新年-New Year’s Day   
春节-Spring Festival 
三⼋节-International Working Women’s Day 
五⼀节-May Day 
五四节-Chinese Youth Day 
六⼀节-International Children’s Day 
⼋⼀建军节-Army Day 
中国共产党成⽴纪念⽇-Aniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China 
国庆节-National Day
元宵节The Lantern Festival
清明节The Tomb-sweeping Festival
端午节The Dragon Boat Festival   
中秋节The Mid-Autumn Festival
重阳节The Double Ninth Day
七⼣节The Double Seventh Day
Advent 降临节
Lady Day, Annunciation
... 展开英语单词spring是什么意思
其他答案(共 2 个回答)
元旦 New Year's Day
春节 Spring Festival
元宵 Lantern Festival
清明 Qing Ming Festival
劳动节 Labor Day
端午节 Dragon Boat Festival
⼉童节 Children's Day
建党节 Party's Birthday
建军节 Army's Day
教师节 Teachers' Day
中秋节 Mid-autumn Festival
国庆节 National Day
