Unit 5 Seasons
The background information 
    本单元围绕“季节和天气”这一话题展开教学活动。以四个季节的天气特征及在每一个季节人们所做的活动为主线,谈论自己喜欢的季节,学习句型In..it’s/..We./We like., 并能在实际生活中运用,鼓励学生根据自己平时的观察,用已有的语言知识,对当前季节的气候特征或天气做简单的描述。学生虽然有一定基础,但本单元对他们来说存在很大难度
Teaching aims and learning objectives
一、能听懂、会说、会读、会写season, spring, warm, summer, hot, autumn, cool, winter, cold
二、能听懂、会说、会读、会写 In spring, it is warm. We go boating
Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty
Teaching aids
一、事先板书好课题Unit 5 Seasons
it is spring怎么读第一课时:Story time
第二课时:Fun time , Cartoon time
第三课时:Sound time, Song time and Checkout time
第四课时:Ticking time ,review and do exercise
(课型:新授课  设计人:    授课时间:   )
Teaching content
    Story time.
Teaching aims and learning objectives
1. 三会掌握词汇springsummerautumnwinterwarmhotcoldcoolgo boating,go swimminggo climbinggo skatingpicnic.
2.听懂、会说、会读Its...We ... 
Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty
1. 三会掌握词汇springsummerautumnwinterwarmhotcoldcool 
  go boating,go swimming,go climbing,go skating,picnic.
2. 听懂、会说、会读Its...We ... 
4. 熟练朗读并能初步表演对话内容。
Teaching aids
1.事先板书好课题Unit 5 Seasons
Teaching procedures
Step One: Warming up
  1. Greeting
T: Good morning, boys and girls.
Ss: Good morning, Miss Xu.
T: How are you?
Ss: Im fine, thank you.
T: Nice to see you.
SsNice to see you too.
2. 复习swim, skate, boat 等词。
T: What day is it today?
Ss: Its
TWhen can we do these things?
Ss: We can
Step Two: Presentation and practice.
1.出示季节图片让学生认读单词, 通过游戏巩固季节单词。
1Who are they?
2What are they doing?
In______, its ______.
We _______ _______.
We go _______.(教授go boating
2. 分别出示夏、秋、冬活动图片,教授go climbinggo swimminggo skating。引导学生用动作、表情复述内容。
3. play a game看图片,快速反应季节名称。
TYou did a good job. In different seasons, there are different weather. Now Whats the weather like in spring?
TIn spring, it is warm.(师带读两遍) Follow me, please.
T: Now Lets read together with your action, OK? Ss: OK.
TNow Whats the weather like in summer?生答
TIn summer, it is hot. (师带读两遍)生齐读句子加动作。
TNow Whats the weather like in autumn
TIn autumn, it is cool.(新词,师带读两遍)生齐读句子。
TNow Whats the weather like in winter
TIn winter , it is cold.(师带读两遍)生齐读句子加动作。
TNow we know the weather of four seasons.
What can we do in different seasons?
Look at the pictures and try to say. You try, please.
S1: In spring, it is warm. I fly a kite. I go boating.
S: In summer, it is hot. I go swimming. I eat ice creams.
S: In autumn, it is cool. I have a picnic. I go climbing.
S: In winter, it is cold. I make snowmen. I go skating.
4. T: Boys and girls, at this lesson.
We are trying to do the things: Enjoy the poem. Enjoy our colorful life.Firstly Lets enjoy the cartoon of the poem and answer the question: What is the cartoon about?
5. T: Now read the poem and underline the activities.
T: Have you finished? Lets fill in the form.
Spring  warm  fly kites    go boating
Summer  hot    eat ice creams  go swimming
autumn cool  have picnics  go climbing
winter cold  make snowmen  go skating
T: We do different things in different seasons. This is the whole poem.
Step Three:Reading and act out.
1. Act it out
a, Read fluently   
b, Read fluently and beautifully
c, Act it out with emotions
2. Make a dialogue.
Step Four: Consolidation
Please introduce your favorite season to us.
I like ______.
It is ______.
  1. Read and recite the poem with emotion.
  2. Introduce your favorite season to your friend.
Blackboard design:   Unit 5 Seasons
            Spring  warm  fly kites    go boating
        Summer  hot    eat ice creams  go swimming
            autumn cool  have picnics  go climbing
            winter cold  make snowmen  go skating
        Its... we ... 
Teaching reflection:
(课型:新授课  设计人:  授课时间:   )   
  Teaching content
Fun time and Vocabulary
Teaching aims and learning objectives 
1. 能听懂、会读、会说、会写单词:spring, summer, autumn, winter, hot, warm, cool, cold.
