public signs公共标志      my cousin我的表弟    inthepark在公园里 three years old三岁大    a lot of questions 许多问题
ask questions问问题      on the wall在墙      go in进入
stay away from 远离  keep off(使)让开;(使)不接近 on the grass在草坪上
make noise发出噪音  take a walk散步  a ten-yuan note一张十元纸币
look around环顾四周    pick up捡起;拾起    come up上来
No smoking禁止吸烟    No parking禁止停车  No littering禁止乱扔杂物
Do not  touch不要触摸      No eating or drinking禁止吃和喝
Keep off the grass 远离草坪      Keep quie汽车spring是什么意思保持安静
1墙上有一个公共标志。                    There is a sign on the wall.
2它的意思是什么?它的意思是危险。     What does it mean? It means “Danger”!
3它们意指不同的东西。                    They mean different things.
4我可以进去吗?不,你不能。            Can I go in?   No, you can’t.
5你必须远离那幢建筑物。                  You must stay away from the building.
6在草地上有一个标志。                    There is a sign on the grass.
7那指什么?                          What does that mean? 
它的意思是我们不应该在草地上走。     It means we shouldn’t walk on the grass.
8我们不应该在这儿制造噪音。            We shouldn’t make noise here. 
 1.动词如果在No后表示禁止做某事,动词要用ing形式,如:No swimming;
    如果前面是don’t 或者do not后面跟动词原形,如:Do not touch.
 2.must, would, should (shouldn’t), canmay的区别
    must 表示必须一定做到的事情;would表示想要做的事情,would like to do sth.
   must, should shouldn't, can, may都是情态动词,后面都跟动词原形。
a new student一个新学生  after school放学后    talk abou谈论;讨论birthday party生日聚会have a birthday party 举办一个生日聚会        take off   脱下come to my birthday party 来我的生日聚会      sing a song 唱一首歌                as a birthday present 作为一个生日礼物   birthday cake生日蛋糕   a VCD of Japanese cartoons 一张日本动画片的光盘      blow out  吹灭    Let’s wait and see . 让我们等着瞧。 Japanese cartoons 日本动画片Happy birthday to you ! 祝你生日快乐!          
 a piece of paper    一张纸
1他住在本的附近。He lives near Ben.
2本和吉姆在放学后常常一起回家。    Ben and Jim often go home together after school.
3他们在谈论本的生日。            They’re talking about Ben’s birthday.
4今天是几月几日?十月十六日。     What date is it today? It’s the 16th of October.
5你的生日是什么时候?在十月十八日. When’s your birthday? It’s on the 18th of October.
6你愿意来我的生日聚会吗?         Would you like to come to my birthday party? 
7你通常会举办一个生日聚会吗?是的。Do you usually have a birthday party? Yes, I do.
8你想要什么作为生日礼物?         What would you like as a birthday present?
9你想看阿拉丁吗?是的,我想。  Would you like to watch “Aladdin”?  Yes, I’d like to.
 日期表达法:  the + 序数词 + of + 月份
      例如:  the    first    of  January
              the  second  of  February
介词in. on 的用法
   1 in表示:时间,常用在年份,月份,季节前, 也用在上午,下午和晚上前。
    例如:in 1997 1997          in spring在春季        in  May在五月
          in the moring在上午        in the afternoon 在下午      in the evening在晚上
    2on 表示具体的某一天,常用在星期,具体的一天前。
    例如:on Monday 在星期一          on the first of March 在三月一日
Sports Day体育运动日all the students所有的学生the running race跑步比赛;赛跑
take (some) photos 拍(一些)照片look forLet me see .让我看看。
a moment ago片刻之前  just now刚才  a roll of film一卷胶卷
some films一些胶卷  on the ground在地上a pair of earphones一副耳机
a mobile phone一部手机 under the pear tree over there在那儿的梨树下
1所有的学生都非常兴奋激动。      All the students are very excited.
2她正在寻她的照相机。             She is looking for her camera.
3男孩们正在跑步。                     The boys are running now.
4让我拍一些照片吧。                  Let me take some photos.
5我的照相机在哪?它在你的包里。  Where’s my camera? It’s in your bag.
6它刚才在那里。                  It was there a moment ago.
7它们刚才在这儿.                They were here just now.
7你能帮我把它们捡起来吗?         Can you pick them up for me please?
    肯定句:主语+was / were + 其它.
    否定句:主语+wasn’t / weren’t + 其它.
    一般疑问句:Was / Were +主语+其它?
National Day holiday国庆节假日last week上周on the farm 在农场上
the first day of school上学的第一天after the holiday 假期之后
in the school playground在学校操场上before class上课前 
watch a film / films 看电影 a funny cartoon一部有趣的卡通片
visit a farm参观一座农场  my family我的家庭  water trees给树浇水
water flowers浇花  pull up carrots拔胡萝卜  milk cows挤牛奶
collect eggs收集鸡蛋  cook food烹调食物  fruit trees果树
apple trees苹果树  orange trees橘子树  pear trees梨树
taste oranges品尝橘子  go to the farm / farms去农场
pick apples摘苹果  watch cartoons看卡通片  at the camp在野营营地
play football踢足球  walk in the mountains 在山上走
play games玩游戏  go camping去野营  clean the house打扫房子
1上周是国庆节假期。               It was the National Day holiday last week.
2今天是假期后开学的第一天。  Today is the first day of school after the holiday.
3你上个星期做了什么?            What did you do last week?
4在星期三,我和我的父母看了一场电影。I watched a film with my parents on Wednesday.
  I visited a farm with my family on Monday and Tuesday.
6在农场你们做了什么?            What did you do on the farm?
7在星期二,你们做了什么?      What did you do on Tuesday?
8你们还做了什么?                 What else did you do?
9在农场里有果树吗?有。         Were there any fruit trees on the farm? Yes, there were.
10我们摘了许多橘子,并且品尝了它们。 We picked a lot of oranges and tasted them.
