The construction of a city should reflect its characteristics,style and history and culture.Our city is a famous historical and cultural city with a long history of 5,000 years.Spring culture is the unique culture of our city.Urban construction should do a good job in protecting springs.
The spring's resumption,which began in September last year,cheered everyone in the city.The spring had stopped pumping for more than 900 days,and the drying of the spring had much to do with the city's construction.Intentionally or inadvertently destroyed in the construction of the city,causing great impact on the springs.With the emergence of a large number of buildings,many springs were filled,silted up,so that the city citizens very sad worried.Such as the old city lane has been proud of several unnamed spring in June 24,2001 suddenly inexplicably disappeared,and unnamed spring belongs to a water system pearl spring is also affected,which is mainly caused by illegal construction of a nearby construction site pumping.Baotu spring-and as due to improper planning of the construction of the park around LouYuQun blocking the spring collection,baotu spring - the gushing water level than t
he normal water level has risen 0.18 meters (26.8 m).On September 11,five dragon pool on the west side of the three places name spring besides honey fat springs are protected,the famous feels ashamed springs,red springs,is missing, the original spa pools have been buried by a busy site. Baotu Spring Lake is a well-known spring on the edge,but in the nearby road excavation process,the whole spring pool was even root eradication.Many famous springs,like the tiger ponds,have been destroyed by landfills beyond repair.
The destruction of spring by urban construction should be paid attention to. Therefore,the following suggestions are put forward for the reference and implementation of relevant departments.gushing spring是什么意思
1、Strengthen law enforcement and protect springs according to law
To protect the water, as early as 1997,the municipal government established the jinan name spring protection measures for the management,to the urban construction to consider the influence of the water,and made specific provision,explicitly ban on construction hindrance in name spring protection planning control area name spring style a
nd springs may cause resistance silting,content of building,it shall notify the relevant project name spring management department to participate in the review,Deep foundation engineering also organizes the expert to carry on the demonstration,the construction must take the corresponding protection measure.But the regulations are regulations,almost no project voluntarily declare,there is no corresponding punishment and restriction,so it is necessary to strengthen law enforcement,in accordance with the requirements of the laws and regulations to strictly review the planning,approval of design and construction,from the source of the city construction to prevent the destruction of spring water.
2.Strict planning,control and protection of urban spring system
Is the key of the construction of the urban planning,the planning department under the State Council shall be in strict accordance with the approved,the urban planning act of jinan city overall planning and requirements stated in the"name spring protection measures for the administration of urban planning,not in the city water protection zones,disruptive construction again,not just for the benefit of the construction unit or the purpose of the superior leadership and to break the springs for.
3.Strengthen supervision by public opinion and strengthen reporting
The behavior of the destruction of the spring water,the majority of the public abhorrence,the news department also frequently reflected.This fully reflects the deep concern of the society to the Ji 'nan spring water,should further increase the work in this respect,timely exposure,timely punishment of urban construction illegal acts,it is necessary to set up a reporting telephone,so that the relevant departments get information in time,urban supervision brigade should timely stop illegal construction projects.
4,further do a good job in the protection of famous spring rewards and penalties
The units and individuals that have made contributions to protecting spring will be given heavy awards,and those that destroy spring will be severely punished,so as to stimulate the enthusiasm of citizens for protecting spring with economic means.
Spring water is the pride of Jinan,although in the past two years due to the drought and many other factors have affected the spring water,but these natural spring will always spray
water.As long as we patiently care,serious protection,once the arrival of the abundant water,will appear 100 spring spit,spit jade beads beautiful scenery.
