    Five years ago, my school didn't have a lot of things that we have now. Let me tell you all about it!
    Firstly, five years ago, we didn't have a school garden. But now, we have a beautiful garden where we can grow flowers, vegetables, and herbs. It's so fun to take care of the plants and watch them grow!
    Secondly, we didn't have a playground with swings, slides, and monkey bars. But now, we have a big, colorful playground where we can play and have fun during recess. We love to climb, swing, and slide with our friends!
    Thirdly, five years ago, we didn't have a computer lab. But now, we have a room full of com
puters where we can learn how to use technology and do research for our projects. It's so cool to learn new things on the computer!
    Lastly, we didn't have a music room with instruments like drums, guitars, and keyboards. But now, we have a music room where we can learn to play different instruments and sing songs together. It's so exciting to make music with our classmates!
    I'm so grateful for all the new things that our school has now. It makes learning more fun and interesting. I can't wait to see what else our school will have in the future!
    Hello everyone! Today, let's talk about the things that were not in our school five years ago, but now we have them. It's so exciting to see how our school has changed over the years!
    Five years ago, we didn't have a smart board in our classroom. We used to have a blackboard and chalk to write on. But now, we have a big screen that the teacher can touch
wehaveafewfunthingsinspring怎么读and write on. It's like magic! We can see pictures, videos, and even play games on the smart board. It makes learning so much more fun and interesting.
    Another thing that we didn't have five years ago is a computer lab. We only had a few computers in the library that we could use for research. But now, we have a whole room filled with computers that we can use for different subjects. We can type our essays, do math problems, and even learn coding in the computer lab. It's amazing how technology has changed the way we learn!
    Five years ago, we didn't have a school garden. But now, we have a beautiful garden with flowers, vegetables, and even a small pond. We can learn about plants, insects, and how to take care of the environment in the garden. We love spending time outside, learning and exploring nature.
    Lastly, five years ago, we didn't have a recycling program in our school. We used to throw away all our trash in one bin. But now, we have different bins for paper, plastic, and food waste. We learn about the importance of recycling and taking care of the environment.
It's great to see everyone working together to make our school a greener place.
    I am so happy to see all the changes that have happened in our school over the years. It's amazing how much we have grown and learned together. I can't wait to see what else is in store for us in the future!
    Five years ago, when I was in primary school, there were some things that we didn't have in school but now we do. Let me tell you about the differences!
    First of all, five years ago, we didn't have any tablets or laptops in the classroom. We used to do all our work with pencils and paper. But now, we have tablets and laptops to help us with our learning. We can do research on the internet, type up our assignments, and even watch educational videos. It's so cool!
    Another thing that we didn't have five years ago is a robotics club. Now, we have a robotics club where we can learn all about building and programming robots. It's so much f
un to see our robots come to life and do what we tell them to do. It's like magic!
    Also, five years ago, we didn't have a school garden. But now, we have a beautiful garden where we can grow fruits, vegetables, and flowers. We learn all about plants and how to take care of them. It's so exciting to see our garden grow and bloom!
    Furthermore, five years ago, we didn't have a student council. Now, we have a student council where we can share our ideas and opinions with the school. We can organize events, raise funds for charity, and make changes to improve our school. It's great to have a voice and make a difference!
    In conclusion, there have been many changes in our school in the past five years. We have new technology, clubs, gardens, and a student council. I'm so grateful for these opportunities to learn and grow. I can't wait to see what else the future holds for our school!
    Five years ago, our school didn't have a lot of cool stuff that we have now. Let me tell yo
u all about it!
    First off, five years ago, we didn't have interactive whiteboards in our classrooms. We had to use chalkboards and write with chalk, which was kind of messy. But now, we have these amazing whiteboards that we can touch and write on with special markers. It makes learning so much more fun and interactive.
