During the Spring Festival, families gather together to celebrate this important traditional Chinese holiday. 春节期间,家人团聚在一起庆祝这个重要的传统中国节日。
People decorate their homes with red lanterns, couplets, and other traditional symbols to bring good luck for the coming year. 人们用红灯笼、对联和其他传统符号装饰他们的家,为即将到来的一年带来好运。
One of the most important customs during the Spring Festival is the reunion dinner on New Year's Eve. 春节期间最重要的习俗之一是除夕团圆饭。
During the reunion dinner, families eat delicious dishes such as fish, dumplings, and rice cakes to usher in prosperity and good fortune for the new year. 在团圆饭上,家人们吃着美味的菜肴,如鱼、饺子和年糕,迎接新年的繁荣和好运。
Fireworks and firecrackers are also an essential part of the Spring Festival celebrations, as they are believed to scare away evil spirits and bring good luck. 焰火和鞭炮也是春节庆祝活
during spring怎么读
The Spring Festival is a time for family, friends, and loved ones to come together and strengthen their bonds. 春节是一个家人、朋友和挚爱相聚并增强彼此联系的时刻。
It is a time to reflect on the past year and set aspirations for the year ahead. 这是一个回顾过去一年,为未来设定抱负的时刻。
Many people travel long distances to be with their families during the Spring Festival, leading to a massive migration known as the Spring Festival travel rush. 许多人在春节期间长途出行,与家人团聚,这导致了一场被称为春运的大规模迁徙。
Despite the challenges and difficulties of traveling during this busy time, the joy of reuniting with loved ones and celebrating together is worth it. 尽管在这个繁忙时间旅行存在困难和挑战,但与挚爱团聚并一起庆祝的喜悦是值得的。
The Spring Festival is a time of renewal and new beginnings, where people look forward to the opportunities and challenges that the new year will bring. 春节是一个更新和新开始的时
One of the most beloved traditions during the Spring Festival is the giving and receiving of red envelopes containing money, known as "hongbao." 春节期间最受喜爱的传统之一是互赠红包,里面装有钱财,被称���“红包”。
Red envelopes symbolize good luck and are given to children and unmarried adults as a gesture of blessings for the new year. 红包象征着好运,送给孩子和未婚成年人,是一种为新年祝福的姿态。
In recent years, the tradition of sending digital red envelopes through mobile payment platforms has become increasingly popular. 近年来,通过移动支付平台发送数字红包的传统变得越来越流行。
While some people may prefer the convenience of digital hongbao, many still cherish the traditional practice of giving physical red envelopes. 尽管有些人可能更喜欢数字红包的便利,但许多人仍珍视给予实体红包的传统。
No matter how red envelopes are exchanged, the act of giving and receiving them is a symbol of goodwill and blessings for the new year. 无论红包是如何交换的,给与接红包的行为都象征着对新年的祝福和良好的愿望。
The Spring Festival also includes various performances and activities, such as dragon and lion dances, traditional operas, and temple fairs. 春节还包括各种表演和活动,如舞龙、舞狮、传统戏曲和庙会。
These cultural events add to the festive atmosphere and bring communities together to celebrate the holiday. 这些文化活动增添了节日气氛,并让社区团结在一起庆祝节日。
The color red plays a significant role in Spring Festival decorations and clothing, as it is believed to symbolize happiness, luck, and prosperity. 红在春节装饰和服饰中扮演着重要角,因为人们相信它象征着幸福、好运和繁荣。
Wearing new, red clothing during the Spring Festival is believed to bring good fortune and ward off evil spirits. 在春节期间穿新的红服装被认为能带来好运,驱除邪灵。
The festive atmosphere during the Spring Festival is contagious, with people greeting each other with wishes of prosperity and happiness. 春节期间的节日气氛是具有感染力的,人们互相祝福繁荣和幸福。
Whether it is enjoying traditional foods, participating in cultural activities, or giving and receiving red envelopes, the Spring Festival is a time of joy and celebration for all. 无论是享受传统美食、参加文化活动,还是互赠红包,春节对所有人来说都是一个欢乐庆祝的时刻。
