Kate: What day is it today (今天星期几)?
Helen: It's Wednesday (星期三). What lessons do we have this afternoon?
Kate: We have Social Science (社会科学), English and Computer Studies (计算机课程).
Helen: Oh! I like Art very much. But we don't have Art today.
Kate: We will have an art lesson tomorrow.
Helen: Great! Do you like Art?
Kate: No, I don't. I like English very much.
Helen: It's time for class. Let's go.
1、This afternoon, Kate has _________ lesson. (   )
A.an English    B.a maths    C.a Chinese
2、Today is _________ . (   )
A.Tuesday(星期二)    B.Wednesday    C.Monday
3、_________ like(s) Art very much. (   )
A.Kate    B.Helen    C.Kate and Helen
4、It's time for _________ . (   )
A.dinner    B.bed    C.class
5、Kate likes _________ very much. (   )
A.English    B.Art    C.Computer Studies
Hello, my name is Rick! I live in a small city with my parents, but my grandparents live in a mountain village.
My father likes the city. In the city, there are tall buildings and nice cars. He can eat many kinds of food and do many kinds of things, but I don't like city life.
The village is so beautiful. The trees are green, and the flowers are colourful. I can do kung fu with my grandpa in the morning. There is a river beside the village.
The water is clean. In summer, I can swim in it! I love the village!
6、Rick lives in a ______. (   )
A.village    B.city    C.mountain
7、What’s in the city? (   )
A.Tall buildings and nice cars.    B.River.    C.A village.
8、What does Rick like? (   )
A.The city.    B.The river.    C.The village.
9、The river is ______ the village. (   )
A.beside    B.between    C.near
10、Who can do kung fu? (   )
A.Father.    B.In the morning.    C.Grandpa and Rick.
A: Wang Bing, what can you see over there?
B: I can see a yellow jacket.
A: Whose jacket is it?
B: Let’s go and have a look. It’s Mike’s, I think. You can see a cat on it.
A: Where’s Mike?
B: He’s in the playground.
A: Mike, Is this your jacket?
C: No, it isn’t. My jacket is blue.
11、Wang Bing can see _______________. (   )
A.a sweater    B.a coat    C.a jacket
12、Is the yellow jacket Mike’s? (   )
A.Yes, it is.    B.No, it isn’t.    C.Sorry, I don’t know.
13、Mike’s jacket is _______________. (   )
A.small    B.big    C.blue
14、You can see _______________on the yellow jacket. (   )
A.a dog    B.a cat    C.a tiger
15、Where is Mike? (   )
A.He’s in the library.    B.He’s in the playground.
C.He’s in the living room.
Welcome to my house. This is my living room. There are so many pictures on the wall. There is a plant beside the sofa. In front of the sofa, there is a TV. I often watch TV with my grandparents on the weekend. Look, there is a bookshelf. You can see many books on it. My father often reads books in the evening. I like my living room very much.
16、This is my______. (    )
A.bedroom    B.bathroom    C.living room
17、There are so many _____on the wall. (    )
A.pictures    B.photos    C.clocks
18、The plant is _____ the sofa. (    )
A.behind    B.on    C.beside
19、I often____ on the weekend. (    )
A.play basketball    B.watch TV    C.dance
20、My father often_____ in the evening. (    )
A.reads books    B.watches TV    C.plays the pipa
Spring in Nanjing is very short. It is warm and sunny. People (人们) like to go to the parks on sunny days. It is very hot in summer in Nanjing. People do not like to play balls in the afternoon. They like to go swimming in summer. In autumn, it is cool and sunny. Many people like to come to Nanjing in autumn. In winter, it is cold in Nanjing. Boys and girls like to make snowmen and go skating. They have great fun in winter.
21、Spring in Nanjing is very ________. (    )
A.short    B.warm    C.A and B
22、People like to ________ in summer. (    )
A.go to the parks    B.go swimming    C.go skating
23、People like to go to Nanjing in ________. (    )
A.in spring    B.in autumn    C.in winter
24、Boys and girls like to _________ in winter. (    )
A.go to the parks    B.go swimming    C.go skating
25、Boys and girls have _________ in winter. (    )
A.great fun    B.sad    C.make showmen
Hello, my name is Wu Yifan. I have seven classes in a day. I like English very much. My favourite food is beef, eggplant (茄子) and tofu (豆腐). I'm helpful at home. I can wash clothes and cook for my grandparents. Today is Saturday, I often read books, watch TV and clean my room on Saturdays. What do you do on the weekend? My home is near the river. There are some mountains behind my house. There is a road in front of my house. You can see two bridges over it. I like my house.
