Spring Is Coming
Try to review all the important words in this unit
Try to review all the important phrases in this unit
Help the students to review the expressions about spring.
Students will be able to know some of the compound words.
1. Students can get the important information while listening.
2. They will try to understand about activities while listening.
Students will be able to talk about spring in English.
Students can understand the articles about spring quickly and well.
They can write about spring with the information they get. Some of them can write about their favourite season with the ways the teacher taught them.
1. 初步建立自主学习的概念和意识。
2. 能总结所学语言材料中的语言规律并加以利用。
3. 善于抓住用英语交际的机会。
1. 在学习中敢于用英语来表达自己的看法。
2. 培养学习英语的兴趣和学好英语的勇气。
1. Master the words and structures in this unit.
2. Learn how to express themselves about spring.
3. Learn to use the compound words.
To describe spring correctly.
1. blackboard  2. Power point 
Teacher’s activities
Student’s activities
Aim of design
Class Opening
1. T: Good morning! Boys and girls! Please tell me what season do you think of when you listen to the music?
T: I am very happy to be your friend.
  How do you feel now?
  Are you happy?
1. S:Good morning
Ss answer the teacher’s questions
1. To greet each other and have a short communication in feelings about spring.
Step 1:
Warming up and Leading in
1. T: Now, let’s guess a riddle about a season.
2. T: How do you know?
3. T: Today we will review about unit 1 Spring Is Coming.
1. Ss read the riddle and guess.
1. Lead  into this unit topic.
Step 2
Words and Grammar
1. T: First, Ok, let’s play a game. Let’s make some letters into words, then you will find a season.
  What season have you found?
2. T: Sometimes we can put letters together to make a new word. Sometimes we can put words together to make another new word.
3. T: Now, let’s try. After you get a new word, please try to make up a sentence with it.
4. T: These words are called compound words. What other compound words do you know?
1. Ss listen and do.
2. Ss tell and try to make up sentences.
3. Ss tell more compound words.
1. To review some words.
2. To review about the grammar: compound words.
Step 3
Listening and repeat
1. T: This boy is Steven, he is going to do something this weekend.
T: let’s listen What is Steven going to do this weekend?
2. T: Have you finished? Please tell us the answer. Please pay attention to your pronunciation.
  Help them to read the incomplete explosion.
3. T: This is called incomplete explosion.
4. T: Let’s see more like this.
1. Ss listen and do the exercise.
2. Ss listen and repeat.
3. Some of them try to read them.
1. To practice listening l.
2. To help them with their pronunciation.
3. To prepare for the following parts.
Step 4 Speaking and reading about weather
1. T: Do you love spring? Encourage them to say: I love because of
2. T: Today, we will talk about the weather, environment and activities in spring.
T: How is the weather in spring? Is it snowy?
T: What’s the temperature in spring? Is it 1 degree?
This is a weather report in spring.
3. T: Maybe the average temperature is
T: Let’s see the sunrise and sunset.
4. T: Because of the weather, the plants can get plenty of ___.
  T: Then the environment will be very beautiful.
1. S: I love spring because of the weather. / the environment / the activities/ the beautiful flowers.
2. S: Sometimes it’s sunny. / rainy.
  S: It’s neither too hot nor too cold.
S: Maybe the average temperature is 20 degrees. / 15 degrees.
S: The sun rises earlier.
  S: The days get longer.
4. S: The plants can get plenty of sunlight. / rain.
1. To talk about spring.
2. To review words and phrases about the weather.average
3. To know about the weather.
Step 5 Speaking about environment
1. T: Let’s look at the environment now. How many flowers can you see?
2. T: Please describe the environment in spring in pairs.
3.  T: The flower is beautiful. This girl is beautiful, too. She is as beautiful as the flower. The sky is
4. T: What about the birds?
5. T: Some animals will not come out until spring.
6. T: And there is a festival about it. What other festivals do you know about spring?
7. T: Today, Let’s read about more festivals about spring.
1. S: I can see hundreds of flowers. / trees.
we love spring怎么读2. S: The trees turn green. / The flowers blossom one by one. / The grass begins to grow.
3. S: The sky is as clear as the glass. / water. /
4. S: The birds fly back from south.
5. S: The snake / bear / frog / groundhog won’t come out until spring.
6. Tree planting Day.
7. Ss read and answer
1. To talk about the environment.
2. To review words and phrases about this topic.
hundreds of
3. To improve their reading skills.
Step 6. Speaking about the activities
1. T: From this, we know different places, different activities. What outdoor activities do people often do in spring?
T: I’ll show you some outdoor activities. After watching, you will try to tell me what people do.
2. T: What do you often do in spring? Or what do you like to do in spring?
Then show them the pictures.
  T: What do you want to say to him?
  T: We can give him a push.
3. T: So, in this way, we can enjoy spring. Do you like spring? We can enjoy the flowers, we can enjoy the weather, the environment and the activities.
1. Ss watch and tell.
S: In spring, people often ___.
2. S: I often play on the swing.
S: hold on. / Come down.
S: I can give him a push.
    I can push him.
1. To know about the activities.
2.To review
(climb the . play on the swing,  hold on, give a push)
Step 7 Summary and exercise
1. T: Now, do you know about spring? Let’s do some exercise to see if you have known a lot.
2. Tell them the passage structure.
3. T: Do you enjoy spring? Do you enjoy summer? Why?
Which season do you enjoy most? Can you tell me more?
4. T: You can work in groups and the mind map will help you.
1. Ss do the exercise.
2. S: I enjoy summer most, I long for summer.
3. Ss discuss and fill.
4. Ss tell more about their favourite season.
1. To summary for enjoy spring
2. To talk about other seasons.
3. To check
Step 8
Summary, Self evaluation and
1. T: Now, our school is going to have a speech contest about the season, you need to write about your favourite season.
2. You can write about spring or any other season.
1. Ss write.
2. Ss show.
1. To practice writing.
2. To have a summary of the topic
3. To have a self evaluation.
Step 9
1. Spring is the beginning of a year. Spring is coming, what can we do? Let’s enjoy spring. That’s all for today. Thank you!
The design of the blackboard:
Unit 1  Spring Is Coming
      be scared of                          weather                             
plenty of              neithernor.                    environment             
hundreds of                                Spring
      as as.            climb the hillside                play on the swing                         
      notuntil                    have a field trip      plant trees
      push-givea push                  enjoy the beautiful flowers           
      long for
