    Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival in China. It is a time for family reunion and celebration. During the Spring Festival, one of the important activities is the Spring Cleaning, or "Da Sao Chu" in Chinese. It is a tradition for Chinese families to thoroughly clean their houses before the arrival of the new year.
    There are several reasons why we do the Spring Cleaning. Firstly, it is believed that cleaning the house can get rid of the bad luck and make room for good luck in the coming year. Secondly, it is a way to show respect to the ancestors and welcome the gods and deities into the house. Thirdly, it is a way to prepare for the family reunion and the visits from relatives and friends during the festival.
    During the Spring Cleaning, every corner of the house is cleaned. We sweep the floors, wipe the windows, dust the furniture, and clean the kitchen and bathrooms. We also get rid of
the old and unused items, and make the house neat and tidy. It is a time-consuming task, but it is worth it because it brings a sense of freshness and new beginning to the house.
    After the cleaning is done, the house is decorated with red lanterns, couplets, and other traditional decorations. Red is the color of good luck and happiness in Chinese culture, so it is used extensively during the Spring Festival. The decorations create a festive atmosphere and bring joy and blessings to the family.
    The Spring Cleaning is not only about cleaning the physical space, but also about cleaning the spiritual space. It is a time for self-reflection and letting go of the past. It is a time to make resolutions and set goals for the new year. It is a time to start afresh and welcome the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.
    春季大扫除不仅仅是清理物理空间,还包括清理精神空间。这是一个反思自己的时刻,放下过去。这是一个制定新年计划和目标的时刻。这是一个重新开始的时刻,迎接前方的机遇和挑战。during spring怎么读
