压力控制弹簧 pressure control spring
阀弹簧 valve spring
阀 valve
惯性比例阀 inertia proportioning valve
惯性球 inertia ball
球阀座 ball valve seat
感载比例阀 loading sensing pressure proportoining valve
感载限压阀 loading sensing pressure limiting valve
惯性防抱死装置 inertia anti-lock device
电子防抱死装置 eoectro anti-lock device
报警装置 warning device
真空报警开关 vacuum warning switch
低压报警开关 low pressure warning switch
液面报警开关 level warning switch
作用机构 application mechanism
磨损补偿装置 wear compensation device
限位装置 inhibiting device
弹簧制动器的辅助放松装置 auxiliary release device for spring-brake actuator
防弯折装置 king protection device
托板 carrier
防铰接系统 anti-link system
附加装置 additional device
安全缸 safety cylinder
抑制螺拴 check bolt
抑制螺母 check nut
空气溢流阀 air bleed valve
安全阀 safety valve
压差控制阀(优先阀) pressure-gradient control valve
十字单向阀 spider singe check valve
差压阀 defferential valve
气压制动阀 air brake valve
分立制动阀 dual air brake valve
继动阀 relay valve
快放阀 quick release valve
安全继动阀 safety relay valve
双进口单向阀 double way check valve
调压阀 pressure governor
保险阀 relief valve
继动应急阀 relay emergency valve
牵引车保护阀 tractor protection valve
液压继动阀 dydraulic relay valve
手制动阀 hand brake valve
制动灯开关 braking light switch
分离开关 shut-off switch
气压表 air gauge
试验 test
缩颈试验 constriction test
抖动试验 whip test
膨胀试验 expansion test
拉伸试验 tensile test
吸水试验 water absorpton test
冷弯实试验 cold bend test
耐臭氧试验 ozone resistance test
盐雾试验 salt spray test
中性盐雾试验 neutral salt spray test
鉴定试验 qualification test
成批验收试验 lot acceptance
热压反复试验 heat pressure stroking
张紧变形试验 tension set test
冷效应试验 cold effectiveness test
热衰退试验 fade test
预备试验 preliminary test
强度试验  strength test
静态驻坡试验  static hill-holding test
颜耐久度试验  test for color fastness
冷弯试验  cold impact test
热弯试验  hot impact test
爆裂试验  burst test
试验设备(台)  test rig
塞规  gauge plug
防潮材料  moisture barrier material
滴定管  burette
添加剂  additve
空气游离  free of air
挠曲试验机  flexing machine
吸油绳  wick
加热罩  heating mantle
烧瓶  flask
沸腾石  boiling stone
玻璃仪器  glassware
冷凝器  condenser
环形夹子  ring clamp
硬石棉耐火垫  hard asbestos refractory
腐蚀试瓶  corrosion test jar
螺旋盖  screw-top
干燥器  desiccator
烘箱外罩  oven enclosure
金钢砂纸  silicon carbide paper
松节油  white spirit
钢丝棉  steel wool
钳子  forceps
软木塞  cork
培养皿  petri dish
离心试管  centrifuge tube
橡胶防护套  elastometric boot
臭氧箱  ozone chamber
冲程试验装置  stroking fixture
抛光机  polished machine
扩张芯轴  stretching mandrel
千分尺  micrometer
投影检测仪  shadowgraph
玻璃容器  glass container
镀锡钢盖  tinned steel lids
不起毛布  lint-free cloth
包装屑  packing debris
湿度箱  humidity cabinet
加热板  heating plate
载荷锤头  loading ram
拉力机  tensile machine
压力机  compression machine
夹具  fixture
拉头  block
导轨  guide
砂纸  emery paper
材料剪切试验台  material shear test rig
吸水石  absorbent paper
增湿  humidification
雾化  atomization
拉伸强度  tensile strength
屈服点  yield point
破坏时伸长量  elongation at break
化学试剂  reagent
盐溶液  salt solution
酒精-蒸馏水混合液  ethanol/distilled water mixture
玻璃电极  glass electrode
杂质  impurities
悬浮固体物  suspended solids
沉淀液  precipitaton number
不透明液  opaque transparent liquid
中和值  neutralization number
电位滴定法  potentiometric titration
平衡回流沸点  equilibrium reflux boiling point (ERBP
湿式平衡沸点  wet equilibrium reflux boiling point
PH值  PH value
污斑  staining
变  discoloration
胶状物  jelly
无结晶型沉淀物  no crystalline-type deposit
流动性  fluidity
遮盖力图  hiding power chart
黑白分辨线  black contrast lines
分层  stratification
沉淀  sedimentation
硬度  hardness
油泥  sludging
磨粒  abrasive grains
化学转化  chemical reversion
气候老化  weather ageing
变质  deterioration
报废  rejection
刀痕  cut
麻点  pit
针孔  pin-hole
凸起  protuberance
烘箱老化  oven ageing
冷放时间  soaking time
使用温差  service temperature
制动器失效  misfunctioning of brake
试验跑道  test track
路面  surface
弯道  bend
