We love the four seasons
Which season do you like best?
I like spring best of all!
Spring is green with flowers and songs.
Plants start to grow.
Birds start to sing.
Spring is warm and pretty.
I often go on a picnic.
Iwe love spring怎么读 often fly a kite.
Which season do you like best?
I like summer best of all.
Summer is hot and the days are long.
I can go swimming.
I can eat ice cream.
Summer is sunny and happy.
Summer vacation is coming.
We start to have fun.
Which season do you like best?
I like autumn best of all.
Autumn is golden and farmers are busy.
The wind start to blow.
Leaves fall from the trees.
The weather is good and the colours are beautiful.
I want to pick apples.
I want to paint pictures.
Which season do you like best?
I like winter best of all.
Winter is white and the year is gone.
Snowflakes fall from the sky.
Animals hide inside their holes.
Winter is cold and snowy.
I like to play in the snow.
I like to make a snowman.
Seasons come and seasons go.
Changing all the time.
We love the four seasons.
