1. 6B U3同步复习
6B Unit3 Dragon Boat Festival
Part 1 V ocabulary
Qu Yuan was born about two t___1___ years ago in China. He loved his c___2___ very much. His job was to give a___3___ to the king. The king always t___4___ his advice. However, the king died and the new king did not l___5___ to him.
Later, the new king l___6___ a battle because he did not take Qu Yuan’s advice. The country was in d___7___. Qu Yuan was very sad. He jumped into a river and died. It was the fifth day of the fifth lunar month of that year.
Today, people eat rice dumplings and have dragon boat races to r___8___ him on that day every year.
6B Unit 3Vocabulary(牛津)
1 /fest?vl/ n. 节日
2 /re?s/ n. 比赛
3 /?s?mθ??/pron. 某物;某事
4 /sel?bre?t/ v. 庆祝
5 v. 出生
6 /??g??/ adv. 以前
7 /?k?ntr? / n. 国家
8 很;非常
9 / ?d?va?s / n. 劝告;忠告
10 / k??/ n. 国王
11 /da?/ v. 死;死亡
12 /?le?t?(r)/ adv. 以后;后来
13 /lu:z/ v. 输掉
14 /?b?tl/ n. 战役
(3) 6B U3知识点整理
1. festival n.节日
e. g. -The Spring Festival is a traditional Chinese festival.春节是中国的传统节日。
-It's the most important holiday of the year.它是一年中最重要的节日。
【记忆链接】the Dragon Boat Festival端午节the Mid-autumn Festival中秋节
2. race n. 比赛
e. g. -Who won the 400-metre race? 谁赢了400米赛跑?
-Alison won first prize.艾莉森得了第一名。
【记忆链接】racing car赛车horse race赛马boat race赛船
3. something pron.某事;某物
e. g. -Are you looking for me? 你在我吗?
-Yes, I have something to ask you.是的,我想问你点儿事。
☆在英语中,如果需要用形容词修饰something、somebody和someone这些词时,形容词只能放在这些词后面,如something interesting 或somebody boring。
4. celebrate v.庆祝;举行仪式;纪念(节日)
e. g. We celebrated the New Year with a dance party.我们举行跳舞晚会庆祝新年。
People usually celebrate Mid-autumn Festival with a gather-together dinner.
【知识拓展】celebration n.庆祝会,典礼
e. g. birthday celebrations生日庆祝会
a day of celebration庆祝日
5. born v. 出生;出世
e. g. She was born in 1980.她生于1980年。
The Trades Union movement was born in the early years of the century. 工会运动创始于本世纪初。
【知识拓展】be born, give birth to的区别
(1) be born意为“出生”,但其主语通常只能是表示被生下的人或动物。
e. g. She was born in 1968.她生于1968年。
She was born in a very musical family.她生在音乐之家。
(2)give birth to意为“生产,生下”。其宾语通常是表示幼畜或婴儿的词,其主语只能是表示雌性的词。
e. g. She gave birth to five children.她生了五个小孩。
6. ago adv.以前
e. g. -Have you been to Beijing before? 你去过北京吗?
-Yes, I went there six years ago. 去过,六年前去的。
7. country n.
e. g. China and Japan are Asian countries.中国和日本是亚洲国家。
e. g. -Where did you go yesterday, Mary? 玛丽,你昨天去哪儿了?
-We went for a picnic in the country. 我们去乡下野餐了。
8. advice n.劝告,忠告,意见
e. g. That's my advice to you. 这就是我给你出的主意。
On his advice I am staying in bed. 听他的劝告,我卧床休息。
☆advice是不可数名词,不可以说an advice,一条建议可以说a piece of advice。
【记忆链接】some advice一点意见 a piece of advice一条意见give advice提出忠告take one’s advice接受忠告
【知识拓展】advise v.劝告,忠告,警告,建议
9. king n.国王
e. g. -Does France have a king? 法国有国王吗?
-No, it doesn't. It has a president.没有,有总统。
10. die v.(过去式、过去分词died,现在分词dying)死
e. g. -Fish will die without clean water. 没有清洁的水,鱼就会死去。
-That's right. We must keep our rivers clean.对,我们必须保持河流清洁。
11. later adv.以后
e. g.-Someone's knocking at the door. I'll call you back later. 有人敲门,我过会儿给你打过去。
-Talk to you later then.那就一会儿再聊吧。
【指点迷津】late adj.
e. g. -Hurry up, or we'll be late for school! 快点,不然上学要迟到了!
-Don't worry. There's still twenty minutes left.不用着急,还有20分钟呢。
e. g. -I have a lot of work and will go home late today.今天有很多工作,我会晚点儿回家。
-OK, but don't be too late.好的,但不要太晚。
12. lose v.失去;丢失;输
e. g. I cannot find my watch, I must have lost it. 我不到手表,我一定把它给丢了。
Our team lost the football match.我们队足球比赛输了。
【记忆链接】lose memory丧失记忆lose one’s eyesight失去视力lose one's way迷路lose
a chance错过机会lose one's train没赶上火车lose a game输一局/场lose a
battle打败仗lose one's job失业
【知识拓展】find v.发现;到win v.赢得
13. battle n.战斗
e. g. The hero was killed in battle.这位英雄在战斗中牺牲了。
【记忆链接】gun battle战battlefield战场battle plane战机battleship战舰
chinese rice pudding是什么意思14. lunar adj.月(亮)的;阴历的
【记忆链接】lunar month太阴月(约29.5日)lunar calendar阴历lunar year闰年
15. remember v.想起,记起
e. g. -Do you remember Helen? 你记得海伦吗?
-Yes, we were classmates in primary school.记得,我们在小学是同班同学。
16. without prep.没有