普通水泥混凝土  portland cement concrete
转弯  corner
坡度  gradient
路拱  camber
点刹  snub
过大跑偏  undue deviation
满载停车  laden stops
防水性  protection against ingress of water
防尘性  protection against dust
热衰退  heat fade
水衰退  water fade
恢复  recovery
过恢复  over recovery
增强(突升)  build up
制动气阻  braking vapor lock
龟裂  crack
热龟裂  heat crack
制动拖滞  braking drag
冷制动弊病  cold braking sickness
光学设备  optical device
校准器  aimer
光束轴  beam axle
校准屏幕  aiming screen
聚光装置  optical block
对光装置  alignment device
投影设备  projection equipment
远距离屏幕  distant screen
照明系统  lighting system
照明设备  lightig equipmetn
灯具  lamp
等效灯具  equivalent lamps
成对灯具  lamps constituting a pair
偶数灯  even number of lamps
操作指示灯  operational tell-tale
倒车灯  backup (revers
ing) lamp
车宽示廓灯  clearance lamp
复合灯  combined lamps
内藏灯(暗灯)  concealable lamp
反射发光装置  reflex reflexting device
回射装置  retro0reflecting device
放电灯  discharge lamp
雾灯  fog lamp
组合灯  grouped lamps
危险警告灯  hazard warning lamp
近光前照灯  lower-beam (dipped beam) headlamp
远光前照灯  upper-beam (main
制动颤振  brake chatter
制动噪声  brake noise
车轮抱死  wheel lock
制动跑偏  braking deviation
制动甩尾  braking swerve
制动折叠  braking jack-knifing
制动跳动  braking hop
制动失效  braking failure
制动滑移  braking skid
制动点头  braking nose dive
电气设备和操纵件  electric equipment and controls
通用术语  general tems
要求电压  required voltage
标称电压  nominal voltage
外部电源  external power supply
外部稳压电源  external stabilized power
针式仪器  pointer instrument
测量电阻  measuring resistor
电阻值  resistance value
平均电力输入  mean electrical power input
串联电阻  series resistors
预热  warming up
电晕效应  corona effect
压痕  indentation
过热试验  thermal overload test
热收缩  shrinkage by heat
抗火焰传播性  resistance to flame propagation
本生灯  bunsen-burner
剥开绝缘  stripping of insulatin
热老化试验  heat ageing test
快速寿命试验  accelerated life test
卷绕试验  winding test
耐磨损性  abrasion test
擦刮磨损试验  scrape abrasion test
线层包覆层  strand coating
击穿  dielectric puncture
绝缘击穿  dielectric tracking
搭铁  ground (earth)
正极搭铁  plus earth
负极搭铁  minus earth
内搭铁  internal earth
外搭铁  external earth
火线  hot wire
电干扰  electrical distrubance
瞬变  transient
瞬变时间  transient duration
上升时间  rise time
下降时间  fall time
脉冲周期  pulse cycle time
失效程度的等级  failure mode severity classification
试验脉冲和试验方法  test pulse and method
试验脉冲强度  test pulse severity
耦合  coupling
耦合网络  coupling network
抗耦合网络  decoupling network
耦合夹钳  coupling clamp
电瞬变  electrical transients
瞬变传递  transient transmission
脉冲重复频率  pulse repetition rate
脉冲宽度  pulse width
模拟网络  artificial network
电磁环境  elecromagnetic environment
瞬变发射  transient emission
电压瞬变  voltage transient
并联电阻  shunt resistor
波形探测仪器  waveform acquisition equpment
电源切断  supply disconnecton
瞬变免疫性  transient immunity
脉冲发生器  pulse generator
线束阻抗  impedance of wiring harness
感应系数  inductance
线绕电阻  wire-wound resistor
内部电阻  internal resistance
浪涌电流  inrush current
附加波动电压  superimposed ripple voltage
频率宽度  band width
扫描速度  writing speed
输入灵敏度  input sensiti
衰减精度  attenuation accuracy
接通转速  cut-in frequency
零电流转速  zero-amp frequency
使用转速  application frequency
空载转速  cut-in speed
负载转速  load speed
外部激励  external excitation
简化试验  short form test
预热试验  warm test
离散点法  discrete point method
连续测量法  continuous mode method
反电动势  back-electromotive force
磁通量  magnetic flux
磁场  magnetic field
磁场电流  field current
直流电压表  DC voltmeter
电流检测器  current probe
内装式传感器  built-in sensor
示波器  oscilloscope
负荷电容  load capacity
插入式传感器  plug-in sensor
负荷电阻  load resistor
发电机  generator (dynamo)
直流发电机  DC generator (dynamo)
前端盖  dirve end baring bracket
后端盖  commutator (slip ring) end bearing bracket
机壳  frame
定子总成  stator assembly (field frame assembly)
