1.In ______, it is cold. We make snowmen. (    )
A.spring    B.summer    C.winter
2.Hi, Bobby. Let’s listen to some English.句中三个斜体单词划线部分发音与众不同的是:(    )
A.Hi    B.listen    C.English
3.—_______ crayons are these? (    )
—They’re my _______.
A.Who’s; cousin’s    B.Whose; cousin    C.Whose; cousin’s
4.—I’m very _______. (    )
—Here’s a fan _______ you.
A.cold; for    B.hot; for    C.cold; to
5.I have a _______ lesson today. I can _______ well. (    )
A.skating; skate    B.skating; skating    C.skate; skating
6.John _______ a football match _______ Sunday afternoon. (    )
A.have; on    B.has; in    C.has; on
7.—What’s the matter with ________? (    )
—She has a cold.
A.you    B.her    C.him
8.Winter is very ________. We can ________. (    )
A.cool; go skating    B.hot; fly kites    C.cold; go skating
9.—What do you want to drink? (    )
—I want some ________.
A.hamburgers    B.an ice cream    C.milk
10.—Who’s the king of all the animals? (    )
A.The apple    B.The tiger    C.Mr Wang
11.—_______ is the kite? (   )
—It's _______ the tree.
A.Where; in    B.Who; in    C.What; on
12.—I usually go to school at ________. (    )
—Oh, it’s not late.
A.seven ten    B.eight fifty    C.two o'clock
13.—Are you ill? (    )
—No, _______.
A.it isn’t    B.I amn’t    C.I’m not
14.We don’t have ______ English lesson this afternoon. (   )
A.an    B.some    C.any
15.it is spring怎么读The shorts ______ too big. Try ______. (    )
A.is; this    B.are; this    C.are; these
16.________ (not drink) in the reading room.
17.The jeans _______ (be) my _______ (brother), _______ (Mike).
18.This is _______ (he) _______ (mother) car.
19.Here are some nice pictures. Oh, I can draw _______ (they).
20.Can you see _____ (he) new shirt?
21.My shorts _______ (be) too long.
22.It’s seven _____ (clock). Let _____ (we) go to school.
23.—Whose _______ (dress) are they?
—They’re ______. (Nancy)
24.—What’s the matter with _______ (she)?  —She _______ (be) ill.
25.My cousin _______ (have) many toy cars.
26.Mike ________ (have) a ________ (swim) lesson on Sunday.
27.—Are you thirsty, Joe?
—Here _____ (be) some water for you.
28.There are ______ (four) seasons in a year.
29.Tina can't _____ (come) to my birthday party because (因为) she is in Nanjing.
30.—My shorts are too short.
—Try _______ (they).
31.Tina is not h_______. Her new shoes are dirty (脏的).
32.—Is Sam at home?
—No, he’s _________ (在学校).
33.Look at that _______ (酷的) man.
34.I _______ cold. I _______ a cold.
He ______ four ______ lessons a week.
36.On _____ (星期六), I _____ (通常) _____ (看)TV at home.
37.I’m t_____, I want to go to bed.
38.I have Science on F______ afternoon.
39.A: What _______ do you ________ on Monday morning?
B: I have Art and PE.
40.Look at the _________. They are cool.
A crow (乌鸦) is flying in the trees. He is thirsty now. He would like some water. He goes to
the river. But there’s no water in the river. He is so sad now. He flies again for some water. He sees a bottle under a tree. There’s some water in it. But the bottle is too long, he can’t drink the water. He is tired and sad. Then he has a good idea. He gets some stones, and puts them in the bottle. At last (最后), he drinks the water. He is happy now.
41、Where is the crow? (   )
A.He is in the trees.    B.He is at home.    C.He is at school.    D.He is in the bottle.
42、文中划线单词bottle的意思是:(   )
A.罐子    B.石头    C.瓶子    D.碗
43、What’s the matter with the crow? (   )
A.He is hungry.    B.He has a cold.    C.He is thirsty.    D.He is ill.
44、What’s in the bottle? (   )
A.There’s some milk.    B.There’s some juice.    C.There’s some tea.    D.There’s some water.
45、Can the crow drink the water at last? (   )
A.No, he can’t.    B.Yes, he is.    C.Yes, he does.    D.Yes, he can.
I'm Lucy. I have a happy family. There are four people in my family. My birthday is on January 1st. It's New Year's Day, too. My family and I will have a big dinner on that day. I have a little brother. He is four years old. His birthday is in winter. It's very cold but we can make a snowman. My mother's birthday is in March. My father's birthday is in March, too. We can plant trees and fly kites.
46、There are ________ people in this family. (     )
A.five    B.four    C.three
47、Lucy's birthday is on ________. (     )
A.January 1st    B.June 2nd    C.Children's Day
48、Lucy's brother's birthday is in ________.  (     )
