专题强化练() 完形填空之夹叙夹议文
Passage 1(2018·天津卷)
No one is born a winner.People make themselves into winners by their own __16__
I learned this lesson from a(n)__17__many years ago.I took the head__18__job at a school in BaxleyGeorgia.It was a small school with a weak football program.
It was a tradition for the school's old team to play against the__19__team at the end of spring practice.The old team had no coachand they didn't even practice to __20__ the game.Being the coach of the new teamI was excited because I knew we were going to winbut to my disappointment we were defeated.I couldn't__21__I had got into such a situation.Thinking hard about itI came to__22__that my team might not be the number one team in Georgiabut they were__23__me.I had to change my__24__about their ability and potential.
I started doing anything I could to help them build a little__25__Most importantI began to
treat them like__26__That summerwhen the other teams enjoyed their__27__we met every day and__28__passing and kicking the football.
Six months after suffering our__29__on the spring practice fieldwe won our first game and our secondand continued to__30__Finallywe faced the number one team in the state.I felt that it would be a__31__for us even if we lost the game.But that wasn't what happened.My boys beat the best team in Georgiagiving me one of the greatest__32__of my life!
From the experience I learned a lot about how the attitude of the leader can__33__ the members of a team.Instead of seeing my boys as losersI pushed and__34__them.I helped them to see themselves__35__and they built themselves into winners.
Winners are madenot born.
16A.luck        Btests
Cefforts      Dnature
17A.experiment      Bexperience
Cvisit      Dshow
18A.operating      Bediting
Cconsulting      Dcoaching
19A.successful      Bexcellent
Cstrong      Dnew
20A.cheer for      Bprepare for
Chelp with      Dfinish with
21A.believe      Bagree
Cdescribe      Dregret
22A.realize      Bclaim
Cpermit      Ddemand
23A.reacting to      Blooking for
Cdepending on      Dcaring about
24A.decision      Battitude
Cconclusion      Dintention
25A.pride      Bculture
Cfortune      Drelationship
26A.leaders      Bpartners
Cwinners      Dlearners
27A.rewards      Bvacations
Chealth      Dhonor
28A.risked      Bmissed
Cconsidered     Dpracticed
29A.defeat      Bdecline
Caccident      Dmistake
30A.relax      Bimprove
Cexpand      Ddefend
31A.shame      Bburden
Cvictory      Dfavor
32A.chances      Bthrills
Cconcerns      Doffers
33A.surprise      Bserve
Cinterest      Daffect
34A.encouraged      Bobserved
Cprotected      Dimpressed
35A.honestly      Bindividually
Ccalmly      Ddifferently
16解析:上文语境题。联系上句“No one is born a winner.(没有人天生是胜利者)”知,人们成为胜利者靠的是自己的努力(efforts)
17解析:下文语境题。联系倒数第二段中的“from the experience”知,从很多年前的一次经历(experience)中“我”明白了这个道理。
18解析:下文语境题。联系下一段中的“being the coach of the new team”(作为新队的教练)可知,“我”承担训练(coach)任务。
19解析:上下文语境题。联系空前的“old team”和下文的“being the coach of the new team”知,这是老队与新(new)队之间的比赛。
20解析:上文语境题。由空前提到的practice(训练)知,训练是为比赛做准备(prepare for)的。
21解析:上文语境题。上文提到“I was excited because I knew we were going to win”(我很兴奋,因为我知道我们将会赢),但最后“我们”队输了比赛,这个结果是作者不能接受的,
22解析:上文语境题。联系空前的“thinking hard about it”(仔细考虑)知,此处意为“我逐渐意识到(realize)……”。
23解析:上文语境题。联系空前的“my team might not be the number one team”(我的队可能不是最好的)but(表转折)知,他们依靠(depend on)“我”。
24解析:下文语境题。联系下段中“我”改变自己的做法以及倒数第二段中提到的in one spring是什么意思the attitude(态度)知,空格处是指“我”改变了对他们的态度(attitude)
25解析:上文语境题。联系空前的“I started doing anything I could to help them build a little”(我开始做力所能及的一切来帮助他们建立一些……)知,空格处应是一个褒义词,pride(自豪感)符合文意。
27解析:下文语境题。联系空后的“we met every day”(我们天天见面)“passing and kicking the football”(传球和踢球)知,其他的队在享受假期(vacation)时“我们”在训练。
28解析:下文语境题。联系空后的“passing and kicking the football”(传球和踢球)知,是在训练(practice)
29解析:上下文语境题。联系上文的“we were defeated”(我们被打败了)以及空后的“on the spring practice field”(在春季的训练场上)知,是承受了在春季训练场上的失败(defeat)
30解析:上文语境题。联系空前的“won our first game and our second”(赢了我们第一场比赛、我们第二场比赛)知,“我们”继续提高(improve)
31解析:下文语境题。联系空后的“even if we lost the game”(即使我们输了比赛)知,空格处指“与强队对决本身就是一个胜利(victory)”。
