Hes got an orange sweater.他有一件橙的毛线衫。(肯定句)
He has got an orange sweater.他有一件橙的毛线衫。(肯定句)
He hasnt got an orange sweater.(否定句)
Has he got an orange sweater?(一般疑问句)
Yes, he has.是的,他有。(肯定回答)
No, he hasnt.不,他没有。(否定回答)
What has he got?他有什么?(特殊疑问句)
What clothes has he got?他有什么衣服?(特殊疑问句)
Ive got a brown hat.我有一顶棕的帽子。(肯定句)
I have got a brown hat.我有一顶棕的帽子。(肯定句)
I havent got a brown hat.我没有一顶棕的帽子。(否定句)
Have you got a brown hat?(一般疑问句)
Yes, I have.是的,我有。(肯定回答)
No, I havent.不,我没有。(否定回答)
What have you got?你有什么?(特殊疑问句)
What clothes have you got?你有什么衣服?(特殊疑问句)
Open the box.打开盒子。
Lets put on funny clothes for the party.
Look at my big shoes!看我的大鞋子!
I cant walk!我不能走路了!
Its your turn now!现在轮到你们了!
Heres a white shirt.这儿有一件白的衬衫。
Here is a white shirt.这儿有一件白的衬衫。
Its for the class photo.它是为照班级集体照准备的。
Come back!回来!
Its about animals.它是关于动物的。
Its about sport.它是关于运动的。汽车spring是什么意思
I go to school by bike.我骑自行车去上学。
I go to school by bus.我乘公共汽车去上学。
I go to school by car.我乘小汽车去上学。
I walk to school.我步行去上学。
I dont go to school by bike.我不骑自行车去上学。
I dont walk to school.我不步行去上学。
Do you go to school by bike?(一般疑问句)
Yes, I do.是的,我骑。(肯定回答)
No, I dont.不,我不骑。(否定回答)
Do you walk to school?(一般疑问句)
Yes, I do.是的,我步行。(肯定回答)
No, I dont.不,我不步行。(否定回答)
My father goes to work by bike.我的父亲骑自行车去上班。
My father goes to work by bus.我的父亲乘公共汽车去上班。
My father goes to work by car.我的父亲乘坐小汽车去上班。
My father walks to work.我的父亲步行去上班。
My father doesnt go to work by bus.
My father doesnt walk to work.我的父亲不步行去上班。
Does your father go to work by car?
Yes, he does.是的,他乘。  No, he doesnt.不,他不乘。
Does your father walk to work?你的父亲步行上班吗?
Yes, he does.是的,他步行。  No, he doesnt.不,他不步行。
Where is my toy?我的玩具在哪里?
Wheres my toy?我的玩具在哪里?
Its on your desk.它在你的桌子上。
Its behind the door.它在门后面。
Its under your chair.它在你的椅子下面。
Its in your bedroom.它在你的卧室里。
It isnt on the bed.它不在床上。
Is it on the bed?它在床上吗?
Yes, it is.是的,它在。    No, it isnt.不,他不在。
In spring, Daming flies a kite in the park.
In summer, he swims in the lake.在夏天,他在湖里游泳。
In autumn, he goes fishing under the tree.在秋天,他在树下钓鱼。
In winter, he walks in the snow.在冬天,他在雪里步行。
Whats your favourite season?你最喜欢的季节是什么?
My favourite season is spring.我最喜欢的季节是春天。
Its spring.它是春天
Its warm in spring.春天天气暖和。
What do you do in spring?你们在春天干什么?
We fly kites in spring.我们在春天放风筝。
Its hot in summer.夏天天气炎热。
What do you do in summer?你们在夏天干什么?
We go swimming in summer.我们在夏天去游泳。
Its cool in autumn.秋天天气凉爽。
What do you do in autumn?你们在秋天干什么?
We play football in autumn.我们在秋天踢足球。
Its cold in winter.冬天天气寒冷。
What do you do in winter?你们在冬天干什么?
We go skating in winter.我们在冬天去滑冰。
We play in the snow in winter.我们冬天在雪里玩。
Its warm today, but its raining.今天天气暖和,但是正在下雨。
Its hot and sunny today.今天天气炎热且晴朗。
Its cool and windy today.今天天气凉爽且有风。
Its snowing today. Its very cold.今天正在下雪。天气非常寒冷。
What do you do on Sundays?你在星期日干什么?
I ride my bike on Sundays.我在星期日骑我的自行车。
Do you ride your bike on Sundays?你在星期日骑你的自行车吗?
Yes, I do.是的,我骑。  No, I dont.不,我不骑。
What does he do on Sundays?他在星期日干什么?
He rides his bike on Sundays.他在星期日骑他的自行车。
Does he ride his bike on Sundays?他在星期日骑他的自行车吗?
Yes, he does.是的,他骑。  No, he doesnt.不,他不骑。
What do you do in the morning?你在上午干什么?
I sleep in the morning.我在上午睡觉。
Do you sleep in the morning?你在上午睡觉吗?
What does she do in the morning?她在上午干什么?
She sleeps in the morning.她在上午睡觉。
Does she sleep in the morning?她在上午睡觉吗?
What do you do in the afternoon?你在下午干什么?
I watch TV in the afternoon.我在下午看电视。
What does he do in the afternoon?他在下午干什么?
He watches TV in the afternoon.他在下午看电视。
Doe he watch TV in the afternoon?他在下午看电视吗?
What do you do at school?你在学校干什么?
I have classes.我上课。
What does he do at school?他在学校干什么?
He has classes.他上课。
What do you have at school today?你今天在学校上什么课?
I have Music.我上音乐课。
What does Lingling have at school today?
She has Chinese, English,  Maths, Art, PE and Science.
What do you have in the morning?你在上午上什么课?
I have Chinese in the morning. 我在上午上语文课。
Do you have Chinese in the morning?你在上午上语文课吗?
Yes, I do.是的,我上。    No, I dont.不,我不上。
What does Xiaoyong have in the afternoon?
He has Music in the afternoon.他在下午上音乐课。
