    Kate's Fun Weekend
    Kate is my best friend. She is 8 years old, just like me. We are in the same class at Oakwood Elementary School. Kate has long brown hair and beautiful green eyes. She always wears a big smile on her face. I really like hanging out with Kate because she is super nice and we have a lot of fun together.
    Last weekend, Kate had a really exciting couple of days! It all started on Friday after school. Kate's mom picked us up and we went over to their house to play. We had a snack of apple slices and peanut butter first. Then we went up to Kate's room to hang out.
    Kate's room is really cool. She has a big comfy beanbag chair that we like to lounge in. Sh
e also has a pretend kitchen set up in the corner where we can play house. But my favorite thing in Kate's room is all her art supplies! She has so many crayons, markers, paints, colored pencils, and other craft materials. We spent a few hours just drawing pictures and making greeting cards for our families.
    Around 5:30pm, Kate's dad got home from work. He took us out for burgers at Red Robin. I got a bacon cheeseburger with fries and Kate got a veggie burger because she is a vegetarian. The shakes were so thick and creamy! After dinner, we went back to Kate's house to watch a movie. We saw the new Pixar film "Mericorns" about these cute half-mermaid, half-unicorn creatures. It was really imaginative and funny.
    The next morning, we slept in until around 9am. Then we had french toast and sausage for breakfast. Kate's little brother Jacob is only 4 years old, but he's pretty fun to play with sometimes. After breakfast, the three of us went outside to Kate's backyard. They have a big trampoline, a playhouse, and a small pool. Even though the pool was too cold to go swimming, we splashed around and had a crazy water fight with the hose! Jacob got totally soaked but he didn't even care.
    For lunch, we had grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. Then it was time for Jacob's nap, so Kate and I went back to her room to do some craft projects while he slept. I made a friendship bracelet for Kate using pink, purple and white embroidery floss. Kate painted a really beautiful picture of a unicorn for me as a gift. I can't wait to hang it up in my room!
    In the late afternoon, Kate's mom took us roller skating at the indoor rink near the mall. I'm not very good at roller skating yet, but Kate has been taking lessons so she's already pretty skilled. She held my hands to help keep me balanced as we skated around the rink together. After an hour of skating, we were getting tired so we played some arcade games like air hockey and skee-ball before it was time to go home.
    For dinner, Kate's family ordered pizza from Pipeline Pizza - half pepperoni for Kate's dad and brother, and half veggie for Kate, her mom and me. We had a picnic in their backyard eating the pizza because the weather was so nice. When it started getting dark, we made s'mores around the firepit! We told ghost stories and looked at the stars too.
    On Sunday morning, I had to go back home after breakfast. But Kate and I made plans for her to come over to my house next weekend. We always have such a blast whenever we hang out! Kate really is the bestest friend ever. We have so much in common and we never run out of fun things to do together. I feel so lucky to have a pal like her.
    Kate's Exciting Weekend
    Kate is one of the nicest girls in my class. She always has a big smile and is very friendly to everyone. Kate has long brown hair and pretty green eyes. On weekends, she loves to have fun adventures!
    Last Saturday morning, Kate woke up feeling excited because she had no school and the whole weekend ahead of her. She hopped out of bed and got dressed in her favorite purple shirt with rainbow stripes and a comfy pair of jeans. Kate could smell her mom cooking pancakes downstairs, so she hurried to the kitchen.
    "Good morning, sweetheart!" said Kate's mom cheerfully. "I made your favorite - chocolate chip pancakes!"
    "Yum, thanks mom!" Kate gave her mom a big hug before digging into the steaming stack of pancakes. She drizzled them with maple syrup and gobbled them up quickly.
    After breakfast, Kate asked her mom if she could go to the park to play. Her mom said yes, as long as she took her little brother Thomas with her. Kate didn't mind - she loved playing with Thomas and watching out for him.
    At the park, there were lots of other kids riding bikes, skating, and playing on the swings and slides. Kate pushed Thomas really high on the swing set while he giggled and shouted "Higher! Higher!" Then they raced each other to the seesaw and took turns going up and down.
    For lunch, they had a picnic at the park. Kate's mom had packed peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, baby carrots, apple slices, and juice boxes. After they ate, Kate played tag wit
h Thomas and some new friends they met at the park. By the time they got home in the afternoon, they were both tired out from running around so much!
