    Spring is the Best Season Ever!
    By Wu Bingbing
    Hi everyone! My name is Wu Bingbing and I'm 8 years old. I go to Sunshine Elementary School and I'm in 3rd grade. Today I want to tell you all about spring because it's my very favorite season of the whole year! There are so many amazing things about spring that make it the best.
    First of all, the weather in spring is perfect. It's not too hot and not too cold - it's just right, like the porridge in the Goldilocks story. In winter it's freezing and you have to bundle up in a million layers just to go outside. And in summer it's so hot and sweaty that you feel like you're
melting into a puddle on the ground. But spring has the most comfortable temperatures. I can wear a t-shirt and play outside all day without getting too cold or too warm. It's awesome!
    The sunshine in spring is also so beautiful. The days start getting longer and there is warm golden sunlight streaming through the windows in the morning when I wake up. Everything looks so bright and cheerful after the dull, grey winter. I love watching the sun rise earlier and earlier each morning as spring goes on. My mom says I'm just like a little sunflower, always turning my face towards the sunshine.
    Another great thing about spring is that all the plants and flowers start blooming again. Everywhere you look there are pops of colorful flowers poking up through the ground. Pink cherry blossoms, yellow daffodils, purple crocuses - it's like the whole world is putting on a rainbow show! My favorite flowers are the red tulips that bloom in our garden. I also love the fresh green leaves that start unfurling on all the trees after being bare and spindly all winter. The grass gets lush and green again too, which is perfect for running around and playing frisbee with my dog Bao Bao.
    Speaking of Bao Bao, he gets so energetic and playful in spring! After being a lazy lump all winter, he gets the zoomies and wants to chase squirrels and roll in the grass all day. I have to be really fast when I throw his tennis ball because he's like a furry lightning bolt streaking across the yard. Sometimes I think dogs must love spring even more than humans do. We always take longer walks in spring too, breathing in the sweet floral scents and listening to the birds chirping away in the trees. Bao Bao's tail never stops wagging!we love spring怎么读
    There are so many fun activities to do in spring as well. It's warm enough to ride my bike and go to the park again. I love going down the big swirly slide and pretending I'm a racer going vroom vroom around the curves. The ice cream truck also comes back to our neighborhood, ringing its happy jingle. I always get a chocolate ice cream cone piled high with sprinkles. The ice cream tastes even better when you're eating it outdoors in the fresh spring air.
    Another sign of spring I get really excited for is seeing all the baby animals being born. Every spring we go to a farm nearby and I get to pet the newborn lambs and calves. They a
re so tiny and wobbly and full of energy, bounding around and snuggling with their mamas. Last year I even got to watch a calf being born - it was amazing! My parents had to cover my eyes for some of the grosser parts, but mostly it was just miraculous to see a whole new life coming into the world. I wonder if baby animals know how lucky they are to be born in spring?
    That reminds me of another thing I love about spring - Easter! Easter is definitely one of the top three best holidays, after my birthday and Christmas. I love decorating eggs withmy rainbow array of marking pens and getting to go on an Easter egg hunt in our backyard. The Easter Bunny always hides them in such tricky spots! One year there was even a golden egg filled with chocolate coins. This year my grandma is coming over for our Easter feast and we're going to make her specialty hot cross buns. Just thinking about those raisiny, cinnamony buns fresh from the oven is making my mouth water.
    Let's see, what else makes h yes, the spring break vacation! Getting a whole week off from school is probably one of the best parts. No waking up early, no mat
h worksheets, no having to raise my hand to go to the bathroom. I get to stay in my pajamas all day if I want and watch TV and play games on my tablet. This year for spring break we're going to go camping in the mountains. I can't wait to have a campfire, make s'mores, and sleep out under the stars. I hope I get to see a deer or a bear! Well, maybe not too close to
    Anyway, I could go on and on about why spring is the superior season. The mild weather, the cheerful colors, the newborn animals, Easter, spring break, and so much more. Everything just feels so fresh and full of possibilities in spring, like the whole world is waking up from a long nap. Winter is just closed doors, bitter winds, and endless homework. But spring is hopping on my bike and feeling the warm breeze in my hair. It's groundhogs emerging from their burrows and buds bursting on the trees. It's the BEST!
