tea(茶)  coffee (咖啡) milk(牛奶) water(水)  juice(汁)  coke(可乐)  tea with milk(奶茶)
orange juice(橙汁)  apple juice(苹果汁)  black tea(红茶)  green tea(绿茶)
potatoes(马铃薯) tomatoes(西红柿) eggs(蛋)  noodles(面条)  dumplings(饺子)  hamburgers (汉堡包)  chocolates(巧克力)  sandwiches(三文治)  ice cream(冰淇淋)  cake(蛋糕)buns(小圆包)  pancakes(薄饼)  vegetables(蔬菜)
rice(米饭)  fish(鱼肉)  meat(肉)  bread (面包) soup(汤)chicken(鸡肉)
salad(拉)  beef(牛肉)  steak(牛排)  dimsum(点心)  chicken(鸡肉)  duck(鸭肉)
  breakfast(早餐)  lunch(午餐)  dinner(晚餐)
for starter(第一道菜)  for the main course(主菜)  for dessert(甜品)
5、中国人的餐具:chopstick(筷子)  bowl(碗) 
西方人的餐具: plate(盘子)  knife(刀)  fork(叉)
glass(玻璃杯)  cup(杯)  bottle(瓶)  plate(碟)  bowl(碗)  box(盒)  can(罐)
  potato(马铃薯)  tomato(西红柿)
cloudy(多云的)  rain(下雨) sunny(阳光充足的) warm(温暖的) dry(干燥的)  windy(刮风的)  snowy(下雪的)  cool(凉爽的)    hot(热的)  cold(冷的)  wet(湿的)
banana(香蕉)  apple(苹果)  orange(橙)  pear(梨)  grape(葡萄)
painter(画家) nurse(护士) cook (厨师)builder(建筑工人)policeman(男警察) reporter(记者) doctor(医生) factory worker(工人)writer(作家) driver(司机) pupil (学生)policewoman (警察)  farmer (农民) teacher(教师)
Chinese(语文) English(英语) PE(体育)music(音乐)maths(数学)art(美术)science (科学)
T-shirt (T)blouse(女衬衫) cap (帽子)jacket(夹克) coat(大衣)shirt(衬衣) skirt(裙子) dress(连衣裙)sweater (毛线衣)sock(短袜) shorts (短裤)
trousers (裤子)jeans(牛仔裤) shoe (鞋子)
one1 two 2 three3 four4  five 5six 6 seven7
eight8 nine9 ten 10 eleven 11twelve12 thirteen 13怎么读英语spring fourteen14  fifteen 15sixteen 16 seventeen17 eighteen18  nineteen19twenty20  thirty30 forty40  fifty50 sixty 60seventy70 eighty80 ninety90one hundred100
Sunday(星期天) Monday(星期一) Tuesday(星期二) Wednesday (星期三)
Thursday(星期四)Friday (星期五)Saturday(星期六)
January(一月) February(二月) March(三月)April (四月)May(五月)June (六月)July(七月) August(八月) September(九月)October(十月) November(十一月) December(十二月)
never(从来不) sometimes(有时) usually(通常) often(经常)always(总是)
Christmas(圣诞节)Mothers Day(母亲节) Teachers Day (教师节)
Halloween (万圣节)Spring Festival(春节)
red(红)  yellow(黄)  blue(蓝)  green(绿) grey(灰)orange(橙)  purple(紫)  black(黑)  white(白) brown(褐) pink(粉红)
him(他宾格)her(她宾格)us(我们宾格)them(他们宾格)me(我)  you(你)
room(房间)living room(客厅)  bedroom(卧室) study(书房)bathroom(浴室)
dinning hall (饭堂)  toilet(厕所)  kitchen(厨房) garden(花园) floor(地板)
window(窗) door(门)  wall(墙)
1. What are you doing ?  I am making a modle plane .
2. Whats your hobby ?  My hobby is keeping pets .
3. What s your fathers hobby?  His hobby is collecting stamps .
4. What s your mothers hobby?  Her hobby is playing music
5. What do you want to be when you grow up?  I want to be a cook.
6. Lets go swimming together.  OK.  /Good idea. /  Great.
7. Thank you very much .  Youre welcome .
8.What day is it today ?  Its Tuesday .
9. Whats your favourite drink ? My favourite drink is coke /  I like coffee .
10.What do you usually do on Sunday ?  I do some reading.
11.What do you do when you have free time ?  I  go shopping.
12. Shall we watch a cartoon ?  OK.  / Great .  / All right .
13.What is your mother doing now?    She is singing .
14. May I have a look at your photos ?  OK. /  Sure .
15. Is there any rice on the table ?  Yes , there is. / No , there isnt.
16. Are there any drawings in your bedroom?  Yes , there are. / No , there arent.
17. What does your father do?  He is a painter .
18. What does your father do on Sunday?  He goes shopping .
19. What can you do ?  I can sing and dance.
20. What can your father /mother do ?  He / She can sing .
21. What can a bird do ?    It can fly .
22.How old are you ?  Im ten .
23. Can a fish swim ?  Yes , it can.
24. Can a horse swim?  No , it cant .
25. How many people are there in your family ?  There are four.
26.What time do you usually wake up in the morning?  I usually wake up at six oclock .
27.Where does your parents usually go on Saturday  ?  They go to the cinema.
28. When does your father get up in the morning?  He gets up at six oclock .
