Lesson 1 : How Are You?
1.How are you ?  Fine ,thanks .
      你好吗?    我很好,谢谢·
2.Whats your name ?  My name is _____ .
      你的名字叫什么? 我的名字是_____ ·
3.Whats her name ?  Her name is _____ .
      她的名字叫什么?她的名字是 ·
4.Whats his name ?  His name is _____ .
      他的名字叫什么? 他的名字叫·
5.Nice to see you . Nice to see you , too .
6.You can call me Mr Wood . 你可以称呼我为伍德先生·
7.Im your new teacher . 我是你的新老师·
欢迎回来  very well 非常好    call 称呼  Mr 先生
Lesson 2 : Is This Your Pencil ?
1. Whose pencil is this ?  Its Stevens pencil .
这是谁的铅笔?        它是史蒂夫的铅笔·
2. Is this LiMings ruler ?  No. Its not his pencil .
  这是李明的尺子吗?  不·它不是他的铅笔·
3. Is this Jennys crayon ?  Yes . Its her pencil .
  这是珍妮的蜡笔吗?  是的·它是她的铅笔·
4. Is this your pen ?  Yes . Its my pen .
it is spring怎么读Lesson 3 : Where Are They  ?
1.What can you see ? I can see a book .
    你能看见什么? 我能看到一本书·
2.Danny is between the desk and the chair .
3.Jenny is beside Kim . Kim is beside Jenny .
珍妮在金的旁边· 金在珍妮的旁边·
4.The schoolbag is on the desk . The book is in the schoolbag .The crayons are under the desk .书包在桌子上·书在书包里面·蜡笔在桌子下面·
Lesson 4 : How Many Books Do I Have ?
1.How many books are there on my desk ?
There are eight books . 那有八本书·
2.Lets put eight books on the eight books .让我们把八本书放在八本书上面·
3.Can you say they numbers from thirty to forty ?
Lesson 5: Where Is Danny ?
1.Where is Danny ? 丹尼在哪里?
He is in / on/ in front of / behind the _________  .
He is reading a book . 他正在读书·
reading a book
playing games
playing ping-pong
writing on the blackboard
Lesson 6: Little Zeke
1.I have many friends . 我有很多朋友·
2.You have many friends . 你有很多朋友·
3.Emma has many friends . 艾玛有很多朋友·
4. What does Little Zeke do ?  He helps Emma . 小泽克做什么?他帮助艾玛·
1. How many months in a year ?  There are twelve months in a year .
  一年有几个月?              一年有十二个月·
2. Whats your favourite month ?  My favourite month is .
  你最喜欢哪个月?            我最喜欢的月份是
3. Whose birthday is in July ?      My birthday is in July .
  谁的的生日在七月?          我的生日在七月·
4. When is New Years Day ?      January the first is New Years Day .
  什么时候是新年?            一月一日是新年·
5. Spring Festival is in January or February .
6. International Workers Day is May the first .
7. Childrens Day is June the first .
8. Teachers Day is September the tenth .
9. National Day is October the first .
10. When is your birthday ?  My birthday is
  什么时候是你的生日? 我的生日是 ·
11. When is Day ?  It is .
12. The sun is hot .太阳很热·
13. Snow is cold and white . 雪很凉,是白的·
14. Hows the weather today ?  It is warm and rainy .
  今天天气怎么样?        今天暖和多雨·
15. Its cold and snowy .  今天天气很冷并且下雪了·
16. This is a sunny day . 这是一个晴朗的天气·
17. Its hot and sunny .  今天很热并且晴朗·
18. Its cool and windy .  今天凉爽多风·
19. Hows the weather in Shanghai/?  Its
  上海/的天气怎么样?  天气
20. We are the best .  我们是最好的·
Letters and sound
ir   first 第一    third第三    dirty脏的
ur   nurse护士    Thursday星期四  fur毛皮
er   teacher老师    driver 司机    dancer 舞蹈演员
or    work 工作  word  单词    world  世界
