1 短文选词介绍了中国传统新年的英伦范儿。
2 短文选词讲述了春联的文化。
3 短文选词介绍了在龙抬头这一天的风俗习惯。
4 语法选择重阳节的习俗和传统。
5 阅读理解介绍了中国的传统节日一元宵节。
6 短文填空介绍了重阳节的那些习俗的背后故驸。
7 短文填空介绍了中国的传统节日一元宵节。
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For Chinese in London, Chinese New Year is a huge event. Before Chinese New Year, people make _L their houses are clean and tidy. What's more, they buy new clothes and have their hair cut to bring good ___1.__ for the new year. London has the __]__ celebration outside of Asia. ___.1.__ of people go to watch the parade from the West End to Trafalgar Square, which includes Chinese acrobats(杂技)and lion and dragon dances In central London, there are fireworks and performances with all ____2__ of acts and special guests. Chinatown is filled ___§__ excitement. The streets are decorated with red lanterns. Tf you're considering eating in one of Chinatown's excellent Chinese restaurants, __]__ a table early because you won't find one on the night. Listen out for people saying "San Nin Faai Lok", __L_ saying "Happy New Year"!
For young Chinese people studying or working in the UK, chatting online is a good way to ___..2__ in big family celebrations. Those missing home might also cook __JQ__ Chinese dumplings for f r iends in Britain or sing songs together.
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Chinese New Year begins on doors and walls. Spring couplets(春联)stand for people's wishes for a happier life in the coming year. The tradition of sticking Spring couplets on doors during the Spring Festival can date back(追溯)hundreds of 11.
The couplets are written on red paper. They are the ___lL_symbol of the Spring Festival. Although people are busy with all kinds of things before the Spring Festival, sticking couplets is always in the __Ll__ place on the to-do list. And my mother would ask me to take some g让ts to people who wrote couplets for us. When they were writing, I would watch how they used the brush to create these ____lL_ works.
Later when I was a little older, my parent� _____!i_ me to learn how to write couplets. I邸ked some elder people to teach me some sk仆ls.W hen learning from them, I became greatly interested in traditional culture. Every time when our family visited relatives duri11g the Spring Festival, I was always the first ____lL_ the poems of their couplets. The poems are hopeful words, they -----11. good wishes like "health, wealtl1 and longevity(长寿)“.
Nowadays as the science and technology is developing --1]__, couplets are mainly produced by machines We can easily buy all kinds of beautiful couplets on the streets. Though forms of making couplets ----1.2., the best wishes that couplets express remain. The red paper and black words are not only used to write the couplets, but also carry ____1Q love for trad山onal culture. They will never be forgotten.
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China is a country with many traditional festivals. The Dragon Head Raising Day is one of them. This special day is on the second day of the second ____11__ in the Chinese lunar calendar. It ___1L for the start of spring and fanning.
The dragon is important in Chinese culture. We Chinese people call ____TI__ "descendants(传人)of the dragon". So people ____M__ Dragon Head Raising Day with many customs about dragons. On the day in ancient 血泌,people---1.2.. ashes(灰)in the kitchen. This was to "lead the dragon into tl1e house". People believed that with the _fQ__ of the dragon, they could have a good hru·vest(收获)in autumn. Also, people eat special foods on
that day. The foods are __]J__ named after dragons. For example, people eat "dragon whisker" noodles and dumplings called "dragon teeth".
Today, many � have disappeared. But one that has remained is the cutting of �-It was said that a hair
cut during the first lunar month may bring _____lQ_ luck to the family. So many people have their hair cut on the D ragon Head Raising Day.
(23-24上湛江期中)ChenDong is my pen pal. He says that there are many popular __lL_ in his countt"j, such as the Lantern Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Double Ninth Festiva.l and so on. But ____lL_ thinks the Double Ninth Festival is the ______ll important festival in China. Why does he think so? Because it encourages people to respect, love and take good care of the old. That is a ____]!__ virtue(美德)of the Chinese nation. It's on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month(阴历月).
