小学阶段的阅读试题答案,基本都能在所给的阅读文中到所需信息。学生只需带着问题或关键词以寻读的方式,快速在文章中寻所需信息,切记不可任凭自己的想象,随心所欲的回答。如本班有位同学在做一道阅读填空:Tim and his friend          in the sea.没有通过寻关键词,在文章中寻的方式,而是根据自己的猜测写出play.
二、 寻信息的顺序性。
在那到一篇阅读试题时,大部分学生首先会不自觉地通读全文,甚至因思考文中的生词而花费较多的时间,然后再回到试题时,头脑中关于文章的信息已所剩无几。正确的方法是,首先仔细阅读试题,圈出试题中的关键词。如何识别关键词,需要老师在平时的阅读教学中指导、判断。比如:am, is, are , do, did, can, to, of 等虚词通常不可能是关键词,而名词、动词、副词通常为关键词。填空试题:We          kites and          butterflies in spring. 在看到这道题时,首先引导学生猜测并分析关键词,有同学出kites butterflies spring三个关键词。到底哪个能够更好地帮助我们快速到所需信息呢?比较这三个单词,单词 kites butterflies之前是所缺信息,一般不可能是首选单词,这时可以快速浏览后面的试题,会发现第二题有单词summer,第三题有单词autumn,第四题有单词winter,这几个单词帮助我们确定spring是第一关键词,而且后面三道题的第一关键词依次是summerautumn and winter.根据此信息,仔细阅读每段的首句,快速确定与spring有关的段落,其他段落不必阅读。那么,学生会很快到文章的第二段与spring有关。然后再根据第二关键词kitesspring怎么读的英语, butterflies寻所需信息,带着这两个关键词,在文章的第二段中,出含有此单词的句子,并做下划线注释,We can fly kites, We can catch butterflies . 缩小寻范围之后,再判断那个是所需单词,由于kites之前有 can fly 两个单词,到底哪一个才是正确的答案呢?这时我
们可以判断那个单词离kites最近,最终确定单词fly 。然后试读句子:We fly kites.省略单词can,不影响正确表达,仍然通顺。
对于阅读文中的问答题,方法基本相同。首先出问题中的关键词,然后带着关键词在文章中寻答案。试题Where are Tim and his friends?通常疑问词都是关键词,通过疑问词Where,知道所需信息是地点,同时根据另一关键词Tim, friends,能过快速在文中到:Tim and his friends are at the beach. At the beach 是地点单词,即我们所需的信息。
对于阅读试题中的判断正误题,相对比较简单,但学生的出错率仍然较大,究其原因,学生不懂判断的方法,通常是读完试题之后,凭着自己对阅读文章的大致印象判断。事实上判断试题与选择、填空的做题方法基本一致,仍需出试题中的关键词,带着关键词,在文中寻所需信息,然后仔细判断是否与文中信息一致,如一致则正确,,反之错误。试题:Mary is sick, Mother takes her to the doctor. 首先在试题中寻关键词:Marysick, Motherdoctor.带着这些关键词,在文章中寻。由于这是阅读文章的第一个试题,所以我们将答案定位于文章的首段,文中:Mother says: “Mary, Let’s go to the doctor for a check.” “Doctor?
” says Mary, “I’m not sick, Why do I need to see the doctor?”此题与文中not sick信息不一致,所以不正确。最后一题:The doctor gives Mary a shot, It does not hurt at all.由于是最后一题,信息基本在文章的末断,我们只需将信息定位于文章的末断或上一试题信息之后,同样带着关键词shot寻。文中 Mary takes a shot, It does not hurt much.试题中:not hurt at all not hurt much不相符,所以错误。
There are seven days in a week . They are Sunday  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday . Sunday is the first day of the week . In Sunday , I am playing cards with my friends . Monday is the second . We are walking to school . Tuesday is the third . I often do my homework . Wednesday is the fourth . We are flying kites in the park . Thursday is the fifth . We do my math . Friday is the sixth . We are working hard at school . Saturday is the seventh . We are having fun together .
(  )1There are        days in a week .
Asix                    B five            Cseven
(  )2What is the first day of a week ?          .
AMonday              BSaturday          CSunday
(  ) 3What am I doing in Tuesday ?          .
Ado my homework .      Bfly kites .  Cdo my math .
(  )4The fifth day of a week is        .
AFriday                BThursday          CWednesday
(  )5In Saturday , we are            .
Adoing my homework  Bflying kites Chaving fun together
My Family
I have a happy family. My father is a police officer. He is tall. He likes to play basketball and checkers. My mother is a teacher. She likes to watch TV and read books. I am a student. I am a boy. I like to play on the computer. I am shorter than my father and my mother. We like to eat noodles. We like to go for a walk after supper. We are a happy family.
(    ) 26. My father is a police officer.
(    ) 27. My father is short.
(    ) 28.My father likes to play football and checkers.
(    ) 29.My mother is a teacher.
(    ) 30.My mother likes to watch TV and read books.
(    )31.I am a student. I am a girl.
(    )32.I like to play on the computer.
(    ) 33.I am taller than my mother.
(    ) 34.We like to eat soup.
(    ) 35.We are a happy family.
It is a sunny day this Sunday. I usually go shopping with my mother on Sunday. Sometimes I climb mountains. That’s fun. But not this Sunday. Because the weather report says it’s going to rain next Sunday. I can’t climb mountains in the rain. I can’t go shopping either. So I want to read books at home.
(    ) 1 What is the weather like this Sunday?
A .It is Sunday.  B .It is fine.  C .It is rainy.
(    ) 2 What do you do on Sunday?
A .I climb hills.    B .I go hiking.  C .I read books.
(    ) 3 Can you climb mountains this Sunday?
A .Yes, I can.  B .No, I can’t.  C .No, I’m not.
(    ) 4 Do you go shopping on Sunday?
