who, how much, where, when, what, how, whose, what colour, which, why
1.—________ do you go to school? —I go to school at 7:30.
2.—________ are Jack and Tom? —They are behind you.
3.—________ has a football? —John.
4.—________ does Mary go to school? —On foot.
5.—________ didn't he come to school? —Because he was ill.
6.—________ is this coat? —100 yuan.
7.—________ shirt is this? —It's Kate's.
8.—________ is your dress? —It's white.
9.—________ boy is your brother? —The one in a hat.
10.—________ do you want? —I want a cup of tea.
(  )1.________ you ________ the Bund last Saturday?
A.Do; visit        B.Are; visiting        C.Did; visit
(  )2.—________ it often rain in spring in Nanjing?
—Yes, it's often ________.
A.Does; rainy  B.Do; rainy  C.Is; raining
(  )3.—________ do you get to the museum? —By car.
A.Where  B.How  C.When
(  )4.—________ does your father do?
—He's an astronaut.
A.Who  B.What  C.Which
(  )5.—________ your father here just now?
—Yes, he ________.
A.Were; was  B.Were; were  C.Was; was
(  )6.Susan has a nice doll, ________ she?
A.has  B.hasn't  C.doesn't
(  )7.—Is your pen pal a boy or a girl?
A.Yes, she's a girl.  B.Yes, he's a boy.  C.A girl.
(  )8.—Excuse me.________
—It's over there.
A.What's on the desk?  B.Where is my bag?  C.What's it?
(  )9.—________ jumps higher, Mike or Tom?
—Tom ________.
A.Who; does  B.Which; is  C.Who's; is
(  )10.________ you ________ shopping this Sunday?
A.Will; go to  B.Are; going  C.Will; goes
(  )1.How many birds are there in the tree?
(  )2.Can I help you?
(  )3.What day is it today?
(  )4.What's the matter with you?
(  )5.Excuse me, who's that woman?
(  )6.Shall we meet at three thirty?
(  )7.Whose skirt is this? Is it Ann's?
(  )8.Are these their blouses?
(  )9.What would you like as a birthday gift?
(  )10.How is your mother?          B
A.No, it isn't.
B.I'd like a CD walkman.
C.OK.See you then.
D.My aunt.
E.No, they aren't.They're ours.
F.She's fine.
G.There is only one.
H.I have a sore throat.
I.It's Monday today.
J.Yes, please.
1.Today is Saturday.(对画线部分提问)
springshow是什么意思中文翻译________ ________ is it today?
2.My holiday was great_fun.(对画线部分提问)
________ ________ your holiday?
3.We visited Shanghai_Museum last Sunday.(对画线部分提问)
________ ________ you ________ last Sunday?
4.My father will stay there for_two_months.(对画线部分提问)
________ ________ will your father stay there?
5.They are playing basketball.(改为一般疑问句)
________ ________ playing basketball?
6.His mother went shopping last night.(改为一般疑问句)
________ his mother ________ shopping last night?
________ ________ bigger, the sun or the moon?
Does his father go to work ________ ________ or ________ ________?
________ you ________ a letter to your uncle yesterday?
________ ________ Mike's parents do?
—________ box is ________? —The ________ ________.

班级     姓名
一、选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词,将其序号写在题前括号内  10%
(    ) 1. A. stamp            B. plan            C. black            D. date
(    ) 2. A. these            B. leg            C. left            D. friend
(    ) 3. A. fine            B. milk            C. write            D. mine
(    ) 4. A. ago            B. close            C. clock            D. home
(    ) 5. A. study            B. jump            C. must            D. duty
(    ) 6. A. mean            B. sweater        C. heavy        D. weather
(    ) 7. A. cool            B. food            C. foot            D. zoo
(    ) 8. A. blow            B. now            C. know            D. snow
(    ) 9. A. teacher            B. school        C. Christmas        D. ache
(    )10.A.which            B. whom        C. what            D. where
1. heavy(比较级)                         2. fly(过去式)            
3. same(反义词)                         4. plus(对应词)            
5. rainy(名词)                           6. carefully(形容词)           
7. more(原形)                           8. foggy(名词)           
9. far(比较级)                           10. miss(第三人称单数)      
