 Design height
基本容积 Basic spring volume
附加容积 Additional volume
总容积 Total volume
附加空气室 Additional air reservoir
有效面积变化特性 Changing behavior of effective area当量挠度 Equivalent deflection
帘线角 Cord bias angle
承载面积 Load area
弹性模量 Clasticity modulus
压缩模量 Modulus compression
切变模量 Modulus in shear
橡胶硬度 Rubber hardness
消除应力 Relief stress
松弛 Relaxation
永久变形 Permanent deformation
暂时变形 Temporary deformation
立定处理 Setting
加温立定处理 Hot-setting
强压(拉、扭)处理 Prestressing
加温强压(拉、扭) Hot-prestressing
弹簧安全系数 Spring safe factor
疲劳试验 Fatigue test
冲击试验 Impact test
模拟试验 Model test
速压(拉、扭)试验 Fast shelve test(pluck torsion)
喷丸 Shot blast
液体喷丸 Liquid shot blast
阿尔曼试片 Almen test spring
环境试验 Environment test
X线应力测定 X-ray stress measurement
缸筒外径 Crock canister outer diameter
活塞杆直径 Piston mast diameter
伸展长度 Extend length
行程 Stroke
一次循环 Once cycle
伸展速度 Extend speed
启动力 Start-up force
气动阻尼段 Gas move force damp part
液力阻尼段 Liquid force damp part
最小伸展力 Least extend force
最大伸展力 Most extend force
最小压缩力 Least condensation force
最大压缩力 Most condensation force
公称力 Nomal force
动态摩擦力 Dynamic frictional force
弹力比率 Bounce rate
粘合强度 Glueing strength
静态变形量 Static defection
静态负荷 Static load
静态刚度 Static rigidity

弹簧 Spring
螺旋弹簧 Helical spring
圆柱螺旋弹簧Cylindrically helical spring
圆柱螺旋压缩弹簧Cylindrically helical compression spring
圆柱螺旋拉伸弹簧 Cylindrically helical tension spring圆柱螺旋扭转弹簧 Cylindrical helical torsion spring
多股螺旋弹簧Stranded helical wire spring
非圆柱弹簧圈螺旋弹簧Non-cylinder helical spring
矩形弹簧圈螺旋压缩弹簧Rectangular helical compression spring
椭圆形弹簧圈螺旋压缩弹簧Elliptic helical compression spring
卵形弹簧圈螺旋压缩弹簧Egg appear helix helical compression spring
非线性特性螺旋弹簧 Non-linear feature helical spring
不等节距圆柱螺旋弹簧Variable pitch cylindrically helical spring
截锥螺旋弹簧 Conical helical spring
中凸形螺旋弹簧 Barrel shaped helical spring
中凹形螺旋弹簧 Hourglass shaped helical spring
板弹簧 Leaf spring
弓形板弹簧 Semi-elliptic spring
等刚度弓形板弹簧 Constant rate semi-elliptic spring
变刚度弓形板弹簧 Variable rate semi-elliptic spring
变截面弓形板弹簧 Variable across leaf spring
椭圆形板弹簧 Full elliptic spring
等刚度椭圆形板弹簧 Constant rate full elliptic leaf spring
变刚度椭圆形板弹簧 Variable rate full elliptic leaf spring
悬臂板弹簧Cantilever leaf spring
碟形弹簧 Disc spring (belleville spring)
单片碟形弹簧 Single piece disc spring
组合碟形弹簧 Combined disc spring
膜片弹簧 Diaphragm spring
涡卷弹簧 Spiral spring
平面涡卷弹簧 Flat spiral spring
非接触形平面涡卷弹簧Non-contact flat spiral spring
接触形平面涡卷弹簧 Contact flat spiral spring
恒力弹簧 Constant-force spring
截锥涡卷弹簧 Valute spiral spring
片弹簧 Flake spring
非线性片弹簧 Non-linearity flake spring
线性片弹簧 Linearity flake spring
蛇形弹簧 Serpentine spring
橡胶弹簧 Rubber spring
压缩式橡胶弹簧 Compression rubber spring
剪切式橡胶弹簧 Shear rubber spring
扭转式橡胶弹簧 Retortion rubber spring
组合式橡胶弹簧 Combined rubber spring
层状橡胶弹簧 Laminated rubber spring
衬套式橡胶弹簧 Sleeved rubber spring
空气弹簧 Air spring
囊式空气弹簧Bellows type air spring
单曲囊式空气弹簧Single convolution bellows type air spring
双曲囊式空气弹簧Double convolution bellows type air spring
三曲囊式空气弹簧Three convolution bellows type air spring
膜式空气弹簧 Diaphragm air type spring
约束膜式空气弹簧Constrained diaphragm air type spring自由膜式空气弹簧 Free diaphragm air type spring
混合式空气弹簧 Combined type air spring
套筒(活塞)式空气弹簧 Telescopic air spring
液力空气弹簧 Pneumo-hydraulic spring
气弹簧 Gas spring
压缩气弹簧 Compression gas spring
可锁定气弹簧 Locking gas spring
带气源气弹簧 Gas spring with gas source
环形弹簧 Ring type spring
扭杆弹簧 Torsion bar spring
稳定杆 Stabilizer bar
线弹簧 Line spring
油封弹簧 Oil seal spring
橡胶-金属弹簧 Rubber-metal spring
组合弹簧 Combined spring
