Unit Five
December is the last month. 十二月是最后一个月。
Lesson 25
There are twelve months in a year. January is the first month. The first day, January 1st,      is called New Year’s Day. Look! The children are skating.
February is the second month of the year. In China, the Spring Festival is in January or February. Students have their winter holiday in February. The children are celebrating the Spring Festival.
March is the third month of the year. People can see green leaves and green grass everywhere. In China, Tree Planting Day is on March 12th.
April is the fourth month of the year. Easter is in March or April. It can be on any day from March 20th to April 20th. Easter is always on a Sunday. During Easter, children get colourful Easter eggs.
Lesson 26
the first month of the yearspringshow是什么意思中文翻译        一年当中的第一个月
the second month of the year        一年当中的第二个月
the third month of the year        一年当中的第三个月
the fourth month of the year        一年当中的第四个月
month        January      February      March        April
月            一月        二月    三月        四月
Look at this picture. It’s January. She’s skating.
It’s February now.  Look! The children are celebrating the Spring Festival.
In March, the children plant trees.
It’s April. Easter is usually in April.
Lesson 27 
May is the fifth month of the year. Labour Day is on May 1st. The people are celebrating Labour Day. They are singing and dancing. And Mother’s Day is in May, too.
June is the sixth month of the year. The first ay of June is children’s day in China. The children are performing. Father’s Day is also in June.
July is the seventh month of the year. The students have their exams in July. This boy is working hard on his studies.
August is the eighth month of the year. Students have their summer holiday. Look! The students are going camping.
六月是一年当中的第六个月份。在中国,六月份的第一天是儿童节。孩子们正在演出。    父亲节也在六月。
May is the fifth month of the year.     五月是一年当中的第五个月份。
year        May        June        July        August 
年        五月        六月        七月        八月
the fifth month of the year            一年当中第五个月
the sixth month of the year        一年当中第六个月
the seventh month of the year        一年当中第七个月
the eighth month of the year         一年当中第八个月
When is it? It’s in March.             这是什么时候?是三月份。
The children are planting trees.         孩子们正在植树。
When is it? It’s in June.             这是什么时候?是六月份。
The children are performing.         孩子们正在演出。
When is it? It’s in August.        这是什么时候?是八月份。
The children are going camping.         孩子们正在野营。
Lesson 29
September is the ninth month of the year. Students go back to school. They celebrate Teachers Day on September 10th. The girl is playing the piano for the Teacher’s Day party.
October is the tenth month of the year. China’s National Day is on October 1
st. Look! The children are celebrating the National Day.
November is the eleventh month of the year. In America, Thanksgiving Day is on the 4th Thursday of November. The family are celebrating Thanksgiving in this picture.
December is the twelfth and last month of the year. Christmas is on December 25th. Look! Santa Claus is giving the children presents.
