1.Not only my parents but also I _____ deeply moved by the song The Road Home by Andy Liu at the 2015 Spring Festival Gala (春晚).
A.were    B.was    C.are    D.am
试题分析:句意:在2015年春晚不仅我而且我的父母都被刘德华演唱的‘回家的路’深深地感动了。not only…but also…,不仅……而且……,如果连接主语,谓语动词和紧挨着的主语保持一致。根据事情发生在春晚,可知用过去时态,谓语动词和I 保持一致,故选B。
2.It is reported that half of the China’s population __________ working in cities in 2015 to make money.
A.Are    B.is    C.was    D.were
句意:据报道,2015年中国有一半的人口在城市上班挣钱。考查主谓一致及时态。population常与定冠词the连用。作主语用时,谓语动词常用第三人称单数形式。当主语是表示人口百分之几时,谓语用复数。再由in 2015可知应用一般过去时。故选D。
3.________ my sister ________ I do well in our lessons. My mother is very proud of us.
A.Not;but    B.Neither;nor    C.Either;or    D.Both;and
句意:妹妹和我功课都很好。妈妈以我们为骄傲。not ... but ...不是……而是……;neither ... nor ...既不……也不……;either ... or ... 或者……或者……; 两者都。根据句意My mother is very proud of us可知,妹妹和我功课都很好,故选D。
4.        of the coats        made of cotton. They feel comfortable.
A.Two-thirds; is    B.Two-thirds; are
C.Two-third; is    D.Two –third; are
5.Some of the apples are bad, but I believe the rest______ sweet.
A.taste    B.tastes    C.are tasted    D.is tasted
试题分析:句意:一些苹果是坏的,但是剩下的一些还是很甜的。这里the rest代指的剩下的许多苹果,是复数,故排除B、D;又因为taste是系动词,不能用被动形式,故排除C;故选A。
6.The number of books in the bookshop is about 10,000 and a number of them
    about science.
A.is    B.was    C.are    D.Were
考查动词的用法。依据第一句中的谓语动词“is(一般现在时)”可推断出第二句的时态也应是一般现在时,故保留A和C项;由短语“a ”的谓语动词是复数,故选C。
7.—Mum,____ofthe apples____gone bad.
—We'd better eat up the rest as soon as possible.
A.one third; have    B.one thirds; have
C.one third; has    D.first three; has
8._______ a big party in our school in two weeks.
A.It is    B.It will be
C.There was    D.There is going to be
句意:在我们学校两周之后将有一个大的聚会。根据句意可知,译为“有”,用there be句型,排除A和B;且根据in two weeks可知,用一般将来时,故选D。
9.This museum____________ here for over 80 years. It____________ one of the oldest buildings in this city.
A.is; was    B.had been; is
C.was; has been    D.has been; is
10.Andy, with his parents,  Hong Kong, and some shopping  by them.
A.have gone to; will do    B.has gone to; will be done
C.have been to ; will do    D.has been to; do
【解析】句意:安迪和他的父母去了香港,他们将买一些东西。Andy是句子的主语,with his parents作状语,根据主谓一致的原则,首先排除A,C;have/has gone to表示某人去了某地,现在还没有回来,have/has been to表示某人去过某地,现已回来。根据by them判断,第二个句子是被动语态的句子,故答案为B。
11.There_____a coffee shop at the corner of the street. The coffee there tastes nice.
A.is    B.are    C.has    D.have
句意:街角有一家咖啡店,那里的咖啡味道很好。本题考查There be句型,先排除C和D,主语是a coffee shop 是单数形式,故be动词要用is。故选A。
12.The teenagers like the musician ____ different kinds of music.
A.who play    B.which plays    C.who plays    D.that play
试题分析:句意:青少年喜欢演奏不同种类音乐的音乐家。The musician是先行词,后面跟的是它的定语从句。先行词musician指人,用who、that引出定语从句,B错;关系词在定语从句中作主语,定语从句的谓语与先行词保持一致。musician是单数,谓语用单数:plays。故选C。
13.—Why are you in such a hurry, Mike?
—There ____________ an NBA basketball game in ten minutes.
A.will have    B.will be
C.is going to have    D.are going to be
试题分析:句意:-你为什么这么匆忙,迈克?-有在十分钟后有一场NBA篮球比赛。根据in ten minutes可知该用一般将来时。根据句意这里是一个There be句型。所以选B。
考点:考查There be句型的一般将来时。
14.—________ more and more foreigners coming to our country to learn Chinese?
—Of course. Because of the fast development, many foreign countries pay more attention t
o China.
A.will there be    B.will be there    C.Are there going to have
in one spring是什么意思
句意“-会有越来越多的外国人来我们的国家学汉语吗?-当然,由于快速的发展,许多其他国家更加关注中国”。本题考查there be用法。there be句型不与have连用,排除C。一般将来时为there will be,一般疑问句为will there be,故选A。
15.Dad, this phone is ringing, I guess either you or Mum  on the phone.
A.want    B.are wanted
C.wants    D.is wanted
试题分析:句意:我猜电话或者是你的或者是妈妈的。主语you or Mum是want的承受者,故句子用被动语态;either … or …连接并列主语,谓语动词根据就近原则故用is,故选D。
16.Neither Amy nor her parents ______ to Australia, but _______ of them know Australian customs very well.
A.have been, all    B.have been, both    C.has been, neither    D.has been, none
句意:艾米和她的父母都没去过澳大利亚,但他们都很了解澳大利亚的风俗习惯。考查动词时态和不定代词辨析题。Neither A nor B,表示两者都没有/都不,遵循就近原则;空格前面的parents(父母)是复数形式,不可用has,可排除CD两项。all全都;both两者都,Amy和her parents是两个方面,需用both。根据句意语境,可知选B。
