    My Family Vacation
    This past summer, my family went on a really fun vacation! We didn't go anywhere too far away, but it was still exciting. Every year, my parents like to plan a trip for us to get away and spend quality time together. Last year we went camping, but this time we decided to go to the beach.wehaveafewfunthingsinspring怎么读
    We live in Kansas, which is right in the middle of the United States. It's pretty far from any ocean! The closest beaches are down in Texas on the Gulf of Mexico. That's about a 10-hour drive from our house. My dad loaded up our minivan with all our stuff - suitcases, a cooler full of snacks and drinks, beach toys, umbrellas, you name it! We were prepared.
    The drive took forever. My little brother and I had to take turns sitting in the very back since there wasn't a lot of room with everything packed up. But we didn't mind too much. We loaded our tablets with movies and games to keep us busy. We only had to make my parents stop a couple times because we were fooling around too much and they got annoyed with us.
    Finally, after what felt like ages, we made it to our beach house rental in Galveston. It was this cute little blue house just a couple blocks away from the beach. We had the entire place to ourselves for the week. As soon as we arrived, my brother and I ran straight for the bedrooms to claim the best ones. I got the slightly bigger room since I'm older.
    Once we were all unpacked, we immediately headed for the beach. We hadn't seen the ocean in years! It was so beautiful. The water was this gorgeous blue-green color and the waves were gently rolling up onto the sandy shore. We could see for miles down the coastline in both directions.
    My dad laid out our beach towels and umbrellas to stake out our little spot. Then we spe
nt hours playing in the waves, building sandcastles, and burying each other up to our necks in the sand. The salty water and afternoon sunlight felt so refreshing. For dinner, we had a beachside picnic of sandwiches, chips, and fresh fruits that my mom packed up.
    As the sun started to set, the sky turned brilliant shades of orange, pink, and purple. We wandered down the beach, collecting seashells in a bucket. Once it got dark, we had a little campfire right there on the beach and roasted marshmallows. We made s'mores and watched as the stars came out one by one. I've never seen so many stars before since we live in the city with lots of lights.
    We spent the whole week going back and forth to the beach every day. We went swimming, surfing, boogie boarding, and looked for crabs and other little sea creatures in the tidal pools. A few times, we took a break and did other fun things like go to the aquarium, play putt-putt golf, and go on a dolphin watching tour by boat. We ate lots of fresh seafood dinners too.
    On our last day, none of us wanted to leave! We tried to soak up as much sun and beach
time as possible before packing up the van for the long drive back home. By the end, we were all delightfully exhausted with sandy toes and hair, sunburnt noses, and big smiles from a week's worth of amazing memories.
    I already can't wait for our trip next summer. My dad said we might go to the mountains in Colorado instead. Either way, I know we'll have an absolute blast because any family vacation we take together is guaranteed to be fun!
    My Favorite Holiday - Christmas
    Christmas is definitely my favorite holiday! I look forward to it every year. There are so many fun traditions and things to do around Christmas time. Let me tell you all about why I love Christmas so much.
    One of the best parts is decorating for Christmas. My family has a big artificial tree that we put up in the living room every year. We string lights all over it and hang ornaments coll
ected over many years. Some are homemade ornaments I made in school when I was little. Others are fancy glass balls or characters like Santa, snowmen, and reindeer. Putting on the tree topper, which is an angel, is always my favorite part.
    We also decorate the rest of the house with wreaths, garlands, figurines, and more lights. My mom loves decorating so our house looks like a Christmas wonderland! She hangs stockings for each of us kids over the fireplace too. Outside, we string lights along the roof and put up inflatable decorations on the lawn like a big Santa or snowman.
    Another fun tradition is baking Christmas cookies and treats. We make sugar cookies in fun shapes like trees, stars, stockings, and bells. Then we decorate them with colored frosting and sprinkles. They're so pretty but even better, they taste amazing! We also make peanut butter fudge, chocolate bark with peppermint, and gingerbread men. The smells of the baking fill the whole house.
    Once the Christmas treats are made, we box them up prettily and deliver them to friends, neighbors, and teachers as gifts. It makes me feel so happy to give them away and see the
smiles on people's faces when they get the homemade goodies.