磁场绕组  field coil (excitation winding)
电枢总成  armature assembly
电枢绕组  armature winding
换向器  commutator
电刷  brush
电刷架  brush spring
电刷弹簧  brush spring “A”
接线柱  armature terminal (output terminal)
“ F”
接线柱  field terminal “E”
接线柱  earth terminal
交流发电机  alternator (AC generator)
无刷交流发电机  brushless alternator
整体式交流发电机  integrate alternator
转子总成  rotor assembly
定子铁芯  stator core
散热板  heat sink
爪极  claw pole
磁轭  yoke
滑环  slip ring (collector ring)
整流器  rectifier
二极管  diode
功率二极管  power diode “B”
接线柱  battery terminal “N”
接线柱  neutral terminal
输出特性曲线  output characteristic curve
最大输出电流  maximum current output
磁场电流  fiel current
直流发电机调节器  DC generator regulator
电压调节器  voltage regulator
电流限制器  current limiter
继电器  relay
截流继电器  cutout relay
交流发电机调节器  alternator regulator
磁场继电器  field relay
充电指示继电器  chaerge indicator relay
电磁振动式调节器  electromagnetic regulator (vibrating type regulator)
单级电磁振动式继电器  single stage voltage regulator
双节电磁振动式调节器  double stage voltage regulator
调节电阻  regulating resistor
加速电阻  accelerating resistor
铁芯  core
衔铁  armature
搭铁螺钉  eqrth screw
磁分路片  magnetic by-pass plate
晶体管调节器  transistor regulator
集成电路调节器  Ic regulator (solid state regulator)
内装式调节器  built-in voltage regulator
调节电压  regulating voltage
限制电流  limiting current
闭合电压  cut-in voltage
逆电流  reverse current
蓄电池  battery (accumulator)
镍-镉蓄电池  nickel-cadmuum battery
镍-铁蓄电池  nickel-iron battery
酸性蓄电池  acid battery
铅酸蓄电池  lead-acid battery
密封蓄电池  no-service battery
池  dry -charged battery
免维护蓄电池  maintenance free battery
并联电池组  batttery in quantity
蓄电池外壳  battery jar (accumulator jar)
蓄电池壳体  battery case
蓄电池单元  battery cell
蓄电池盖  cell lid
蓄电池加电水口塞  cell filler plug
蓄电池联条  cell connector
穿通式联条  over-partition connector
蓄电池极板组  pass through partition connector
栅板  palte grid
负极板  negative plate
正极板  positive plate
沉淀物储存槽  sediment chamber
极板活性物质  plate active material
电解液  electrolyte (battery solution)
电界液液面高度  electrolyte level
蓄电池吊架  cell hanger
极性  polarity
蓄电池接柱  battery post
阳极接头  hot post
边接头  side post
正极接线柱  positive terminal
负极接线柱  negative terminal
绝缘层  insulating laminaiton
氢氧化镍  nickel hydroxide
起动机  starter (starting motor,cranking motor)
电磁开关  solenoid switch
吸引线圈  pull-in winding
保持线圈  holding winding
起动继电器  starter relay
机械啮合式起动机  mechanically engageddrive starter
预啮合式起动机  pre-engaged drive starter
电枢移动式起动机  sliding armature starter
齿轮移动式起动机  sliding gear starter
同轴式起动机  coaxial drive starter
惯性式起动机  inertial drive starter
预热器  intake air heater
电热塞  glow plug
热电丝式指示器  glow indicator
点火系统  ignition system
传统点火系统  conventional igniton system
半导体点火系统  semi-conductor ingnition sytem
电子点火系统  electronic ignitin system
电感点火系统  inductive ignitin system
电容放电点火系统  capacitor discharge ignition system
半导体辅助点火系统  semi-conductor assisted ignition system
触点式点火系统  contact-controlled ignition systme
无触点式点火系统  breakless ignition system
磁脉冲信号发生器  magnetic pulse generator
传感线圈  pick-up coil
光电信号发生器  photoelectric signal generator
点火脉冲信号放大器  ignition pulse amplifieer
无分电器点火系统  distributorless ignition sytem
离心提前机构  centrifugal advance mechanism
真空提前机构  vacuum advance mechanism
触点间隙  point gap
次级有效高压  secondary available voltage
火花塞需要电压  required spark plug voltage
点火电压储备  ignition voltage reserve
次级输出电压  secondary output voltage
次级电压上升时间  secondary voltage rise time
平均输入电流  average current input
峰值线圈电流  peak coil current
断电电流  interruption current
断电触点电流  contacet breaker current
初级供电电流  primary supply voltage
线圈初级感应电压  coil primary induced voltage
最低工作转速  minimum operating speed
储存能量  stored energy
励磁时间间隔  energizing interval (dwell angle)
最高连续发火转速  m
