Unit 1
1. feel 感觉              2.happy高兴        3.sad 悲伤的 
4.tired劳累的            5.angry生气的        6.go out to play出去玩 
7.make a snowman堆雪人  8.why为什么          9.because因为 
10e on加油          11.a little一点      12.make 使,让 
13.so因此              14.tell告诉            15.back 回来
1.你看起来很悲伤。You look sad.                                                                2.我不能出去玩。I cant go out to play.                                                    3. 它是一个好主意。Its a good idea.                                                                          4.你现在感觉怎么样? ---How are you feeling n
ow?  ---Im feeling ______.                                                                                5.你累了吗? ---Are you tired?  ---Yes, a little.一点点。                                                                              6.她为什么生气?Why is she angry?                                                                                7.这让她很生气。This makes her very angry.                                                    9.按时来学校  come to school on time         
10.不要再迟到 not to be late again
Unit 1测试随堂练习
(  )1. Because it’s     again. We can’t go out.
A. snow      B. snowing      C. snows
(  )2. I can’t         .
A. go              B. going          C. goes
(  )3. We can     a snowman.
A. making            B. makes          C. make
(  )4. Judy lost her key. She is very      .
A. happy        B. tired            C. sad
(  )5. Let’s go out     .
A. play               B. to play           C. for play
(  )6. —    your parents in?
— No, they eat out.
A. Be               B. Is               C. Are
(  )7. Sit down and     some water, please.
A. drink             B. to drink           C. drinking
(  )8. This     her very angry.
A. makes             B. make             C. making
(  )9. —      are you so happy?
— Because today is my birthday.
A. How             B. Why             C. What
(  )10. She makes me     again.
A. cry               B. to cry             C. crying
Nobody   for   happy     Because     little
1. — You look sad, why?
        my dog is ill.
2.      wants to live here any longer.
3. Here is a gift     you.
4. I’m feeling a       tired.
5. I like this song. It makes me        .
(  )1. 当你想询问别人现在感觉如何时,可以说:   
A. How are you?         B. How are you feeling now?
(  )2. 当你想知道朋友为什么伤心的时候,可以说:   
A. Why are you so sad?           B. Do you feel sad?
(  )3. 当别人送给你礼物的时候,你可以说:   
A. Sorry.                    B. Thank you.
(  )4. 当别人过生日的时候,你可以说:   
A. Hello!                    B. Happy birthday!
(  )5. 当你想问他人是否会弹奏美妙的乐曲的时候,你可以说:   
A. Can you play beautiful music?  B. Do you play beautiful music?
A. Oh!I’m sorry to hear that. How about having a drink with me?
B. Because I lost my new schoolbag.
C. Hi, Amy!
D. Hi, Tom!You look sad!Why?
E. Sounds good.
(    )—(    )—(    )—(    )—(    )             
Jane is happy, because she is wearing her new dress. It’s time to go to school. Mom tells Jane to put her shoes on. Jane can not find her shoes, and that makes her sad. Jane is happy when her mother finds her shoes. At school, Jane’s classmates(同学) say that her dress is pretty. Jane is happy about that.
(  )1. Jane has a new dress.
(  )2. Jane is sad when she can’t find her dress.we love spring怎么读
(  )3. Jane’s mother finds Jane’s shoes.
(  )4. Jane wears her new shoes to school. 
(  )5. Jane is happy, because her classmates say that her dress is pretty.
Unit 2
1. spring 春天      summer 夏天    autumn 秋天  winter 冬天    season 季节         
2. plant trees 植树      ride a bike骑自行车      Tree Planting Day 植树节
3. interesting有趣的    with 和...一起        parents 父母          friends 朋友       
4. warm 暖和的      hot 热的      cool 凉爽的      cold 寒冷的      rich 富有的       
5. fly kites 放风筝      climb the mountain 爬山     
6. go swimming 去游泳    eat ice-creams吃冰淇淋        pick apples 摘苹果 
需要背诵的句子:                                                                        1.春天来了! Spring is coming!                                                            2.我们多么开心啊!How happy we are!                                                      3.你在春天干什么?---What do you do in spring?
我经常和我朋友放风筝。 ---I often fly kites.
I plant trees with my friends every year on Tree Planting Day.                     
5.多么有趣啊!How interesting!                                                          6.一年中有四个季节。There are four seasons in a year.                                          7.春天是暖和的,树是绿的。 Spring is warm and trees are green.                         
