七年级下Unit 6  It’s raining!
Useful expressions:
1. how’s = how is  ……怎样
2. the weather in Shanghai 上海的天气
3. in Shanghai/Beijing 在上海/北京
4. play computer games 玩电子(电脑)游戏
5. Uncle Joe 乔叔叔
6. in picture d 在图片d
7. Around The World 环绕世界;世界各地
8. join CCTV’s Around The World show 参加中央电视台世界各地栏目
9. on vacation 在度假;在假期
10. take photos / a photo 照相;拍照
11. lie on the beach 躺在海滩上
12. look at 看着……
13. this group of people 这人
14. people playing beach volleyball 正在打沙滩排球的人
15. look cool 看起来很酷
16. in this heat 在这种热度下
17. have a good time 玩得开心;玩得愉快
18. in restaurant(s) 在餐馆里
*19. as usual 像往常一样,照例
*20. my whole family 我全家
1. How’s the weather in … /there 那儿天气任何?
It’s raining/snowing. 正下着雨/雪呢。
It’s cloudy/sunny/windy. 是多云的天气(阴天)/晴天/刮风的天气。
2. How’s it going?近来怎么样?
Great. /Not bad. /Pretty good. /Terrible!
3. some, others … 一些……,其他的……
4. I’m surprised + 从句  我对……很吃惊。
5. It’s winter in France. 这时)在法国是冬天。
6. What do you do when it’s raining?
*7. What is the weather like? 天气怎么样?
*8. Happy New Year! 新年好!
Unit 6 It’s raining!练习题
1.The w_________ in Beijing is very s________.
2.E_________ is here today.
3.Some boys are t_________ photos.
4.My mother is l_________ on the b_______.
5.I’m s___________ when I hear the news.
6.W_________ comes after autumn.
7.The film is very i__________. Jim likes it very much.
8.Listening to music is r_________. I like it very much.
9.There is much r________ here in summer.
10.Reading in the sun is b________ for your eyes.
11.Put on your coat. It’s very c________.
12.My father is a c_____. He c_____ very well. Now he is c______dinner for me.
13.-How’s it g________?  -It’s t_________.
14.She is on summer v_________ in Dalian now.
15.Do you know that young m________?
16.In spring, the weather is very w_________.
答案:1.weather, sunny  2.Everyone  3.taking  4.lying, bed/beach  5.surprised  6.Winter  7.interesting  8.relaxing  9.rain  10.bad  11.cold  12.cook, cooks, cooking  13.going, terrible  14.vacation  15.man/musician  16.warm
1.Look! It’s __________(snow) now.
2.-This is Mary _________(speak). Who’s that?
-Mary, this is Lucy.
3.I can see a dog _________(lie) on the floor.
4.They are playing games. They are very _________(relax).
5.Thank you for _________(give) me so much help.
6.Everyone _________(like) playing football.
7.There _________(be) a lot of people in the park.
8.-_________ it often _________(rain) in Jilin? –Yes, it does.
9.It snows _________(heavy) in winter.
10.These _________(photo) look very nice.
11.It’s too hot. Let’s _________(go) _________(swim).
12.How about _________(join) CCTV Dream China show?
13.There are many different kinds of _________(scarf) in the mall.
答案:1.snowing  2.speaking  3.lying  4.relaxed  5.giving  6.likes  7.are  8.Does, rain  9.heavily  10.photos  11.go, swimming  12.joining  13.scarfs/scarves
(  )1._____ the weather _____ today?
A.How’s; like  B.What’s; on  C.What’s; in  D.How’s; /
(  )2.His daughter is looking _____.
A.at I  B.at me  C.me  D.Iit is spring怎么读
(  )3.I feel ______. Please open the window.
A.hot  B.cool  C.cloudy  D.windy
(  )4.-I’m going to Sydney for a vacation.  -_____.
A.Goodbye  B.You are healthy  C.It’s OK  D.Have a good time
(  )5.Andy is playing _____ guitar for his friends.
A.a  B.an  C.the  D./
(  )6.-How’s it going with you?  -_____.
A.I don’t like it  B.I’m studying  C.Not bad  D.It’s windy
(  )7.There _____ snow in Canada every year.
A.has many  B.has much  C.are many  D.is much
(  )8.What _____ interesting book it is!
A.a  B.an  C.the  D./
(  )9.We must wear warm clothes _____ winter.
    A.in  B.on  C.at  D.of
(  )10.The weather in Guangzhou _____ hot and humid.
A.is  B.are  C.be  D.am
(  )11.Don’t play in this _____.
A.hot  B.heat  C.hotter  D.hottest
(  )12.-Who’s cooking in the kitchen?  -_____.
A.Linda does  B.Linda is  C.Linda has  D.Linda’s
(  )13.The students are cleaning their classroom. _____ are cleaning the windows.
_____ are cleaning the chairs.
A.Some; Others  B.Some; Another  C.Others; The others  D.Some; Other
(  )14.-When it is summer in Australia, what season is it in Beijing?  -_____.
