Unit 1
1. wh+en=when什么时间when      U,s+ua,lly=usually通常usually
When do ? When do ?你通常什么时候?When do ?
get up 起床get up                              When do you usually get up?
                                                  Usually at ____________.
eat breakfast 吃早餐                            When do you usually eat breakfast?
                                                  Usually at ____________.
Go to school 上学                              When do you usually go to school?
                                                Usually at ____________.
st+art=start开始上课 start class                  When do you usually start classes?
                                                Usually at ____________.
exer,c+ise=exercise 晨练 do morning exercises When do you do morning exercises? 
Usually at ____________.
have English class 上英语课                    When do you usually have English Class?
                                                Usually at ____________.
eat lunch 吃午饭                                When do you usually eat lunch?
                                                Usually at ____________.
play sports 进行体育活动                      When do you usually play sports?
                                                Usually at ____________.
F+i,n+ish=finish结束上课 finish class            When do you usually finish class?
                                                Usually at ____________.
eat dinner 吃晚饭                            When do you usually eat dinner?
                                                Usually at ____________.
do homework 做作业                          When do you usually do homework?
                                                Usually at ____________.
go to bed 睡觉                                When do you usually go to bed?
                                                Usually at ____________.
2. What do you do on the weekend?你周末都做些什么?What do you do on the weekend?
  watch TV              wash my clothes.      do homework.      play      
play     play     play the pipa.      play music.       
play         listen to music          go swimming      read books
al+ways=always 总是,一直 always        I always ____________ on Saturdays.
o+ften=often 时常 often                  I often ____________ on Sundays
some,time=sometimes 偶尔sometimes      I sometimes ____________ on weekend.
clean my room 打扫房间                    I __________ clean my room on the weekend.
w+alk=walk散步go for a walk              I __________ go for a walk on the weekend.
sh+op=shop购物 go shopping            I __________ go shopping on the weekend.
take a dancing class 舞蹈课                I __________ take a dancing class on the weekend.
3.Sp+ain=Spain西班牙Spain  What do you usually eat dinner in Spain?西班牙通常几点吃晚饭?
                              Usually at 9:30 or 10 oclock.
4. late晚;迟                  Thats too late!
5. why 为什么                  sh+op=shop 去购物 go shopping           
Why are you shopping today? 为什么今天你来买东西?
6. w+ork=work 工作了worked  l+ast=last 昨晚last night
My mum worked last night.
7. sound 听起来好像            That sounds like a lot of fun. 听起来很有趣
8. al,so=also 还;也also        But Im also hard-working. 但我也很努力
9. bu,sy=busy忙的busy        Youre so busy! 你真忙啊!
10. n+eed=need 需要need      You need a robot to help you! 你需要一个机器人帮你!
11. pl+ay=play 剧本play        Robin is in a play. Robin在一个戏剧里
12. l+e,tter=letter 信letter      Here is a letter from him. 这是他的一封信
13. l+ive=live 居住live          is,l+and=island 岛island
                                I live on an island.我住在一个岛上
14. c+ave=cave 山洞cave        Sometimes I clean my cave, too. 有时我也会打扫我的山洞
15. w+in=win 获胜win          He often wins. 他经常赢
Unit 2
1. wh+ich=which 哪个which        s+ea,s+on=season季节      b+est=best最爱
  Which season do you like best?
spr+ing=spring 春天spring            Spring is green with flowers and songs.
                                      Itwehaveafewfunthingsinspring怎么读s pretty.
s+u,mmer=summer 夏天summer      Summer is hot and the days are long.
I can go swimming every day!                                 
au,t+umn=autumn 秋天autumn      Autumn is golden and farmers are busy.
Its very beautiful.                                     
