Unit 2 Spring is  warm
⒈ 能听懂、会说新单词weather,spring,summer,autumn,winter;
⒉ 能听懂、会说本课对话;
⒊ 能运用“Spring is warm and nice.”“It’s cold in winter.”等句型描述四季。
一、 教学重点及难点
二、 教学准备
三、 教学步骤
Step 1 Warming up
⒈ 师生问候
⒉ 唱英语歌曲“How is the weather.”
⒊ 诵读英语诗歌“Shine on the green grass.”
⒋ 复习《学生用书》三年级下册第九、十单元内容。(课前自制一盒录有雷声、雨声、风声和知了叫声的磁带,让学生根据声音来判断天气情况。)
  T(播放雨声):What’s the weather like?
  S: It’s rainy.
  T(播放风声): What’s the weather like?
  S: It’s windy.
  T(播放知了的叫声):What’s the weather like?
  S: It’s hot.
Step 2 Presentation and drill
⒈ T: I don’t like hot days. How about you?
  S: I like warm days.
  T: There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.
  板书并教学单词spring, summer, autumn, winter。帮助学生理解season的含义。
  游戏——What’s s missing?(眼力大考验)
  游戏——Guess, guess, guess!(猜一猜!)
itswarminspring怎么读  两人上讲台进行游戏。一人背对全班同学举单词卡片,另一人给出提示语,前着猜自己所举的单词。可分组进行竞赛,猜对单词得一分,猜对并拼写完整一个单词得2分。
  提示语:seven letters; the first letter is W
  提示语:six letters; the first letter is S and the fourth letter is I
⒉ 听课文B部分录音,跟读。
⒊ T: The weather is different in different seasons. I like spring. Spring is warm and nice. What about you?
  S1: I like spring. It’s beautiful.
  S2: I like autumn.
  出示教学挂图,板书课题“Spring is warm and nice.”,帮助学生理解其含义。
  T: Spring is warm and nice. It’s beautiful. It’s green.
      Summer is hot and wet. It’s bright.
      Autumn is cool and nice. It’s golden.
      Winter is cold. It’s white.
Step 3 Practice
⒈ 听录音,复述所听内容。
⒉ 听录音,跟读。
⒊ 分小组练读。
⒋ 分角表演。
Step 4 Consolidation
⒈ 出示不同季节的风景画若干,让学生们根据图片自由谈论。
  S1: Hello, S2! Look! It’s beautiful. Where is it?
  S2: Hello, S1! It’s…
  S1: What’s the weather like…?
  S2: It’s…
⒉ 评价。对学生的表演进行评价,给予肯定与鼓励,激发他们说英语的欲望。
⒊ 练习(见《练习册》P29~30)
      A.    1. winter  2. spring    3. summer    4. autumn
      B.    1. hot      2. cold      3. warm      4. cool
⒋ 家庭作业。听磁带背课文。
