【人教精通版】小升初英语阅读理解专项练习( 50篇含答案)
  HiI'm Bruce.I'm from South Africa.I'm good at sports and I can run very fast.Many people are afraid of me because I look scary.
  HelloI'm Peter.I'm from Thailand.I'm friendly.Do you want to make friends with meI can play soccer with you.I'm good at it.
  I'm Buzz.I'm from Australiabut now I live in a zoo in the USA.I'm shy and quiet.I like listening to music.And I can dance.
  I'm Toby.I'm from China.Do you like Chinese kung fuI can show you.Many people like me.They think I'm cute and beautiful.Do you think so
1Bruce is good at ________.
Asports    Bmusic    Cart    Dmath
2Peter is ________.
怎么读英语springAscary    Bfriendly    Cshy    Dcute
3Where is Buzz from?
ASouth Africa.    BThailand.
CAustralia.    DThe USA.
4What can Toby do?
APlay soccer.    BDance.
CDo kung fu.    DSwim.
5The four animals don't tell us ________.
Awhere they are from    Bwhat they are like
Cwhat they can do    Dhow old they are
根据表格第一栏中的句子“I’m good at sports and I can run very fast.”可知,Bruce擅长运动, 答案为A
根据表格第二栏中的句子“Hello, I’m Peter. I’m from Thailand. I’m friendly.”可知,Peter很友好,答案为B
根据表格第三栏中的句子“I’m BuzzI’m from Australia.”可知,Buzz来自澳大利亚。答案为C
根据表格第四栏中的句子“I’m Toby. I’m from China. Do you like Chinese kungfu? I can show you.”可知,Toby会表演中国功夫,答案为C
2People in New Zealand have a very special way of greeting(问候) people. It's called Hongi(碰鼻礼).
When people meet, they always greet each other by pressing one's nose against another's nose. When a visitor is greeted in this way, people there won't see the person as a visitor any more, but one of the people of the land. Of course, during the visitor's stay, he has to share all the duties(职责).
At meetings or important ceremonies(典礼) people always greet in this way. And it's just like the handshake in our country.
1Hongi is a way of greeting people in New Zealand.
2A visitor can't be greeted in this way.
3When a man is greeted in this way, he has to stay there.
4People in New Zealand always greet in this way at meetings.
5The handshake isn't often used in China now.
文章讲诉了New Zealand的特殊的礼节,碰鼻礼。
1.句意:碰鼻礼是New Zealand的人们的问候方式。
根据People in New Zealand have a very special way of greeting(问候) people. It's called Hongi(碰鼻礼).故选T
根据When a visitor is greeted in this way,故选F
根据When a visitor is greeted in this way, people there won't see the person as a visitor any more, but one of the people of the land. Of course, during the visitor's stay, he has to share all the duties(职责).故选F
4.句意:New Zealand的人在会议上通常用这种方式问候。
根据At meetings or important ceremonies(典礼) people always greet in this way.故选T
根据At meetings or important ceremonies(典礼) people always greet in this way. And it's just like the handshake in our country.故选F
3Rick and Mary are from America. Now they are working in Ningbo. They can speak a little Chinese. Every morning they get up very early. Then they go to work by car. They are very busy. They have lunch at the factory. After lunch they work again. They finish their work very late(很晚).In the evening they take Chinese lessons(上汉语课).They want to talk with Chinese people. They often say“Chinese people are very friendly.”They like to stay in China and they like to work with Chinese people.
1Where are Rick and Mary from?
AChina.    BAmerica    CJapan.    DNingbo.
2Where are they working now?
AIn Ningbo.    BIn Hangzhou.    CIn Shanghai.    DAmerica.
3Are they very busy?
ANo, they aren’t.    BYes, they are.    CWe don’t know.    DYes, they aren’t.
4What do they do in the evening?
ATake Chinese lessons.    BTake math lessons.
CTake English lessons.    DTake Japanese lessons.
5What do they often say?
AChinese food is good.    BChinese people are very friendly.
CWe like China.    DChina is great.
1    B   
2    A   
3    B   
4    A   
5    B   
本文主要介绍了来自美国的Rick Mary在中国生活的情况。
1.细节理解题。根据文章第一句:Rick and Mary are from America.知答案选B
2.细节理解题。根据文章第二句:Now they are working in Ningbo。知答案选A
3.细节理解题。根据文中句子:They are very busy.只答案选B
4.细节理解题。根据文中句子:In the evening they take Chinese lessons(上汉语课).知答案选A
5.细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二句:They often say“Chinese people are very friendly.”知答案选B
