Unit 1 Food Matters
(  )1.mood     A.chinese rice pudding是什么意思vt.联系相关联;把……连接起来
(  )2.flavour      B.vi.(根据情况)变化变更;相异不同
(  )3.digest      C.adj.有酸味的;馊的
      vi.& vt.(使)变坏;变味酸腐
(  )4.link      D.n.情绪心情;气氛氛围
(  )5.native      E.n.味道;特点
(  )6.sour      F.n.纽带联系;连接结合
(  )7.bond      G.vt.& vi.消化;领会理解
(  )8.generate      H.n.出生于某国(或某地)的人;本地人
(  )9.vary      I.n.sweet food eaten at the end of a meal
(  )10.dessert      J.vt.to produce or create sth.
[答案] 1—5 DEGAH 6—10 CFJBI
(  )1.according to    A.振作起来;高兴起来
(  )2.cheer up      B.更不用说
(  )3.do the trick      C.指的是
(  )4.not to mention      D.根据;按照
(  )5.refer to      E.奏效起作用达到目的
(  )6.cry out for      F.迫切需要
[答案] 1—6 DAEBCF
1combination n结合体联合体;联混合
2creamy adj.含奶油的;像奶油的光滑细腻的;淡黄的
3greedily adv.贪婪地贪心地
4cycle n循环;自行车摩托车 vi.骑自行车
5calorie n卡路里;千卡
6saucer n碟状物茶碟茶托
7emotion n情感强烈的感情激情情绪
8salty adj.咸的含盐的
9relieve vt.解除减轻;缓和缓解
10lower vt.降低减少;把……放低使……降下 adj.下面的;在底部的;低洼的
1I usually cycle home through the park to enjoy the beautiful lake.
2He had to lower his head to get through the door.
3You should allow a little time after a meal for the food to digest
4The election committee itself was formed with four women members who were natives
5For dessertyou can have ice cream or apple pie.
6Now that you mention itshe did seem to be in a strange mood
7Clearlyhigh calorie fast food has become a problem.
8They are now under a great deal of pressure to tighten their airport security
9The experience created a very special bond between us.
10The tomatoes give extra flavour to the sauce.
1The firm is working on a new product in combination(combine) with several overseas partners.
2The children fell on the food and ate it greedily(greedy).
3The flowers were gently(gentle) swaying in the breeze.
4People with high blood pressure should not eat too much salty(salt) food.
5Moody(mood) people are very difficult to deal with.
6Mothers are often the ones who provide emotional(emotion) support for the family.
1Whenever I feel lonelyI have a secret recipe that never fails: ricemilk and sugarcooked low and slow.
2With pleasureI remember the lazy Sunday afternoons I used to spend in the warmth of my grandma's flatlistening to her wonderful stories and greedily eating bowl after bowl of her delicious rice pudding.
3In this articlewe will talk about a particular type of comfort food whose power mainly lies in the associations it calls to mind.
4Our comfort foods are highly individual.
5They vary from person to persondepending on our own unique experiences that have shaped our lives.
lonely adj.孤独的
recipe n.配方;食谱
mood n.情绪心情;气氛氛围
perfect adj.完美的
combination n.结合体联合体;联合混合
do the trick奏效起作用达到目的
not to mention 更不用说
creamy adj.含奶油的;像奶油的光滑细腻的;淡黄的
flavour n.味道特点 vt.……调味加味于
transport vt.输送
warmth n温暖
greedily adv.贪婪地贪心地
spoonful n一勺
gently adv.轻柔地温和地
dessert n(饭后)甜点;甜食
marriage n密切结合
illustrate vt.说明;解释
unique adj.独特的;独一无二的
refer to 指的是
particular adj.特别的
association n联想联系;协会社团;联合交往
recall vt.回忆;使想起
individual adj.个别的;个人的
vary vi.(根据情况)变化变更;相异不同 vt.变更改变
depend on取决于
tend to趋向于
link vt.联系相关联;把……连接起来 n联系连接;关系纽带;链接
positive adj.积极的
emotion n情感强烈的感情;激情情绪
take care of照顾;照料
