Four Seasons
The four seasons are spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Each season has its own unique characteristics and brings different changes to the environment.
Spring is the season of new beginnings. It is a time when flowers bloom, trees regain their leaves, and animals come out of hibernation. The weather becomes warmer, and people start to spend more time outside enjoying the fresh air. Spring is often associated with growth and renewal.
Summer is the hottest season of the year. It is a time for vacations, outdoor activities, and relaxation. The days are longer, and the nights are shorter. People go to the beach, have barbecues, and enjoy various water sports. Summer is often associated with fun and leisure.
Autumn, also known as fall, is the season of harvest. The weather starts to cool down, and
the leaves on trees change their colors to vibrant red, orange, and yellow. It is a beautiful time of the year when people go apple picking, visit pumpkin patches, and enjoy the bountiful harvest. Autumn is often associated with abundance and gratitude.
Winter is the coldest season of the year. The days are shorter, and the nights are longer. Snow falls in many regions, creating a winter wonderland. People bundle up in warm clothes, drink hot chocolate, and engage in winter activities such as skiing and ice skating. Winter is often associated with coziness and festivities.
The four seasons are a natural cycle that repeats itself year after year. Each season brings its own joys and challenges. Whether it's the blooming flowers of spring, the sunny days of summer, the colorful leaves of autumn, or the snowy landscapes of winter, each season has its own beauty and charm.