The number ni11e in both the month ____li__ the day creates the double nine. ln Chinese, double nine is pronounced __lL_ same as the words jiu jiu meaning "forever". _____]]_ that day, people enjoy a lot of activities like climbing a high mountain, eating Double Ninth Gao, wearing the zhuyu plant to wish to avoid evil(辟邪)a nd live long. People eat Double Ninth Gao to hope progress in everything. ______]J interesting and meaningful festival it is! Are you a.lso interested in it? I can ____l2__ wait to go to China to have a look on my own vet"j soon! I am looking forward to _____1Q_ him for the festival this year
3 l.  A. festivals    B. festival    C. a festival
32.  A. him    B. he    C.his
33.  A. more    B.much    C.most
34.  A. tradition    B.traditional    C.traditionally
35.  A. or    B.but    C.and
36.  A. the    B.a    C.I
37. A. On    B.In    C.At
38.  A. What    B.What an    C.How
39. A. hard    B.hardly    C. harder
40. A. joined    B.join    C.joining
(23-24上西安期中)Do you know the Lantern Festival? It is a traditional Chinese festivaL When thousands of lanterns light up the city at night, the Chinese Lantern Festival is coming. It is celebrated on the fifteenth day of
the Chinese New Year.
Several days before the Lantern Festival, people begin to make lanterns. All kinds of lanterns shine in the sky against the dark night. Some of the lanterns are small, and others are really big. Some look like beautiful flowers and lovely animals.
The lanterns are made of different materials. There are plastic(貂料的)lanterns,silk lanterns, and paper lanterns. While making lanterns, people usually write riddles(谜语)on them. During the Lantern Festival, people go outside to have a look at the lanterns and guess the riddles on them. U以ually,� �-People together with their family walk happily in the crowded streets, looking at many kinds of amazing lanterns. While some people are enjoying the beautiful lanterns, others are watching trad巾onal Chinese lion dance performances.
People prepare delicious rice dumplings in the morning for thei:rfamily and fr i ends to enjoy in the evening. The sweet smell makes everyone hungry. Everything is very interesting and everyone is very
41.What do people do before the Lantern Festival?
A.People begin to make lanterns.
spring怎么读的英语B.People guess tihe riddles.
C.People enjoy the beautiful lanterns.
D.People have delicious rice dumplings.
42.Which kind of the following lanterns is not mentioned(被提到)in the passage?
A.Plastic lanterns.
B. Silk lanterns
C.Paper lanterns.
D.Glass lanterns.
43.The underlined sentence in the passage probably means that.
A.people can get a prize though they give the wrong answer
B.if people guess the riddle correctly, they can get a prize
C.people can get a prize unless they succeed in giving the right answer
D.people can get a prize before they give the right answer
44.In which part of a magazine can you read the passage?
Double Ninth Festival is one of the most important Chinese traditional festivals. People climb mountains, drink chrysanthemum wine(菊花酒)or wear zhuyu to celebrate it The � (reason) for these由ings打e told in a beautiful story about a brave young man, Heng Jing.
About 2000 years ago, in tl1e River Ru there lived _____1L_ devil(糜鬼).He made people sick. Heng Jing's parents died from the illness, so Heng Jirtg decided to k仆I the devil. He went deep into the mountains to study kung fu and made -----1l_ (he) strong. After leai·ning the devil would come again to his home village on tl1e ninth day of the ninth lunar month, he went back. He _i!l.._ (lead) the
people from his village up a mountain. He asked them � (carry) zhuyu and drink some chrysanthemum wine. It's believed that zhuyu would make the devil scared ____jQ__ the wine woul.d protect them from illnesses. And -----2.L (final), Heng Jing killed the devil The whole village celebrated, because they ____2L__ (save) by the brave young man. That is why today the festival is connected with mountain climbing, zhuyu and chrysanthemum wine.
Because "jiu" can also mean "long'1, it's also nan1ed Elders'Day these days. It's a day to show respect for elderly people and wish them a much ____21__ (long) and healthier life.
Respecting elderly people can be shown not only ____jL__ this special day but also in daily life. Please respect and care for the old around us.
The Lantern Festival is a Chinese traditional festival. When � (thousand) of lanterns light up the city at night, the Chinese Lantern Festival has arrived. ll is celebrated on ____jL_ fifteenth day of the Chinese New Year.
Several days ___j]___ the Lantern Festival, people begin to make lanterns. All kinds of lanterns shine brightly against the d,trk night sky. Some of the lanterns are small, ai1d others are really big. Some look � beautiful flowers and lively animals
The lanterns -----2L. (make) of different materials. There are plastic lanterns, silk lanterns, and paper lanterns. While making lanterns, people usually write riddles(谜语)on them. On the Lantern Festival, people go
