1.—________? (    )   
—They’re Sam’s.
A.Whose skirt is it
B.Whose gloves are they
C.Where are the trousers
2.That ________ a shirt and these ________ shorts. (    )
A.is; is    B.are; is    C.is; are
3.I’m thirsty. I want ________. (    )
A.to eat a pie    B.drink some water    C.to drink some water
4.Hi, Bobby. Let’s listen to some English.句中三个斜体单词划线部分发音与众不同的是:(    )
A.Hi    B.listen    C.English
5.—What’s the matter with _______ ? (    )
—He is ill.
A.he    B.his    C.him
6.The girl _______ a red dress is my good friend. (    )
A.in    B.with    C.on
7.He can’t ________ them, his hands ________. (    )
A.draws; hurt    B.draw; hurts    C.draw; hurt
8.It’s very hot ________ summer in Yangzhou. (    )
A.in    B.on    C.at
9.She can ________ cakes. (    )
A.makes    B.making    C.make
10.—Who’s the king of all the animals? (    )
A.The apple    B.The tiger    C.Mr Wang
11.—_______ that man? (   )
—_______ my English teacher.
A.What's; He's    B.Who; His    C.Who's; He's
12.—Look at the gloves. They're so big. _________ gloves are they? (    )
—They're my uncle's.
A.Whose    B.What    C.Who
13.The Science book is ________ the bedroom, ________ the chair. (   )
A.on; in    B.in; on    C.at; on
14.I have an ______________ lesson every week. (   )
A.swimming    B.dancing    C.English
15.—What ______ big fish it is! (    )
—Yes. I like ______ fish.
A./; /    B.a; the    C.a; /
16.Those _______ (peach) are sweet. I like _______ (it).
17.This _______ (be) a tree and these _______ (be) flowers.
18.Can you go _______ (fish) in winter?
19.Here _______ (be) some banana juice.
20.Look, my gloves _____ (be) so big.
21.Look at the jeans. They're _________ (David).
22.I can’t _____ (hear) you!  I’m sorry to hear that!
23.The women in red _______ (be) our teachers.
24.Tim _____ (have) lunch at twelve.
25.This is _____ (we) new timetable for today.
26.There are ______ (four) seasons in a year.
27.I see five ________ (horse).
28.How many ______ (sheep) do you have?
29.I like ______ (tomato).
30.Can you _______ (come) to school tomorrow?
He ______ four ______ lessons a week.
32.I ______ TV (看电视) on ______ (星期五) evening.
33.We ________ ________ (去划船) in spring.
34.—What’s the matter with _________ (他们)?
—They’re too _________ and _________ (又累又渴).
35.—Would you like _________ _________ (一些水)?
—No, thanks.
36.In _____ (春天), we fly kites in the park.
37.______________ (他的衬衫) is too big.
38.I _____ (have a birthday party/ watch TV) with my friends.
39.We make ________ in _________.
40.It’s twelve o'clock. It’s time for ______________.
Nancy: What day is it today?
Helen: It's Wednesday. What lessons do we have this afternoon?
Nancy: We have Science, English and Art.
Helen: Oh, I like Music very much. But we don't have Music today.
Nancy: We have a Music lesson tomorrow.
Helen: Great! Do you like Music?
Nancy: No, I don't. I like English.
41、This afternoon Nancy has ______ lesson. (    )
A.an English    B.a Maths    C.a PE
42、Today is ______. (    )
A.Tuesday    B.Wednesday    C.Thursday
43、Nancy has a Music lesson on ______. (    )
A.Saturday    B.Wednesday    C.Thursday
44、______ like(s) Music very much. (    )
A.Nancy    B.Helen    C.Nancy and Helen
45、Nancy likes ______. (    )
A.Art    B.Music    C.English
I’m Li Ming. My village is very beautiful. There are many mountains near my village. There is a forest in the mountains. It’s near my village. There are many big trees in the forest. Two bridges are over the river. The river is near my house. Look! There are many ducks and boats on the river. There are many fish in the river.
I love my village very much.
46、Where are the ducks? (  )
A.They are on the lake.    B.They are on the river.    C.They are on the mountain.
47、Are there any mountains near the village? (  )
A.Yes, there is.    B.Yes, there are.    C.No, there aren’t.
48、Is there a river in the village? (  )
A.Yes, there are.    B.No, there isn’t.    C.Yes, there is.
49、What’s in the forest? (  )
A.Li Ming’s house.    B.A bridge.    C.Some trees.
50、Does Li Ming like the village? (  )
A.Yes, he does.    B.Yes, he can.    C.Yes, he is.
One day, a monkey rides his bike near the river. There’s a lion under a tree. The lion runs at him. He is afraid and falls into the river. He can’t swim. He shouts. The rabbit hears him. He jumps into the river. The rabbit swims to the monkey, but he can’t help him. Luckily, an elephant comes along. He is very strong. He helps the rabbit and monkey. Three friends are very happy. They go to the elephant’s home and have a big meal. Then, three of them become good friends.
