全文共6篇示例,供读者参考we love spring怎么读
    The Seasons of Jinan
    Jinan is a city in the Shandong province of China that experiences four very distinct seasons. As a 5th grader living here, I get to experience the changing seasons every year. Each one brings its own unique weather, activities, and beauty.
    Spring in Jinan is a magical time. After the long, cold winter, the first signs of spring are so welcome. The plum blossoms are the first flowers to bloom, covering the trees in clouds of pale pink and white. The weather starts to warm up, with temperatures reaching as high as 25°C on some days. Spring showers help wake up the plants and trees from their winter dormancy. Tender green leaves start unfurling and grasses regain their lush color. It's my favorite time to visit one of Jinan's beautiful parks and have a picnic with my family. We relish
being outdoors in the fresh spring air after being cooped up inside all winter.
    Summer arrives in Jinan in a blaze of heat and humidity. The hottest days can reach scorching temperatures over 35°C! The dense air feels heavy and sticky. Locals tell sayings like "If you can get through a Jinan summer, you can get through anything." My friends and I spend as much time as possible in the refreshing pools and water parks to beat the heat. After the sun goes down, the hot streets come alive with vendors selling icy treats like flavored ice pops, fresh lemonade, and chocolate banana splits. Summer nights are the best time for outdoor activities before the heat returns the next morning. Summer is also when Jinan's beautiful lotus flowers bloom, covering the city's lakes and ponds in their bright pinks and yellows.
    The heat breaks in September, bringing the cooler temperatures of fall. Finally, I can return to playing sports and games outside without becoming drenched in sweat. The fall is a time of harvest, andJinan's gardens, farms, and orchards are overflowing with fresh fruits and vegetables. Juicy pears, crisp apples, plump grapes, and ripe persimmons are in seas
on. One of my favorite family traditions is going to the orchards to pick bags of delicious fresh produce. Fall in Jinan is also stunning for its colorful autumn leaves. The ginkgo trees lining the streets turn a brilliant golden yellow, as vibrant as sunshine. When a breeze blows, it looks like it's raining golden leaves.
    At last, winter sweeps in. While the freezing temperatures and snowy days can make it difficult to go outside, winter has its own beauty. The first snowfall of the year transforms Jinan into a sparkling wonderland. Icicles hang from the roofs, trees are covered in white blankets of snow, and the city parks are ideal for winter activities like sledding and building snowmen. Jinan's most famous winter tradition is the annual Ice and Snow World festival. Massive frozen sculptures are carved with immense skill, depicting dragons, pagodas, and traditional scenes. Walking through the sculptures in the twinkling lights is like stepping into a magical icy kingdom. On the coldest nights of winter, I bundle up and join my friends for a cup of steaming hot chocolate to ward off the chill.
    Each season in Jinan brings different weather, activities, and natural beauty. While I look
forward to the return of spring once winter fades, I've learned to appreciate the special joys that each season offers in Jinan. I feel so lucky to experience changing seasons in such a beautiful place. No matter if it's sweltering summer days, frosty winter nights, or the blossoms of spring, life in Jinan is always changing with the four seasons.
    The Four Seasons in Jinan
    Hello, my name is Xiaoming and I'm a 5th grader at Jinan No. 3 Primary School. Today I want to tell you about the four beautiful seasons we get to experience living in the wonderful city of Jinan!
    Spring is one of my favorite times of year here. After the long, cold winter, it's so exciting when the temperatures start warming up in late March and early April. The bare trees start budding with fresh green leaves and colorful flowers begin popping up everywhere. My favorite are the bright yellow rapeseed flowers that seem to cover the whole countryside in a golden blanket. The sweet fragrances in the air make me so happy spring has arrived!
    A special tradition we have in Jinan during spring is celebrating the Qingming or Tomb Sweeping Festival in early April. My whole family goes together to tidy up and pay respects at the graves of our ancestors. We'll burn incense, leave offerings of food, and sweep away any dust and debris. It's a really meaningful way to honor those who came before us. After the somber ceremonies, we love having a joyful family picnic while admiring the spring scenery.
    As spring turns into summer, Jinan starts heating up quickly. By June and July, the temperatures regularly soar over 35°C! The humidity makes it feel even muggier too. I try to spend as much time as I can inside in the blessed air conditioning during the hottest parts of the day. After school lets out, my friends and I go to the community pool almost daily to cool off with a refreshing swim.
    One summertime treat I really look forward to is eating the seasonal lychee fruits. The sweet, perfumed flavor just screams "summer" to me! I could eat them by the boxful. Another fun tradition is watching the dazzling fireworks shows they have in parks across Jin
an to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival in June. The brilliant, colorful explosions lighting up the night sky are amazing.
    My absolutely favorite season in Jinan, though, has to be fall. The scorching summer heat finally breaks in September, bringing dry, sunny, and gloriously mild weather. It's perfect conditions for spending loads of time outdoors. The landscape also starts transitioning into a stunning palette of crimson, amber, and golden hues as the leaves change color. Soon the sidewalks are covered in a thick, crunchy carpet of fallen foliage that's super fun (and a tiny bit slippery!) to play in.
