Spring is a beautiful season filled with new life and growth. 春天是一个充满新生命和成长的美丽季节。
During springtime, the weather begins to warm up after the cold winter months. 春天来临之际,天气在经历了寒冷的冬季后开始变暖。
The flowers start to bloom in a vibrant display of colors, filling the air with their sweet fragrance. 鲜花开始绽放,展现出丰富多彩的彩,让空气中弥漫着甜美的芬芳。
The trees start to bud, and leaves start to grow back after the winter bareness. 树木开始发芽,树叶在经历了冬季的光秃后重新长出。
Spring is a time of renewal and rejuvenation, as nature wakes up from its winter slumber. 春天是一个更新和恢复的时刻,大自然从冬眠中醒来。
People often feel a sense of rejuvenation during springtime, as they shed their winter coats a
nd enjoy the warmer weather. 人们常常在春天感受到一种振奋,他们褪去冬季的外套,享受着温暖的天气。
Many outdoor activities become more enjoyable during spring, such as picnics in the park or hikes in the mountains. 在春天,许多户外活动变得更加愉快,比如在公园野餐或在山上徒步旅行。
Children love playing outside during springtime, enjoying the sunshine and fresh air after being cooped up indoors during the winter. 孩子们喜欢在春天玩耍,享受冬季在室内关起来后的阳光和新鲜空气。
Spring is also a time for new beginnings and opportunities, as the world comes alive with possibilities. 春天也是一个崭新开始和机遇的时刻,因为整个世界都充满了可能性。
As the days grow longer and the sun shines brighter, people feel a renewed sense of energy and motivation. 随着白昼渐长、阳光变得更加明亮,人们感受到了一种焕发的活力和动力。
during spring怎么读
Overall, spring is a season that brings hope and joy to people around the world. 总的来说,春天是一个带来希望和喜悦的季节,受到全世界人们的喜爱。
